One Mile Match-Would you attend?


Aug 22, 2011
To All

If a match was held on the Monday before the SHOT Show this January in Las Vegas, would you consider attending a one day match shooting at one mile?

I have a range that is willing and available, I have to see what the interest is.

I'm also looking for suggestions as to targets, how to see hits on the targets (no pits), do you have a shootoff (top 10), format, etc.


Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

I'd be interested.

A big piece of steel painted white with a dirt berm directly behind it would help with spotting hits.

You could do different stages.Cold bore shot,golf scoring for another,closest to center,etc.

Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

That would be interesting. I would be interested especially if it started with a seperate cold bore shot competition. Then shoot for a group score in a seperate comp. Targets would need to be large depending on the wind.

Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

Heck yeah I'm down.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mudvayne</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Heck I'll come for the competition then go to the show for fun! If this thing is on, im in.

Chase </div></div>

Chase if this happens we need get together with travel arrangements. I'm thinking road trip.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

Thanks for the feedback.

I appreciate the link to the video camera info.

The match would be on Monday Jan 16, 2012, (MLK Day).

We have room for 10 firing points which limits the number of shooters and the course of fire. Cold bore shot is required. We were looking at using 18"x36" poppers as targets. It's easy to see them knock down, and easier than trying to see hits on painted steel. Do you think it would be to difficult? Or should we go with 24" dia painted steel?

I can't disclose the range yet until we have final approval.

Thanks for the help.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kclose</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Cold bore shot is required. We were looking at using 18"x36" poppers as targets. It's easy to see them knock down, and easier than trying to see hits on painted steel. Do you think it would be to difficult? Or should we go with 24" dia painted steel? </div></div>

18" wide? It would depend on conditions. Basically a 1 moa target in width would be a real challenge with wind, but that would make it fun as longas some shooters get on target. I do feel bigger would be better and measure to a center mass or point of aim for score.

Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Longshot38</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Heck yeah I'm down.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mudvayne</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Heck I'll come for the competition then go to the show for fun! If this thing is on, im in.

Chase </div></div>

Chase if this happens we need get together with travel arrangements. I'm thinking road trip. </div></div>

sounds good to me man
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kclose</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks for the feedback.

I appreciate the link to the video camera info.

The match would be on Monday Jan 16, 2012, (MLK Day).

We have room for 10 firing points which limits the number of shooters and the course of fire. Cold bore shot is required. We were looking at using 18"x36" poppers as targets. It's easy to see them knock down, and easier than trying to see hits on painted steel. Do you think it would be to difficult? Or should we go with 24" dia painted steel?

I can't disclose the range yet until we have final approval.

Thanks for the help.

Would like to hear more. In that you are talking about my little playground.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

To All

It's within 1/2 hour of the Sands Convention Center.

We are also looking at ways to draw the spectators. Maybe a raffle?


Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kclose</div><div class="ubbcode-body">To All

It's within 1/2 hour of the Sands Convention Center.

We are also looking at ways to draw the spectators. Maybe a raffle?


Kevin </div></div>

Based on what you are saying this would not appear to be a "Improved" range. Not trying to put a damper on this and I do know most of the ranges around here.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

Only downside that occurs to me would be having to bring a personal rifle to SHOT (not that hard), and then keep it secure throughout the show (somewhat more of a pain, at least to me).
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

Am interested. Please complete your profile. It is hard for me to take this seriously without knowing who we are dealing with. I'm not trying to be a jerk but I have a vested interest in seeing the sport grow in SONV and have played an active part in doing so myself.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

How about a 30"x40" steel for cold bore, one shooter at a time. That way we could have several spotters for more accurate scoring and cardboard for the rest of the shots. That way there would no confusion on the scoring. At a mile there could be some miscalled hits or misses on steel especially with several shooters shooting at the same time. Also would need Lots of room on the firing line. Big calibers with breaks
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

It sounds like something I would like to attend, it's only about 6 or 7 hours drive from SLC. I suppose an awfully lot depends on the weather. How many shots? At $7.00 a trigger pull, it gets expensive real quick! This sounds like a real <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">BIG BORE BLOWOUT</span></span>.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

A couple of things first. Kevin may be new here, but not to shooting. I'll let Kevin give you his shooting resume, if he wants. He shoots in lots of the matches that I shoot in here in Vegas (but shoots all over in thw western region). The range in question would be a dedicated range for this event on this particular day and we would have vehicle access (as in drive right up to in your vehicle) to both firing points and target points all day long. That makes driving to the targets to verify hits very easy and doable on the firing point swap over.

The key from my view is to have some space and blast shields between shooters on the line and definitely between targets downrange. I know it is not fun sitting 20 feet from a 50 BMG all day long as they bring the pain. Simple reality is the wind can easily blow projectiles 10 minutes or more offline. You don't want shooter A putting hits on Shooter B's target because he got blown that far off line. (unless I'm shooter B and you are going to give me credit for shooter A's shot

Yes 18x24 is a bit spicy for a mile. Yep just a hair over 1 MOA wide and 1.5 MOA tall. I know, since I just shot it yesterday at my desert spot. That is what makes it both fun and makes it HARD. Think of it as an egg shoot at a mile.

A good rifle and decent spotter can combine to a good event. Kevin was planning to let folks have access to a spotter to help. I know several folks who will be there, including me and my brother, both of whom can help out with spotting (using a USO Spotter with MOA reticle to call adjustments) if you don't otherwise have one.

I like making cold Bore COUNT. If you get a decent zero, and know your rifle, the rest is in the wind god's hands. I'm not against going with a separate cold bore event, or giving folks a chance to get a 600 meter zero at say Desert Sportsman the day before. But I prefer giving a shooter X shots in Y minutes of time, including cold bore.

Depending how many lanes you run, and participants you may have, it could take all day. TIME is always the big problem on these events. If you go two days, then its more time consuming still. If you go qualifiers then finals, you just need to be efficient in how you push folks through the various stages all day long.

Kurt, I told Kevin to try to tag team your tactical event, if possible. I suspect lots of guys that show at your event might want to give 1,760 a run and see how they do.

Simple Answer is "I'm in". So is my brother, and although I can't speak for TopoSniper directly, I think its safe to say he'll be there also.

Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

Kevin I have a few different targets which allow for a clear hit or miss. One application I've used is a strobe light w/ a 25' line. You place the light inside of a dark box facing shooter and observer, you attach the sensor on the back of the target and when the target is hit you can see the flash from 2000 plus yards clearly inside the black box.

Hanging targets are always easy to identify hits due to movement.

I shot today w/ three others at a mile on soft steel, when it's hit it blisters the paint which can be seen at a mile ,

got a few more targets that also allow for spotter to confirm hits past mile.

TD Thanks for the Flash confirmation , it has worked well.

I'd be happy to cart out targets if needed.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

I'd be willing to make the drive.. but would have to get something to reach out that far.. the search is on going.
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

I'll not speak for Kevin, but last I heard this year was a no go, at least as a shoot proximately timed to SHOT. Apparently they need to shut down the entire range to run this event, as the road to get to the targets goes through the firing lines or impact areas of the other ranges at the facility.

They may try to run it as a separate event, but apparently there was a mix-up on range days and this one is not going to go forward. Personally, I think its a great time to nail down some of the details of what they might want to do when they go forward, but that is just my 0.02.

Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'll not speak for Kevin, but last I heard this year was a no go, at least as a shoot proximately timed to SHOT. Apparently they need to shut down the entire range to run this event, as the road to get to the targets goes through the firing lines or impact areas of the other ranges at the facility.

They may try to run it as a separate event, but apparently there was a mix-up on range days and this one is not going to go forward. Personally, I think its a great time to nail down some of the details of what they might want to do when they go forward, but that is just my 0.02.

JeffVN </div></div>

Jeff, I appreciate the info. Maybe Kevin can speak up so guys dont change travel plans for nothing
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

I'll talk with Kevin on Sunday, assuming he shows for the Palma practice match, and let him know he should post up a status on this idea.

Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

To All

For anyone that has dealt with politics will appreciate my frustration when I tell you I was promised use of the Clark County Shooting Range for 1/16/12 and three days later, told it had been booked since June by Advanced Armamant Corp.I am on the advisory board for the range and have access the general public does not normally have. The range is capable of handling a mile competition from an improved shooting line to an adequate impact area. The rifle and pistol ranges need to be closed for a safety.

I can get the range on a Monday/Tuesday any other time during the year since it is closed to the public on these days. If someone can suggest a Monday (holiday) that might coincide with another convention that draws firearm related exhibitors and competitors,we can see if it makes sense to put it on.


Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

Kevin, thanks for update. I think a one mile match would draw lots of folks and does not need a theme already going on in Vegas to sell out.

I would like to see:
1. Two Classes for the mile shoot
a) under 20 lbs total rifle bipod weight
b) Over 20 lbs rifle bipod weight

2. Two days of shooting with several relays ( Light rifles against light rifles etc)
3. Make the relays consist of ten rds for record with two sighters in ten minute period

I would be there for this and so would a ton of guys
Re: One Mile Match-Would you attend?

It would be fun, but we will see how business goes over the next 7-8 months. I have shot in mile matches in Idaho and it is much better to allow a shooter to do a string all at once, instead of having the others on the line each shoot one. We learned that on our first one the hard way, but it did make for fun "cheating" by spotting and adjusting for wind off of others hits or misses.