NY home defense shooting 2 perps dead. Homeowner charged with felony for "unregistered" heirloom gun. UPDATE: ALL CHARGES DISMISSED

The specter of thousands of unregistered and "non-existent" AR-15's and "high capacity magazines" had to be gnawing at their self-preservation lizard brains when they were processing this case. This blatant mockery of their SAFE Act shows them that plenty of New York gun owners will be willing to take them on if they want to pull some bullshit.

This is why forums and modern communications are so integral to important causes. I bet some anonymous readers near and far had written letters to that DA's office encouraging them to do the right thing and not step on their own shoelaces...
The Gun Control Act of 1968 was a cowardly effort to avenge the murder of their favorite President.

When they found out how easy it was to done; they decided to ensure their own safety from the people they were afraid would some day grow to resent the corruption they engaged in on a daily basis. Preemption is the only way to do this effectively.

But the Constitution has been confounding the Authoritarians since 1780; and they've been chipping away at it ever since.

Today, we are witnessing their endgame.

What they want is not peaceful.

This will cause a giant disturbance in the Dem psyche. Stay armed my friends, stay armed. If you do not carry...start.

Solid words right there.

Even in times of almost complete calm and safety, I carry 99% of the time. Because there is no such thing as complete calm and safety. It takes but one terrorist fuckstain of any ideology, religious, political, or personal, to unleash hell upon innocent people anywhere. No country, and no society is immune to this type of shit.
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This will cause a giant disturbance in the Dem psyche. Stay armed my friends, stay armed. If you do not carry...start.
Doubtful, We in CNY are very Pro gun! No one wanted this man charged, and the community supported him from the very beginning. There is only 7 counties in Ny that are Liberal/Democratic. The rest if us are proudly pro 2nd Republicans!
in NYS, its just as easy to get your guns back, as it is to get removed from the Do Not Fly list.
1st you have to go petition the State Supreme Court ( $600 filling fee) wait at least 8-12 months, hire an attorney, ect. Now thats just to get you the court doc that you are cleared. But if you go try to buy a gun, guess what, your still flagged! Its 1 huge cluster Fuc*!!!!
All good points!

Of course, if you read the story, old boy still can't go home because his house in unlivable, which was one of the reasons they took him into custody. To care for him.
I bet he doesn't get his guns back.
And I wonder what will happen during his next background check for a firearm purchase?
in NYS, its just as easy to get your guns back, as it is to get removed from the Do Not Fly list.
1st you have to go petition the State Supreme Court ( $600 filling fee) wait at least 8-12 months, hire an attorney, ect. Now thats just to get you the court doc that you are cleared. But if you go try to buy a gun, guess what, your still flagged! Its 1 huge cluster Fuc*!!!!
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All good points!

The Empire State of Taxation (and potholes and bad roads) is more interested in milking some poor SOB's wallet than actually implementing some quasi-socialist rule. The corruption here is more foul and rancid than the depiction of the late 19th century factory slaughterhouses in The Jungle...
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Of course, if you read the story, old boy still can't go home because his house in unlivable, which was one of the reasons they took him into custody. To care for him.
WE are currently working with the local Codes Officer , and gathering up local carpenters, Masons, electricians, ect to volunteer their time to help repair his house if we find it repairable.