Ok super semi auto shooters; who can do the 666 drill?


Full Member
  • Jan 25, 2010
    the Westside
    Yeah, yeah, you can shoot 800 yards with your 6.5 Gendel or whatever...but can you do the 666 drill with your semi auto and keep it under 18 seconds with 0 misses?

    25 yards, A zone target only

    6 rounds standing
    6 rounds seated/kneeling, you pick
    6 rounds prone

    All 18 must be in the A zone, slowest time allowed for a pass is 18 seconds. You pull 1 round, you fail. You take 18.01 seconds, you fail.

    Rocked it with a M110K1 today at 16.4 seconds.

    Go Go Go! It's easy until you try it.
    53 views and only 1 reply?

    Come on, this drill is fat guy friendly too since you start with standing, then go down kneeling and then end up on the deck where you can take a nap or something if you'd like.
    I don't have ready access to a range where I can shoot from any position other than a bench.

    Even if I did, I have no illusions about my ability to nail this drill without plenty of practice...
    Saw this drill listed somewhere- been wanting to try it...

    I by no means even came close to inventing this; its been around forever it seems under different names. 666 drill, Diablo drill, etc. I think there's a variation where its at 18 yards too but I've always done it at 25.

    Decided to try with the 7.62 because its too easy for me with my AR because I've probably done it 67689786 times.

    Other useful drills to try that don't involve too much craziness:

    - Same drill as above except its at 50 or 100y on a 40% IPSC plate

    - Pistol or rifle drill where your starting line is 40 yards from the target (8 inch plate for pistol, 8 inch paper plate for rifle). Then you set up a spot at 30, 20 and 10. Begin at the 40 yard and shoot (3 rounds max per spot) for 1 hit; move to next stage and continue this until you're at the 10. Then do it backwards (but not running backwards!)

    You can actually do the 6/6/6 positional stage first with the rifle, then have the above drill for pistol set up 50 yards to the side and then run over there to do that drill right after as it will make you have to manage your rifle on your body while moving and shooting with a pistol. For added fun, make the person carry a 5 gal bucket full of rock and dirt with them during the pistol stage that they constantly have to pick up and put down. :)
    sounds like a version of a modified navy qual ( 5 standing/reload, 5 kneeling/reload, 5 prone from 50 yds). overall its a good drill that works several skills.
    I've done this drill. Took a lesson and the GM started on this as an assessment to see where I was. I was hitting it at the 18 second mark, and improved with a couple tweaks. I have shot a good bit of 3G, so I was used to doing this kind of stuff. This is not a hard drill, but when you get on the clock, throw in two reloads, and change positions, it gets challenging real quick.
    Whose/what barrel is on your m110k1 german? KAC Chrome Lined? Sexy ass rifle man

    Sorry just saw this.

    It's the barrel that comes spec'd on the K1. Believe its the Krieger (unless KAC changed who they use for barrels) that's dimpled.

    It's an actual M110 down to the M110 marked receiver, not a SR25 if that makes a difference.

    So whos been doing the drill? I have a new one I'll post as well as possibly a very interesting story as to what happened to me last time I ran it. Short version, the police were involved :p
    Took a course at Sig Academy where we did something similar. My memory is that target was at 50 yards and you were handed 3 mags. One had 6 rounds, one had 5 rounds and one had 4 rounds. You shot first mag standing; second kneeling; and third prone. Don't remember what the time limit was, but you were penalized for every second you went over.

    Of course, after shooting 500 rounds without a single FTF, I had a double feed while doing the drill. Had to remove mag, clear the weapon, re-insert mag, find the live round I'd ejected onto the ground, chamber it, shoot it and then continue with the rest of the drill. Didn't need a timer to measure my time, you could have used an hourglass.:)