Advanced Marksmanship OK, I can play. Mil these.. with a twist.


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Nov 18, 2018
NE Texas
In the spirit of psinclair's enlightening and constructive post, I propose these. It was an interesting day out on my range this morning. The scope is a Steiner P4xi in mils. Three questions here:

(1) The top plate in the picture is 24 inches in diameter, less the ears. How far is it?

(2) The yellow/green plate is 500 yards. How big is it in whole inches (less the ears)?

(3) How far are the deer?

Be careful in trying to optically compare things in this pic, because things are not as they seem here.

Have fun! One "atta boy" to the winner.
IMG_20200909_085812217_HDR (3).jpg
(1) The top plate in the picture is 24 inches in diameter, less the ears. How far is it?

666 yards....or maybe the devil's sign...not sure! haha

(2) The yellow/green plate is 500 yards. How big is it in whole inches (less the ears)?

don't care...its 500 yards. But I'm going to go with 18"

(3) How far are the deer?

666 yards based on 3 feet to the shoulder and subtending 1.5 mils

I'm probably wrong! haha
(1) The top plate in the picture is 24 inches in diameter, less the ears. How far is it?

666 yards....or maybe the devil's sign...not sure! haha

(2) The yellow/green plate is 500 yards. How big is it in whole inches (less the ears)?

don't care...its 500 yards. But I'm going to go with 18"

(3) How far are the deer?

666 yards based on 3 feet to the shoulder and subtending 1.5 mils

I'm probably wrong! haha

You think the top plate is 666 yards away and the deer too?
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@stello1001 @Powder_Burns

Be careful in trying to optically compare things in this pic, because things are not as they seem here.
Well, he said this so I took each computation individually and not as a whole pic. Frankly, I'm not sure that this picture was not a montage or a photoshop. So, I went with reticle and what I thought were target dimensions and this is what I came up with.

I listed what I thought was the input to the formula.....3' and 1.5 mils. What do you think is their height to the shoulder and mils subtended.

And I'm pretty sure I said:

I'm probably wrong!

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Frankly, I'm not sure that this picture was not a montage or a photoshop.

The image is real. I pulled up to my shooting area this morning and began getting ready to do some shooting with my iron sight gun when the deer walked out. I'm glad I also had a scope gun with me. I apologize for the limbs across the top target, as I was out of my normal shooting position when I took the picture. Also, the phone camera doesn't do it any justice. A big "thumbs up" to psinclair and the coyote in the other thread. I had no idea it would be so hard to take a cell phone pic through a rifle scope LOL!

Some impressive answers so far. There are definitely real shooters here on Snipers Hide.
1. 579 yards
2. 20 inches
3. The deer that is easy to mil is a fawn and substantially smaller than an adult female (1y tall at shoulder). I'm guessing that the near white target is at 400y, as it is the same mil diameter as the other 2 targets. With a 20" shoulder height I get 317 for the deer, which jibes with the targets all being behind the deer.
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You guys are deadly. Some of you hit one or more answers right on the head. I don't want to give it away just yet, so I'll see if I can't PM those who got correct answers so far.

There is some kind of optical illusion going on with the bottom plate in the picture. I think it has to do with how the cell phone camera saw the image in the scope's eye box. As such, I'm glad I didn't include it in the puzzle. But, I'll give you this hint: it's at 400 yards. However, don't try to range it. Because of the optical illusion, you won't get the right answer. Maybe this will help with the deer.

Regarding the deer, "hlee" is correct. Neither are full-grown deer. But, the one in the front is not a fawn.
You guys are deadly. Some of you hit one or more answers right on the head. I don't want to give it away just yet, so I'll see if I can't PM those who got correct answers so far.

There is some kind of optical illusion going on with the bottom plate in the picture. I think it has to do with how the cell phone camera saw the image in the scope's eye box. As such, I'm glad I didn't include it in the puzzle. But, I'll give you this hint: it's at 400 yards. However, don't try to range it. Because of the optical illusion, you won't get the right answer. Maybe this will help with the deer.

Regarding the deer, "hlee" is correct. Neither are full-grown deer. But, the one in the front is not a fawn.
I spotted the veal pretty quickly. Not saying I'd shoot... tags shouldn't be filled by yearlings. But if I did, I'd be aiming halfway between brisket and back.
556 to the top plate
Hold for 40 on the deer. It’s somewhere around there.

not sure how im getting a further distance for the deer than the plate you said is at 400 unless my estimated deer size is off.

would appreciate a pm with the actual #s if it’s gonna be a while before you post the answer
  • 550y
  • 20” Circle
  • 416 Yards? Hard to say. Depends on where you are at and what your average size deer is. Here in north west florida those deer would be pretty close. In Illinois they would be very far away.
OK, no more suspense. Here are the answers.

1) The target is a 24" plate at 600 yards.

2) The target is a 20" plate at 500 yards.

3) If you guessed 370 to 375 yards on the deer, you are about right. The deer were the hardest because it was hard to tell how big they were.

Good job to all who played!