2013 Sniper's Hide Cup
Official "Thank You" Thread to All, Sponsors, Competitors and Match Coordinators
The 2013 Sniper's Hide Cup is officially in the books and want to thank the following people, this is in no specific order, simply how my brain formulated the thoughts.
I want to first all, thank all the competitors, you guys were safe, professional and fun to be around all week. The conditions changed from what seemed like hourly at times, the cold, drizzle and wind of Thursday to Sunny 80's with very light winds on Saturday. It was a perfect mix to test your skills under a variety of conditions. The targets were small and not easy to find, still you all stepped up and made it a heck of a match.
The goal was to have a safe, fun week, and with 126 shooters, 150 targets, not including the pistol stages, we only had a single stage DQ. We all appreciate the care taken with your weapons handling. Bravo.
Land Owners
To Darrin & Travis, we sincerely appreciate you allowing us to use your property and shoot up the countryside. Thanks for supporting the match and being part of it. You guys are a ton of fun to be around.
Range Officers
To all the volunteer Range Officers, the match would not be what it is without you. We can plan a match of any size & scope, but if we don't have the Range Officers to help it would never get off the ground. You guys were great. I am glad we were able to raffle a rifle off to you, thanks to Surgeon Rifles for providing a great Rifle that went to a very nice guy. To anyone who is thinking about helping at a match, or not sure of the benefit, let me just say it is worth it. You learn so much by watching, and it's an important job. I was glad to see so many competitors thank the ROs after shooting their stage, it just shows the caliber of shooters we have. Remember in a way this is Sport's Entertainment, it's not only the ROs job to make sure everything runs safe, but to help the competitor have a good time. The more shooters we have, the more important the range officers are, so pat yourselves on the back, and thank you again.
Want to thank Josh & Josh of BattleLine too, they came up at the last minute to help out and were outstanding range Officers. Along with Greg B they were really on top of things when it came to helping out, bringing items from the Hotel to the range and RO'ing the Night Shoots and Demo Days.
Competition Dynamics
To Zak, Jeff, Ann, Ray & Jimmie, I want to thank you guys for once again putting on a well oiled event. You guys have this down, and it has allowed us to go from hosting less than 100 shooters last year to over 120 shooters this time. We gained 40 shooters and the timeline did not change a minute. Each section was finished in 3.5 Hours, that is smooth. I hope we can expand and adjust for next year making it even bigger and better.
Ann, thanks for managing the sponsors and prizes, it's a much bigger job than most would realize.
Ray & Jimmie, you guys rock, the effort was huge. Not only in running (literally for Jimmie) the event, but plugging any holes and fixing any issues on the fly. Thanks !
Jeff & Zak, I appreciate you incorporating elements I requested, it goes a long way.
Everyone should understand this is not the only event Competition Dynamics hosts, they put on several events throughout the year, from the Adventure Race to the Team Challenge and all are well executed. So if you attended the Cup and liked the way it ran, know you have several other events that are very different in concept but equal in quality.
I want to thank all the sponsors, this year we grew by 40 shooters from last year and all of you stepped up big time to help.
I want to say to anyone reading this, please support these sponsors listed below and to individually thank them via email, or even on their FaceBook Pages. It's important we acknowledge their support and effort. If you do just say "thank you" in this post, please copy and paste the complete sponsor list so the search engines will pick it up for them.
Individually I want to personally thank the following for showing up and supporting the match in person, I know I may miss a few of you, as a lot of guys who had companies that shot the match, also supported the match.
George Gardner, it was 10 years this year that George has been supporting the match with is generosity and attendance. it was his first SHC Win in all that time. Still he always had a rifle in his hand for the prize table. He has a been a true friend to not only me but all the shooters as well as this community.
Jon Geib & McMillan, this was the first year they've attended, to include the Demo Day with the Alias Star Rifle. We decided to award the Top 308 Shooter this rifle and it was a perfect match. A former 3rd Bat Ranger who had received 2 purple hearts won this rifle. Joe was shooting a 308 with 168s and was top in class. McMillan stepped up big and their rifle is awesome. I know I personally ordered one at SHOT SHOW as soon as I given the rundown about it. Check out the Specs: McMillan ALIAS Rifle System | Custom Rifle Configuration Also thank you to Kelly & Ryan McMillan for allowing Jon to attend as well as Compete in the match. It's a near perfect match rifle for anyone interested in going in this direction.
Ashbury Precision Ordnance, another first time at the Cup, I really want to thank them for sending Matt down to let people go hands on their new products as well as the Vectronix stuff. I am hoping they increase in their support and allow Matt to compete next year, I think it's a perfect fit for the SH Crowd, as well as the Cup.
Barrett, they have been a long time SHC Supporter and again this year they sent Will Riba to the match. He is an awesome ambassador for the sport and Barrett themselves. The best part of their participation was seeing the face on the winner of the MRAD. Priceless !
Bartlein Barrels, they put several barrels on the table as well as helped fill in the Gaps on a stage. They acted as ROs when necessary and were there to support us and the shooters in a big way. There are several reasons why Bartlein makes the best barrels, this is just one of them.
Steiner, huge support from Steiner, the "Official Scope of the 2013 Sniper's Hide Cup" . Not only did they put huge certificates on the table, Dennis acted as RO on Alpha 2 and they provided all the ROs binoculars who needed them. Then to sweeten the pot, they allowed the ROs to buy the $800+ binos for $250, raffling off any that were left over to the competitors. Their new line of tactical scopes are excellent, from the 3-15x to 5-25x, if you're in the market for a new scope, I highly recommend you check out the Steiner line. They showed up, shot the match and supported us with a Range Officer, that is big in this industry where most choose to view from afar. The Steiner Shooting Team also had the Top Female Shooter, Jesse D, clearly they are an innovator in this segment.
Mile High Shooting Accessories, again this year Mile High stepped up big. They printed all the Match Shirts, both for the competitors and Range Officers, as well they sent Adam & Jeremy up to the match. This was Adam's first tactical match of this type and he did excellent placing well in the rankings. Jeremy was there for demo day as well as helped out around the HQ. This should be a clue to those companies looking on asking how they do so well within the community. The hands on support goes a long way. When your customer can put a face to a name and see you interacting with them on the range. I want to personally thank Diann & Randy for their continued support as well as letting the guys come up.
Vortex Optics, a very common theme, Scott Parks from Vortex Optics is at every match you can imagine. Vortex continues to be a huge supporter of the site and our competitions.
Kahles / Khaybes Optics, Ken Pratt again made sure he was present at the Cup. Kahles is out there listening and improving. Their new scopes were in Customs at the time, but we used the Gen 1s on the Night Stage rifles. They gave away one scope and put a 40% certificate on the table for another.
MOD Armory, this year we had an Optional Night Shoot put on by MOD Armory and Peter Lesbo from I2 Technologies & Systems Integrations. Over 80 shooters attended the Night Shoot which was held on Thursday & Friday. First Prize for the shoot was a compete PVS 14 kit, as well as some other goodies were given away. Over years people always looked down at shooting at night, so we made it optional and it was a huge success. We had Camille on hand to answer any questions and Hunter as well as Scott. They brought a host of NV related toys and every one who attended was able to get hands on. The event consisted of 3 targets at 287 yards, 425 yards and 610 yards, (6" targets by the way) and using just the reticle the shooters had to hit all 3 as fast as possible. The winner did this in 13.3 seconds with the second place shooter doing it in 17 seconds. It was a ton of fun for everyone and now that we got the first one under our belt look for us to improve on this Night Event with a bit bigger targets
. Thanks again to MOD, their presences was much appreciated, I really enjoyed it.
Optics Planet, this was also the first year for Optics Planet, they stepped up big giving each competitor a tactical sling bag. It was excellent quality and quite handy to have around. We really appreciate them being a contributing sponsor this year. It went a long way to touching each and every competitor who easily went home with twice as much in swag as they paid for the match.
Mac's Gunworks & Shooters, Big Mac was there everyday with his family cooking Hamburgers & Hot Dogs for the competitors. When you came off the line around lunch you had a hot meal waiting every day. This was big. We really appreciate them supporting the event and please support their efforts in WY. http://www.snipershide.com/shooting...cal-rifle-championship-recap.html#post2522252
There are so many too mention, if I forgot you it was not on purpose and I am happy to edit the lists.
Mark from Short Action Customs
RBros were on hand
Short Bus was there
High Desert Tactical
Ployhar Precision
Nick Young & Russ from Desert Tactical Arms were on hand competing (All hail the beard)
Guys from 3rd Gen Shooting
Josh from Copper Creek Ammo was there, always fun with Josh the Jet !
The list as I have it so far:
2013 Sniper's Hide Cup
Gold Level Sponsors
AA Targets -- AA TARGETS - [email protected]
Ashbury Precision Ordnance -- Welcome! | Ashbury Precision Ordnance, Mfg. - Contact Us | Ashbury Precision Ordnance, Mfg.
Barrett -- Barrett - [email protected]
Electronic Shooter's Protection -- Shooting Ear Protection | Digital Hearing Protection | ESP America - [email protected]
GA Precision -- Home - GA Precision - [email protected]
McMillan -- Custom Hunting Rifles, Long Range Hunting Rifles, Tactical Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Actions - [email protected]
Mile High Shooting Accessories -- Mile High Shooting Accessories - [email protected]
Nightforce Optics -- Nightforce Optics, Inc. | Precision Optics for Precision Shooting - [email protected]
Steiner -- Riflescope | Steiner -- The Binocular-Specialists - [email protected]
Surgeon Rifles -- Home | Surgeon Rifles - [email protected]
ThunderBeast Arms Company -- Thunder Beast Arms Corporation [TBAC] | Long Range Experts | Specializing in Titanium Silencers - [email protected]
Silver Level Sponsors
Global Defense Initiatives -- Global Defense Initiatives (GDI) manufacturer of optic sight mounts - [email protected]
LongRifles. Inc -- LongRifles, Inc. - [email protected]
MOD Armory -- MODArmory, For All your Defense Needs - [email protected]
Optics Planet -- OpticsPlanet.com | Low Prices, Free S&H on Binoculars, Sunglasses, Night Vision Goggles, Riflescopes, Flashlights, Rangefinders - Hunting, Outdoor, Science & Military - [email protected]
US Optics -- U.S. OPTICS - Engineered for Extreme Performance - [email protected]
Vortex Optics -- Vortex Optics - Home -- [email protected]
Bronze Level
Bartlein Barrels -- [email protected]
Bushnell Tactical -- [email protected]
Desert Tactical Arms -- [email protected]
Hornady Ammunition -- [email protected]
JC Steel Targets -- [email protected]
Kahles, Khaybes Optics -- [email protected]
Mac's Gunworks & Shooters -- [email protected]
Rifles Only -- [email protected]
Silencerco -- [email protected]
Surefire -- [email protected]
Tactical Coordination -- [email protected]
Associate Level
Accuracy International [email protected]
Big Dog Steel -- [email protected]
Brownells -- [email protected]
B&T Industries -- [email protected]
Evolution Gun Works -- [email protected]
Freedom Gunworks -- [email protected]
HomeWrecker Shotguns -- [email protected]
Impact Databooks -- [email protected]
Custom Gun Coatings -- [email protected]
Krieger Barrels -- [email protected]
Liberty Arms -- [email protected]
Line Stretch -- [email protected]
Lapua -- [email protected]
Kinetic Research Group -- [email protected]
Manners Composite Stocks -- [email protected]
Phoenix Custom Rifles -- [email protected]
Precision Rifles Series -- [email protected]
Patriot Rifle Cases -- [email protected]
Pro-Preciion Rifles -- [email protected]
RBros Rifles -- [email protected]
Riflecraft -- About | RifleCraft
Sierra Bullets -- [email protected]
Sinclairs -- [email protected]
Score High Gunsmithing -- [email protected]
Storm Tactical -- Contact Storm Tactical
Tactical Intervention Specialist -- [email protected]
TNVC - [email protected]
Triad Tactical -- [email protected]
Trigger Time Gun Club -- [email protected]
US Gunworks -- [email protected]
Seekins Precision - Glen Seekins
Oakland Tactical
Borka Enterprises
Short Action Customs - Mark Gordon. [email protected] He was a competitor as well.
XLR Industries - Kyle Miller 970 985 9150 [email protected]
The Better Optics Company - 985 375 1186
Hells Canyon Armory
CS Tactical - Mike Cecil [email protected]
Branden Burkhart - Short-bus on the Hide. 816 805 6725
Aadland Engineering, LLC - [email protected]
Hollywood Tactical Arms - Kris Lawrence 954 894 4127
Badger Ordnance -
Battleline Industries - Josh @Battlelineindustries.com - They RO'd too.
Ceylon Blackwell (3 eberlestock packs)
Julio Maldonado - 832 519 5041
Copper Creek Ammo - Josh Lapin
Wiggys -- [email protected]
Victor Company -- [email protected]
XS Sights -- [email protected]
TargetCam - [email protected]
Official "Thank You" Thread to All, Sponsors, Competitors and Match Coordinators
The 2013 Sniper's Hide Cup is officially in the books and want to thank the following people, this is in no specific order, simply how my brain formulated the thoughts.
I want to first all, thank all the competitors, you guys were safe, professional and fun to be around all week. The conditions changed from what seemed like hourly at times, the cold, drizzle and wind of Thursday to Sunny 80's with very light winds on Saturday. It was a perfect mix to test your skills under a variety of conditions. The targets were small and not easy to find, still you all stepped up and made it a heck of a match.
The goal was to have a safe, fun week, and with 126 shooters, 150 targets, not including the pistol stages, we only had a single stage DQ. We all appreciate the care taken with your weapons handling. Bravo.
Land Owners
To Darrin & Travis, we sincerely appreciate you allowing us to use your property and shoot up the countryside. Thanks for supporting the match and being part of it. You guys are a ton of fun to be around.
Range Officers
To all the volunteer Range Officers, the match would not be what it is without you. We can plan a match of any size & scope, but if we don't have the Range Officers to help it would never get off the ground. You guys were great. I am glad we were able to raffle a rifle off to you, thanks to Surgeon Rifles for providing a great Rifle that went to a very nice guy. To anyone who is thinking about helping at a match, or not sure of the benefit, let me just say it is worth it. You learn so much by watching, and it's an important job. I was glad to see so many competitors thank the ROs after shooting their stage, it just shows the caliber of shooters we have. Remember in a way this is Sport's Entertainment, it's not only the ROs job to make sure everything runs safe, but to help the competitor have a good time. The more shooters we have, the more important the range officers are, so pat yourselves on the back, and thank you again.
Want to thank Josh & Josh of BattleLine too, they came up at the last minute to help out and were outstanding range Officers. Along with Greg B they were really on top of things when it came to helping out, bringing items from the Hotel to the range and RO'ing the Night Shoots and Demo Days.
Competition Dynamics
To Zak, Jeff, Ann, Ray & Jimmie, I want to thank you guys for once again putting on a well oiled event. You guys have this down, and it has allowed us to go from hosting less than 100 shooters last year to over 120 shooters this time. We gained 40 shooters and the timeline did not change a minute. Each section was finished in 3.5 Hours, that is smooth. I hope we can expand and adjust for next year making it even bigger and better.
Ann, thanks for managing the sponsors and prizes, it's a much bigger job than most would realize.
Ray & Jimmie, you guys rock, the effort was huge. Not only in running (literally for Jimmie) the event, but plugging any holes and fixing any issues on the fly. Thanks !
Jeff & Zak, I appreciate you incorporating elements I requested, it goes a long way.
Everyone should understand this is not the only event Competition Dynamics hosts, they put on several events throughout the year, from the Adventure Race to the Team Challenge and all are well executed. So if you attended the Cup and liked the way it ran, know you have several other events that are very different in concept but equal in quality.
I want to thank all the sponsors, this year we grew by 40 shooters from last year and all of you stepped up big time to help.
I want to say to anyone reading this, please support these sponsors listed below and to individually thank them via email, or even on their FaceBook Pages. It's important we acknowledge their support and effort. If you do just say "thank you" in this post, please copy and paste the complete sponsor list so the search engines will pick it up for them.
Individually I want to personally thank the following for showing up and supporting the match in person, I know I may miss a few of you, as a lot of guys who had companies that shot the match, also supported the match.
George Gardner, it was 10 years this year that George has been supporting the match with is generosity and attendance. it was his first SHC Win in all that time. Still he always had a rifle in his hand for the prize table. He has a been a true friend to not only me but all the shooters as well as this community.
Jon Geib & McMillan, this was the first year they've attended, to include the Demo Day with the Alias Star Rifle. We decided to award the Top 308 Shooter this rifle and it was a perfect match. A former 3rd Bat Ranger who had received 2 purple hearts won this rifle. Joe was shooting a 308 with 168s and was top in class. McMillan stepped up big and their rifle is awesome. I know I personally ordered one at SHOT SHOW as soon as I given the rundown about it. Check out the Specs: McMillan ALIAS Rifle System | Custom Rifle Configuration Also thank you to Kelly & Ryan McMillan for allowing Jon to attend as well as Compete in the match. It's a near perfect match rifle for anyone interested in going in this direction.
Ashbury Precision Ordnance, another first time at the Cup, I really want to thank them for sending Matt down to let people go hands on their new products as well as the Vectronix stuff. I am hoping they increase in their support and allow Matt to compete next year, I think it's a perfect fit for the SH Crowd, as well as the Cup.
Barrett, they have been a long time SHC Supporter and again this year they sent Will Riba to the match. He is an awesome ambassador for the sport and Barrett themselves. The best part of their participation was seeing the face on the winner of the MRAD. Priceless !
Bartlein Barrels, they put several barrels on the table as well as helped fill in the Gaps on a stage. They acted as ROs when necessary and were there to support us and the shooters in a big way. There are several reasons why Bartlein makes the best barrels, this is just one of them.
Steiner, huge support from Steiner, the "Official Scope of the 2013 Sniper's Hide Cup" . Not only did they put huge certificates on the table, Dennis acted as RO on Alpha 2 and they provided all the ROs binoculars who needed them. Then to sweeten the pot, they allowed the ROs to buy the $800+ binos for $250, raffling off any that were left over to the competitors. Their new line of tactical scopes are excellent, from the 3-15x to 5-25x, if you're in the market for a new scope, I highly recommend you check out the Steiner line. They showed up, shot the match and supported us with a Range Officer, that is big in this industry where most choose to view from afar. The Steiner Shooting Team also had the Top Female Shooter, Jesse D, clearly they are an innovator in this segment.
Mile High Shooting Accessories, again this year Mile High stepped up big. They printed all the Match Shirts, both for the competitors and Range Officers, as well they sent Adam & Jeremy up to the match. This was Adam's first tactical match of this type and he did excellent placing well in the rankings. Jeremy was there for demo day as well as helped out around the HQ. This should be a clue to those companies looking on asking how they do so well within the community. The hands on support goes a long way. When your customer can put a face to a name and see you interacting with them on the range. I want to personally thank Diann & Randy for their continued support as well as letting the guys come up.
Vortex Optics, a very common theme, Scott Parks from Vortex Optics is at every match you can imagine. Vortex continues to be a huge supporter of the site and our competitions.
Kahles / Khaybes Optics, Ken Pratt again made sure he was present at the Cup. Kahles is out there listening and improving. Their new scopes were in Customs at the time, but we used the Gen 1s on the Night Stage rifles. They gave away one scope and put a 40% certificate on the table for another.
MOD Armory, this year we had an Optional Night Shoot put on by MOD Armory and Peter Lesbo from I2 Technologies & Systems Integrations. Over 80 shooters attended the Night Shoot which was held on Thursday & Friday. First Prize for the shoot was a compete PVS 14 kit, as well as some other goodies were given away. Over years people always looked down at shooting at night, so we made it optional and it was a huge success. We had Camille on hand to answer any questions and Hunter as well as Scott. They brought a host of NV related toys and every one who attended was able to get hands on. The event consisted of 3 targets at 287 yards, 425 yards and 610 yards, (6" targets by the way) and using just the reticle the shooters had to hit all 3 as fast as possible. The winner did this in 13.3 seconds with the second place shooter doing it in 17 seconds. It was a ton of fun for everyone and now that we got the first one under our belt look for us to improve on this Night Event with a bit bigger targets
Optics Planet, this was also the first year for Optics Planet, they stepped up big giving each competitor a tactical sling bag. It was excellent quality and quite handy to have around. We really appreciate them being a contributing sponsor this year. It went a long way to touching each and every competitor who easily went home with twice as much in swag as they paid for the match.
Mac's Gunworks & Shooters, Big Mac was there everyday with his family cooking Hamburgers & Hot Dogs for the competitors. When you came off the line around lunch you had a hot meal waiting every day. This was big. We really appreciate them supporting the event and please support their efforts in WY. http://www.snipershide.com/shooting...cal-rifle-championship-recap.html#post2522252
There are so many too mention, if I forgot you it was not on purpose and I am happy to edit the lists.
Mark from Short Action Customs
RBros were on hand
Short Bus was there
High Desert Tactical
Ployhar Precision
Nick Young & Russ from Desert Tactical Arms were on hand competing (All hail the beard)
Guys from 3rd Gen Shooting
Josh from Copper Creek Ammo was there, always fun with Josh the Jet !
The list as I have it so far:
2013 Sniper's Hide Cup
Gold Level Sponsors
AA Targets -- AA TARGETS - [email protected]
Ashbury Precision Ordnance -- Welcome! | Ashbury Precision Ordnance, Mfg. - Contact Us | Ashbury Precision Ordnance, Mfg.
Barrett -- Barrett - [email protected]
Electronic Shooter's Protection -- Shooting Ear Protection | Digital Hearing Protection | ESP America - [email protected]
GA Precision -- Home - GA Precision - [email protected]
McMillan -- Custom Hunting Rifles, Long Range Hunting Rifles, Tactical Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Actions - [email protected]
Mile High Shooting Accessories -- Mile High Shooting Accessories - [email protected]
Nightforce Optics -- Nightforce Optics, Inc. | Precision Optics for Precision Shooting - [email protected]
Steiner -- Riflescope | Steiner -- The Binocular-Specialists - [email protected]
Surgeon Rifles -- Home | Surgeon Rifles - [email protected]
ThunderBeast Arms Company -- Thunder Beast Arms Corporation [TBAC] | Long Range Experts | Specializing in Titanium Silencers - [email protected]
Silver Level Sponsors
Global Defense Initiatives -- Global Defense Initiatives (GDI) manufacturer of optic sight mounts - [email protected]
LongRifles. Inc -- LongRifles, Inc. - [email protected]
MOD Armory -- MODArmory, For All your Defense Needs - [email protected]
Optics Planet -- OpticsPlanet.com | Low Prices, Free S&H on Binoculars, Sunglasses, Night Vision Goggles, Riflescopes, Flashlights, Rangefinders - Hunting, Outdoor, Science & Military - [email protected]
US Optics -- U.S. OPTICS - Engineered for Extreme Performance - [email protected]
Vortex Optics -- Vortex Optics - Home -- [email protected]
Bronze Level
Bartlein Barrels -- [email protected]
Bushnell Tactical -- [email protected]
Desert Tactical Arms -- [email protected]
Hornady Ammunition -- [email protected]
JC Steel Targets -- [email protected]
Kahles, Khaybes Optics -- [email protected]
Mac's Gunworks & Shooters -- [email protected]
Rifles Only -- [email protected]
Silencerco -- [email protected]
Surefire -- [email protected]
Tactical Coordination -- [email protected]
Associate Level
Accuracy International [email protected]
Big Dog Steel -- [email protected]
Brownells -- [email protected]
B&T Industries -- [email protected]
Evolution Gun Works -- [email protected]
Freedom Gunworks -- [email protected]
HomeWrecker Shotguns -- [email protected]
Impact Databooks -- [email protected]
Custom Gun Coatings -- [email protected]
Krieger Barrels -- [email protected]
Liberty Arms -- [email protected]
Line Stretch -- [email protected]
Lapua -- [email protected]
Kinetic Research Group -- [email protected]
Manners Composite Stocks -- [email protected]
Phoenix Custom Rifles -- [email protected]
Precision Rifles Series -- [email protected]
Patriot Rifle Cases -- [email protected]
Pro-Preciion Rifles -- [email protected]
RBros Rifles -- [email protected]
Riflecraft -- About | RifleCraft
Sierra Bullets -- [email protected]
Sinclairs -- [email protected]
Score High Gunsmithing -- [email protected]
Storm Tactical -- Contact Storm Tactical
Tactical Intervention Specialist -- [email protected]
TNVC - [email protected]
Triad Tactical -- [email protected]
Trigger Time Gun Club -- [email protected]
US Gunworks -- [email protected]
Seekins Precision - Glen Seekins
Oakland Tactical
Borka Enterprises
Short Action Customs - Mark Gordon. [email protected] He was a competitor as well.
XLR Industries - Kyle Miller 970 985 9150 [email protected]
The Better Optics Company - 985 375 1186
Hells Canyon Armory
CS Tactical - Mike Cecil [email protected]
Branden Burkhart - Short-bus on the Hide. 816 805 6725
Aadland Engineering, LLC - [email protected]
Hollywood Tactical Arms - Kris Lawrence 954 894 4127
Badger Ordnance -
Battleline Industries - Josh @Battlelineindustries.com - They RO'd too.
Ceylon Blackwell (3 eberlestock packs)
Julio Maldonado - 832 519 5041
Copper Creek Ammo - Josh Lapin
Wiggys -- [email protected]
Victor Company -- [email protected]
XS Sights -- [email protected]
TargetCam - [email protected]