I have the axsr and the desert tech... Both are pretty awesome. At the range I'd take either gun, but if I were carrying it to hunt, I'd take the desert tech every time. It's lighter, and the compactness of it is stellar for carrying through the woods, especially with a supressor attached. Also great for getting in and out of vehicles. You can fold the stock on the axsr, so if you're carrying it on a pack the length difference doesn't matter as much, but on a sling or in your hands, the desert tech is markedly more compact. Folding the stock doesn't make the AI any lighter, though!

But neither gun is a feather weight.
Both guns are stellar multi caliber platforms, but the availability of a 223 conversion on the DT is a huge bonus. That's my favorite configuration to shoot that gun in. The axsr shines with magnum calibers, where the extra weight is welcomed... Especially if I don't need to carry it any further than the range. Mine pretty much sits in the 300 PRC configuration.
The AI bolt is smoother to run than the DT, and I suppose if I were sitting at the range all day dumping tons of rounds, that might start to matter... Maybe... But after I start shooting the DT, I don't really think about it, so it's not like it is physically challenging or anything.
Yes, the overall quality of the AI is very high, but I've never considered the quality of the DT to be low. I don't really get the "Ferrari vs Civic" comparisons people have brought up... Both guns are pretty stellar. I think the real differences come down to the feel of a bullpup bolt vs the feel of a standard action. The trigger on the DT is pretty awesome... And not just for a bullpup. There's a plastic shell on the DT... Which gives it a weight advantage, so I consider this a purposeful design choice, not a lack of quality.
The mechanics of using a bullpup vs a standard action may be a deciding factor for some, but it doesn't really matter much to me. I do think it's worth getting behind one to decide if you are cool with the feel of the bullpup. I'd bet most people could get used to it with use, even if it feels weird to you at first.
For your described uses of the gun, I'd get the DT. Availability of the 223 conversion and being lighter and more compact for carrying are the biggest advantages. Having great local support is also a great thing. Not having to wait for the rifle or caliber conversions would push me to the DT over the AI, too, if I were in your shoes.