I’m not sure what kinds of scenarios a lot of people are thinking about, but if you study how Marxists take over a nation with violence, it is done a lot differently than what you might be planning for.
History of Marxist Revolutions
One of the most common things for Marxists and communist revolutionaries to do is to arrange for some kind of manipulation of the succession of power over a nation, often with an army of fellow revolutionaries who are committed to the cause. They are willing to break any and all rules of that society/kingdom/republic/nation, including any provisions for a democratic process in elections.
Enemies List
After the initial takeover, the various revolutionary cell leaders are provided with lists of people in their areas. These people are at the top of the “enemies list” who represent the greatest threat to the revolution.
Since 1934, the United States has kept lists of owners of firearms and weapons that have military utility. Incrementally over the years, they have expanded the scope of that list, until sales had to be done by federally-approved Firearms Licensed Dealers. In 1934, Alcohol Tax Division agents were further tasked with specifically enforcing the new NFA provisions to violate the Constitution.
With the standardization of ATF Form 4473s, it made it much easier to compile lists of firearms owners throughout the US. Once they went to Digital form 4473s, the data collection was made even easier.
Prior to Disarmament
Before Marxist revolutions call for a disarming the populace, a series of critical events always proceeds that effort. Cells of hit squads, usually comprised of disenfranchised and marginalized youth who have been highly agitated, given narcotics, and encouraged to engage in sexual violence, are led by cell leaders who have their local lists of “enemies of the revolution”.
These cells systematically begin to eliminate the targets on their lists across the nation. They did this in Russia (Bolsheviks vs White Russian Nationalists), Germany (Jews), China (Mao vs Chinese Nationalists), Cuba (Fidel and Che vs Cuban land owners/farmers/teachers), Poland (Soviets vs Polish intelligentsia), Cambodia (Khmer Rouge vs farmers, teachers, ethnic minorities), Hungary (soviets vs Hungarian teachers, partisans), Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, etc. They follow a very methodical approach to wiping out the most threatening opposition before fully taking over a society. With Russia, it took the Bolsheviks 5 1/2 years to fully wipe out their opposition across a vast territory.
Digital Communist
If you’re on the list, they aren’t looking to engage you in the open on terms favorable to you. The local cells will have more detailed data about you in this digital age with the help of Google (started by Russian digital Marxist Sergei Brin and software engineer Eric Schmidt, a company that openly holds Marxist ideological meetings that employees must attend if they want to be promoted), Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
They will have your address, what firearms you own (with your own self-reported photos online compiled in a relevancy-based data package tied to you), your age, family members, vehicles, assets, how you voted, political party affiliations, recent online orders, order history, employers, google maps routes you commonly use, and more data than you would ever imagine.
It doesn’t matter how trick your AR-15 is or what IR illuminator and NODs you own, when a gang of 12-50 youths comes with a plan. In many cases, they will be armed with bricks, incendiary devices, Molotov cocktails, and firearms. Firearms will be distributed from caches that have been supplied for decades now in various schemes, some of which have been intercepted and reported on (remember Congressman Yee of California?), most of which have not. These include civilian-available small arms, as well as actual military small arms like what you see with the cartels in Mexico. Hand grenades, RPGs, LAWs, AKs, M4s, M203s, and even .50 BMGs on technical vehicles if needed.
Organization and coordination
As we’ve seen from those who have penetrated, recorded, and posted video from internal ANTIFA meetings, they are very well-organized and trained at the cellular level, with a common national agenda. Once the campaign gets their leadership into National government, they are free to engage in more kinetic operations I’m describing, while the National leadership orders the police and military to effectively stand down by protecting certain static sites close to the State Capitols and other strategic locations that they want to maintain power over.
Rural areas
This provides free reign for the hit cells. Almost every Marxist revolution has begun on a small scale in rural areas where they can stack the deck in their favor. This helps provide real-world mission practice and confidence-building for the revolutionary youth. It’s much easier to attack a small farm or lone rural domicile than to immediately attack someone with lots of neighbors. As confidence builds, more recruits are drawn into the revolution with the advertised success of the first attacks. This is a critical time for revolutionaries to build momentum, which eventually moves closer and closer to the cities-their ultimate targets.
With each successful raid, they are immediately rewarded with the spoils of murder, the ability to rape the survivors, and pillage their supplies. It becomes a self-feeding campaign just from the positive loop feedback of achieving each small goal. Marxists and subversive revolutionaries love to rape and torture their victims.
Leadership cover
While all this is going on, the revolutionary leadership (who are in the process of taking over the national government) condemn the violence, and blame it on their opposition. They classify it as crime, and demand that for the good of the nation, people must turn in their firearms so we can have safety. The media shows evidence of these crime scenes, labeled as anti-government/anti-movement extremists, and then engages the emotions of the populace by telling everyone that they can do their duty as citizens to help stop this by simply turning in their weapons.
“Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in."
Piles upon piles of weapons are voluntarily stacked for all to see, good citizens obeying and wanting to do the right thing. Once they are disarmed, they are taken away out of sight of the cameras, stripped, given prisoner clothing, raped, turtured, forced to confess which neighbors and family members of theirs also have weapons that didn’t turn them in, then photographed for the records of the state to document their criminal status as “enemies of the people”. Then they are executed.
The short story is that you’re already on a list. All this time, you’ve thought that the list was kept by the ATF and that people with the list are kept in-check to some degree by our laws. What you might not have considered is that the list can be provided to people who don’t care about the law, who are motivated by hatred for you, and will close-on you when the time is given to them, then execute a basic raid on you and your property with a numerically-superior force who is prepared to use any means provided to them to murder you, rape your family, steal your possessions, and move on to the next victims.
You don’t win against demons like this alone.