Ok… let’s say Pedo Joe drops out…


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
So the first Congress-weenie (a 30 year douche bag from Lyndon Johnson’s district) has called for Pedo Joe to step aside.

Ok.. I like to think of myself as somewhat well-versed.

But how does that happen with legal frameworks? Or is the party not covered by
Legal frameworks?

What about states where Pedo-boy is already on ballot? Can it be changed?

Is Kamala the slave-owner (well her granddad) automatically elevated? I think not. But… what?

What happens if pedo Joe suddenly has dirt on Hillary? How does that get replaced?

Can Big Mike or Oprah just suddenly… step in?

Someone step in, please and walk through the machinations.


PS… what about them special “superdelegates? Can everyone hit switch in Chicago? Curious and a bit… looking for insight!
The consensus is that the only "sure fire" way for it to happen is if FJB himself, steps down. That, or they are successful with the 25th (which I don't think they could be). In either of those cases, KH immediately becomes POTUS 🤮. This, for the remainder of FJB's term. It would also free the currently committed delegates to vote for whom they choose. Honestly, I don't see how any state could put a candidate on General Election ballots before the nominating conventions. If he only "drops out" of the race, then they get to nominate someone else at convention. We'll see.

It's why we need to keep him on the ballot. For a number of different reasons.
The way it actually works with the ballots is that voters are told that they need to select his name in order to cast a vote for whoever the actual nominee is. His name would remain on the ballot.
The way it actually works with the ballots is that voters are told that they need to select his name in order to cast a vote for whoever the actual nominee is. His name would remain on the ballot.
Kinda like you have to vote for X before we can tell you who it is?? Sounds like another Nancy Pelosi moment.
Reading many news outlets near & far for about 3 hrs this afternoon, it appears to me the US is quickly falling into the un-cunted category. The riff between the three letters, and the military over the last 15 years, seems to be about to spill over.

That has the potential to be interesting and perhaps even for the good of the country.
But I would think that for anything meaningful to happen, somebody would have to make sure the top brass in the military are all carrying a Sig P320 in a holster on their side...
Pedo Joe can't drop out. If he is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve out the remainder of his term in office. He will be removed and kumalia takes over if he drops out of the race.

The main reason is they already have the fradulent ballots with Pedo Joe's name on them. Joe's debate performance really fucked up the fake ballot count. Its going to be hard to know how many votes that cost Joe state by state.
Is Kamala a natural born citizen? I'm hearing things that suggest she doesn't qualify for POTUS.

If she qualified to be VP she can be President.

Her and the Kenyan both have shady backgrounds… what a shock. That’s how Manchurian candidates work.

But I don’t think citizenship is any issue at all. Just another thing to throw at the wall and see if it sticks enough to shave a few more votes or funding $$$ off.

What “is” amusing is that she is not African American. Her family traces roots back to India and were slave-owning tea planters in the Caribbean for generations. Look up the ist of Kamala Harris family slaves! It’s long!

If she qualified to be VP she can be President.

Her and the Kenyan both have shady backgrounds… what a shock. That’s how Manchurian candidates work.

But I don’t think citizenship is any issue at all. Just another thing to throw at the wall and see if it sticks enough to shave a few more votes or funding $$$ off.

What “is” amusing is that she is not African American. Her family traces roots back to India and were slave-owning tea planters in the Caribbean for generations. Look up the ist of Kamala Harris family slaves! It’s long!

Let me guess. The same people who checked her qualifications for VP also are the same ones who checked the Kenyan?

You heard it here first…

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Is Kamala a natural born citizen? I'm hearing things that suggest she doesn't qualify for POTUS.

To think that is now an 8 year old clip… such a crone!!!!

She probably gets shot full of the same joy juice as Biden before every talk!

Man… Bill should have ditched her line a hot rock the day after Bush was inaugurated…. Think of all the pooter he could have had over the years!

But nope… he chose power over a good life!

Most people are treating this debate like it wasn't a planned event. It has been no small secret that Joe is an idiot, this goes back decades. Why do you think he didn't campaign during the 2020 election cycle? IMHO The handlers knew exactly what was going to happen or they wouldn't have put him on that stage. They have a plan. The plan may be to let Trump win and then crash the nation around him, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure they have a plan and this was just another chapter in the book.
From what I have heard if someone other than Joe is put in there they cant legally have the money in his campaign warchest so fundraising would be the issue.

True but the big money is in the independent PACs anyways so I don't think that would be more than a stumbling block.
Plus I'm sure there is some work around where "the Joe Biden campaign" can keep spending the campaign money or better yet find a way to keep it by suspending the campaign indefinitely and you know expenses...
Most people are treating this debate like it wasn't a planned event. It has been no small secret that Joe is an idiot, this goes back decades. Why do you think he didn't campaign during the 2020 election cycle? IMHO The handlers knew exactly what was going to happen or they wouldn't have put him on that stage. They have a plan. The plan may be to let Trump win and then crash the nation around him, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure they have a plan and this was just another chapter in the book.

Been saying that for months!
If Joe stays in, He gets the nomination, since ALL his delegates MUST vote for Joe in the 1st round.
Issue is, State laws have Joe as the Democrat nominee, so if he steps aside or they 25th his ass
- they have to print new ballots and I'm sure the supreme court will have to get involved
they can replace him with 25th, put Kamala there, she'll name a VP
It's about the money.. that's what the Dems are worried about. Now, if the campaign gives it back, then the donors can re-donate.
My guess is, the $$ is spent and someone doesn't want to loose their new yacht or Bentley.
Joe won't step aside, Jill LOVES the power and Hunter LOVES the $$
True but the big money is in the independent PACs anyways so I don't think that would be more than a stumbling block.
Plus I'm sure there is some work around where "the Joe Biden campaign" can keep spending the campaign money or better yet find a way to keep it by suspending the campaign indefinitely and you know expenses...
Dems will keep running their MAGA supreme court needs to go commercials and ALL republicans are bad 30 second spots. Good lord, 4 months to go and they bought up all the TUBI spots..
Most people are treating this debate like it wasn't a planned event. It has been no small secret that Joe is an idiot, this goes back decades. Why do you think he didn't campaign during the 2020 election cycle? IMHO The handlers knew exactly what was going to happen or they wouldn't have put him on that stage. They have a plan. The plan may be to let Trump win and then crash the nation around him, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure they have a plan and this was just another chapter in the book.

He locked himself in the basement in 2020
From what I have heard if someone other than Joe is put in there they cant legally have the money in his campaign warchest so fundraising would be the issue.
From what I have heard, if Joe drops out, then Kamala is the only Democrat that can legally use Joe’s war chest. But since when has the Democratic Party follow the law?
From what I have heard, if Joe drops out, then Kamala is the only Democrat that can legally use Joe’s war chest. But since when has the Democratic Party follow the law?
I think they let him stay in and of course win and 6 mo.- 1 year he bows out and she finishes his term and then gets 2 of her own which is what Barack wanted at the start.10-11 years of Harris.
I agree with @armorpl8chikn . Having worked in the printing industry for 30 years in a former life, you just don't have the press time available to print all those 'voted' ballots.
Um... being totally serious.... as a current printer with over 45 years in the industry, one press and two weeks would give the 90 million necessary. There's a lot of "depends" to that statement but doable.
I think they let him stay in and of course win and 6 mo.- 1 year he bows out and she finishes his term and then gets 2 of her own which is what Barack wanted at the start.10-11 years of Harris.
For KH to get 10 years, FJB would have to serve at least two years of his 2nd term and be in office on 01/20/2027. If he leaves office after that, then KH would get two full terms after finishing FJB's second term.
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The Democrat voters are absolute morons, and/or lazy freeloaders.

Those Democrats who are destroying this country from positions of power are not stupid. They're evil.

They stole an election and got away with it. They continue to use useful idiots to their advantage. They own the media, they poison the children's minds in schools. They have the momentum and it'll be hard to stop.

Even if we win this election, it'll be a hard road.
If Joe stays in, He gets the nomination, since ALL his delegates MUST vote for Joe in the 1st round.
Issue is, State laws have Joe as the Democrat nominee, so if he steps aside or they 25th his ass
- they have to print new ballots and I'm sure the supreme court will have to get involved
they can replace him with 25th, put Kamala there, she'll name a VP
It's about the money.. that's what the Dems are worried about. Now, if the campaign gives it back, then the donors can re-donate.
My guess is, the $$ is spent and someone doesn't want to loose their new yacht or Bentley.
Joe won't step aside, Jill LOVES the power and Hunter LOVES the $$
interesting update...

"Democratic delegates are 'pledged' to a candidate meaning by party rules delegates 'shall in all good conscience' reflect the views of those who elected them.

There is no official penalty if a delegate votes differently – but if a Biden delegate simply sits out of the first round of balloting instead of backing the president, their vote would not count towards anyone."

"And then comes the issue of money.

Not only would a new candidate have to raise massive sums of cash in a short amount of time, but Biden's warchest would not necessarily automatically flow to his replacement and a shake-up could leave millions on the table."

'In order for the withdrawing candidate's committee to get the funds into the campaign account of a successor candidate's campaign, the withdrawing candidate would have to refund the money to the original donors, who could then contribute to the new candidate's campaign,' explained Trevor Potter, president of the Campaign Legal Center.

FYI - I hate the new Black background white FONT.. FK'N HATE IT
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