OK. I'm looking to purchase the same setup you purchased back in January. Now that you have a few months in, would you have done anything differently? Just asking for any advice you would have since your purchase. Thanks in advance.
Honestly: I think I would have done covert to save the weight.
I love the setup. My first true high-end rifle. Prior to this was an off the shelf Remington 700ADL. And I took that to 1000.
This is a great rifle. I like my Athlon on top (it's reasonably priced, it's functional, and it did what i asked.)
The first time I took it out to Thunder Valley was only the second time I've shot to distance, and the first time I pulled the trigger on the DTA.
I bore-sighted, dialed corrections to steel, got dope, and within 20 rounds had walked out to 1000 and back to 200 with everything tracking great on 6.5 Creedmoor. DOPE acquired. TRASOL worked well out to 1000. Made hits boringly predictable.
I switched barrels to .338LM, Missed at 300 (unfired barrel, no data, just getting data). First time I had even put the barrel in. Didn't know POI shift.
Corrected. Hit 300.
Dialed 600. Hit 600.
Dialed 1000, Missed off right ear.
Corrected my wind call. Hit dead center head of IPSC. On Round #5. Ever.
I took it out a few days back in my backyard range on steel at 100, and after sending round after round after round of 6.5 Creedmoor into the same point, had an area no bigger than my thumbnail with bullet strikes visible.
The rifle is amazing.
She's a heavy beast. She's well balanced. I would like to try the shorter setup just for kicks.
I'm bringing it Elk Hunting in 6 weeks.