So I've spent a bunch of time gather DOPE for my DTS SRS Covert which is suited up with an IOR Valdada RECON 4 -28. I would like to make a few small changes but fear looking my work. Starting all over is not an option for me.
I have been stuck and contemplating a few ideas and woud appreciate some input.
I would like to put a natural cant in my set up of a degree or two, maybe three. I find myself correcting cant error to often and after reading a data driven sniperhide article on the subject it seems like a smart idea. If done correctly, it should only have a minor offset downrange. Shoukd I do this OR invest in an adjustable butt pad which is little ugly and expensive for my gun.
Also, if I put a natural cant in my rig, does it change my scope height? I imagine scope height might creep to a smaller number?
Next topic; I occasionally goto new York and would like to remove my daytime scope and use my thermal for nighttime hunts but I am fearful of losing all the work I put into my IOR scope. If I remove my daytime scope, will it return to zero if I put it back on with the same torque. In your best guess, If something went slightly wrong how off would you expect to be?
Keep in mind, I shoot subsonic loads out to 210 yards so i have a unususl trajectory and I have a 3.278" scopeheight so every adjustment is critical to me.
Should I lunge into the unknown?
Put a natural cant into my rig?
Enjoy my thermal once again?
Something tells me to do all this at the range so i can be sure of the outcome...maybe I am over thinking this?
Hoping some of you tell me it's all in my head.
I have been stuck and contemplating a few ideas and woud appreciate some input.
I would like to put a natural cant in my set up of a degree or two, maybe three. I find myself correcting cant error to often and after reading a data driven sniperhide article on the subject it seems like a smart idea. If done correctly, it should only have a minor offset downrange. Shoukd I do this OR invest in an adjustable butt pad which is little ugly and expensive for my gun.
Also, if I put a natural cant in my rig, does it change my scope height? I imagine scope height might creep to a smaller number?
Next topic; I occasionally goto new York and would like to remove my daytime scope and use my thermal for nighttime hunts but I am fearful of losing all the work I put into my IOR scope. If I remove my daytime scope, will it return to zero if I put it back on with the same torque. In your best guess, If something went slightly wrong how off would you expect to be?
Keep in mind, I shoot subsonic loads out to 210 yards so i have a unususl trajectory and I have a 3.278" scopeheight so every adjustment is critical to me.
Should I lunge into the unknown?
Put a natural cant into my rig?
Enjoy my thermal once again?
Something tells me to do all this at the range so i can be sure of the outcome...maybe I am over thinking this?
Hoping some of you tell me it's all in my head.