I have rarely been able to get mine to group. I’ve exhausted every possible avenue which has just been costly in monetary terms and time. After getting more professional advice I’ve returned it. My worry now is just how long it takes to get resolved.
Sorry to hear that man, I've never had a factory AI barrel that was a problem.

There are so many variables, some issues are a lot more sensitive than others. At the end of the day, everything should be assessed and overall - as an interested precision rifle shooter, everything is your fault.

Hand loads / factory ammo
Muzzle brake on / off
Cleaning style
Wind / environment
Optic quality
Torque specs adhered to
Personal shooting ability
Round count
Ammunition consistency
Accuracy expectations

Hopefully it comes back quickly and you can get down to business.
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For my job I’m a full-time scientist/nerd so establishing base lines of data is imperative to me. For an added kick in the balls for me, I was also the son of an aerospace engineer so making compromises has never been acceptable in data.

Factory ammo only - Hornady ELD Match, 140gr mostly from different batches. Also tried 120gr and Sako 136gr TRG

I tried to muzzle break after having no joy without one

Cleaning style as per instructions, all of my kit is Bore Tech

I shoot at the same rifle range every Sunday with the opportunity shoot at 100, 200 and 300 yards. Mostly I shot at 100 yards. Trying to get some accurate data. Also tried it in a tunnel too

Torque settings adhered to, fix it sticks with all the relevant torque bits

I’ve had coaching from some of the big industry celebrities. And had some of them try it too.

No damage that I’m aware off certainly nothing while he has been in my possession from new.

Round count I think is up around about 400+ rounds?

I appreciate consistency of ammunition is only as good as what they do at Hornady and Sako

My expectations on accuracy, or based upon one MOA at 100 yards. I’ve not consistently achieved that. Personally, I was hoping that it would shoot better than my Tikka Tac did. I haven’t even got similar yet… Let alone better.

I’m not attaching any emotion to this. And until the weekend I hadn’t even considered returning it. A professional with over 30 years shooting experience recommended that I do because things didn’t seem normal to him.

It happens, we aren’t in a perfect world, and even if you’re spending £5000 a rifle it doesn’t mean to say that every now and then there isn’t a blip.

All I hope is that I get quick resolution, as it’s mid season…
Head scratcher off the top....did you buy gun new?

1)take off the rear assembly and make sure (where the hinge would go) has all bolts torqued down correctly....this happened to me and a few others I know of, being loose.

2)Another thought is use a different scope and see what happens; could be scope internals, could be wobbly rail...etc.

3)Barrel is spun on hand tight then torqued to 49? brake/suppressor tight?

Shoot 3 groups of 5 (baseline rifle as is now, 1&3 done, 2 done) and post results maybe theres a shooting issue others can spot? from prone with bipod and rear bag. and a pic of gun perhaps just cuz!
Scope is a vortex PST Gen 2, with Vortex mounts.
Uh oh.
Years ago I had one of those (Gen 1 though) that totally ruined my load development efforts on a nice custom build. Things were going well then my groups started getting progressively bigger no matter what I tried, although I'd get the occasional nice group which further confused things. Then I noticed my zero was shifting from one day to the next. That's when the light came on - the scope was shifting POI with nearly every shot. It went from fine to totally crap between around 100-150 rounds since new. Definitely try another proven scope before sending the rifle back.
Uh oh.
Years ago I had one of those (Gen 1 though) that totally ruined my load development efforts on a nice custom build. Things were going well then my groups started getting progressively bigger no matter what I tried, although I'd get the occasional nice group which further confused things. Then I noticed my zero was shifting from one day to the next. That's when the light came on - the scope was shifting POI with nearly every shot. It went from fine to totally crap between around 100-150 rounds since new. Definitely try another proven scope before sending the rifle back.
Seems I got a Gen 1 too. Barrel is total shit.
Any updates to this?
Hi Buddy,

Good news and bad news for me. It went back to AI and from what I can understand they couldn’t get it to group either. So therefore they changed the barrel for a new one. From my side I wasn’t overly impressed with the group from the new barrel either, so long story short I’m getting a new AI altogether.

I appreciate even the big companies like AI can have problems. From my side, the main thing is how a person or an organisation learns from something like this, puts something in place to make sure it doesn’t happen again and moves on with an appropriate solution.
Hi Buddy,

Good news and bad news for me. It went back to AI and from what I can understand they couldn’t get it to group either. So therefore they changed the barrel for a new one. From my side I wasn’t overly impressed with the group from the new barrel either, so long story short I’m getting a new AI altogether.

I appreciate even the big companies like AI can have problems. From my side, the main thing is how a person or an organisation learns from something like this, puts something in place to make sure it doesn’t happen again and moves on with an appropriate solution.
I will keep you all posted on how I get on with the new one. One other thing I’m interested to know what everybody else did for the barrel breaking process. I was talking to a guy the other day and he just flat out confused me.
I will keep you all posted on how I get on with the new one. One other thing I’m interested to know what everybody else did for the barrel breaking process. I was talking to a guy the other day and he just flat out confused me.
This actually has helped me change my mind I had talked myself out of the atx but it’s nice to see they stand behind their products it’s back on the want list .
Hi Buddy,

Good news and bad news for me. It went back to AI and from what I can understand they couldn’t get it to group either. So therefore they changed the barrel for a new one. From my side I wasn’t overly impressed with the group from the new barrel either, so long story short I’m getting a new AI altogether.

I appreciate even the big companies like AI can have problems. From my side, the main thing is how a person or an organisation learns from something like this, puts something in place to make sure it doesn’t happen again and moves on with an appropriate solution.
This actually has helped me change my mind I had talked myself out of the atx but it’s nice to see they stand behind their products it’s back on the want list .
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@PlinkIt @Huskydriver not that I want to derail the thread too much but the ATX and AI AO (action and chassis only) are about the same weight. Smidge over 8lbs.
This is what I might end up running in the NRL Hunter match this month. And I’ve hunted with a fully kitted AXMC at 19-20lbs a few times. My regular hunting rifles at usually between 13-16lbs.
In regards to balance point, it’s all jacked up in this configuration, way too rear heavy. Realistically it balances right at 19-20lbs. My medium Palma barrel is too light.
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Again, not exact, but should be awfully close...maybe even heavier with that AX buttstock
Hey thanks I appreciate that! Plus that’s a heavy scope and bipod. Should be plenty of room to make sub 16 with the ATX buttstock I would think.

I’ve got two custom rifles, one which I rarely shoot that is my “lightweight” setup. I’m considering selling both for an ATX to have one do all setup with quick change for barrel changes etc.

Thanks again!
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So if you add back in a CF Proof around 3 lbs, you have almost 3 pounds to play with for bipod and can, right?
So if you add back in a CF Proof around 3 lbs, you have almost 3 pounds to play with for bipod and can, right?
yeah I’d say that’s right. I weighed my 26” proof the other day at 3.1 pounds and my Leupold MK5 in spuhr is only around 40 ounces total, so maybe more than 3 pounds to play with.
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A cry for help, has anyone here installed the folding hinge on their ATX and dont mind answering a couple install questions? Would much appreciate it
Edit number 2 or 3. Since this is the official tacked thread.
Here’s an essential accessory :

Hey! Where da hinges at ?

And can we get torque wrench’s to the factory ?

Awesome rifle otherwise let my terrible self win the barricade stage multiple times.

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Crap are these off color ^ ? I don’t need banned again. I have no chill.

Edit to add a wallet pick as ole @reubenski calls em

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What length is the barrel on bottom pic?
Does anyone have an exploded view of the cheek riser mechanism? This is a part of my rifle that fell out at the range. It's a broken piece from the mechanism that grips the cheek riser post as the thumb screw is tightened.

I'd like to see the part diagram so I can describe it to Mile High tomorrow.


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Stupid question, when installing an AT into the ATX chassis, does the trigger use the clamp plate and/or do you have to separate the chassis to install the rear action screws?
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