Oregon passes Measure 114

How will a man be able to differentiate between the “good” cops that won’t enforce these tyrannical laws and the bad ones that will. Remember this has to be done on the fly and getting it wrong may end your life and ruin your family all because of a handful of tyrants setting policy the police enforce with violence. Are the police in Oregon still considered friendlies considering? I’ll let you guys decide.
Not only that, let's say one does follow the new law. It allows for 10+ round mags if owned prior to effective date, but they can only be used in certain cases:

A person commits the crime of unlawful manufacture, importation, possession, use, purchase, sale or otherwise transferring of large-capacity magazines if the person manufactures, imports, possesses, uses, purchases, sells or otherwise transfers any large-capacity magazine in Oregon on or after the effective date of this 2022 Act.

(A) On property owned or immediately controlled by the registered owner;
(B) On the premises of a gun dealer or gunsmith licensed under 18 U.S.C. 923 for the purpose of lawful service or repair;
(C) While engaging in the legal use of the large-capacity magazine, at a public or private shooting range or shooting gallery or for recreational activities such as hunting, to the extent permitted under state law; or
(D) While participating in firearms competition or exhibition, display or educational project about firearms sponsored, conducted by, approved or under the auspices of a law enforcement agency or a national or state-recognized entity that fosters proficiency in firearms use or promotes firearms education; and
(E) While transporting any large-capacity magazines in a vehicle to one of the locations authorized in paragraphs (c)(A) to (D) of this subsection, the large-capacity magazine is not inserted into the firearm and is locked in a separate container.

Violating is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a year in jail, a fine of up to $6,250, or both.

So let's say you are traveling to a shooting range, with your mags locked inside a box, just as specified. But you get stopped for a traffic infraction, cop sees your rifles, sees your lockbox, and either because he doesn't believe you're headed to a range, or just doesn't like you that day and will simply state he didn't believe you, the cop will have the authority to arrest you for the misdemeanor.

Sure, you will have to affirmatively defend that you obtained the mags prior to 12/8/2022, and prove you were headed to the range that day, and let's say you are able to do both. But, you still got cuffed, spent several hours in a holding cell, had to hire/pay a lawyer. Missed whatever work and such for court/lawyer meetings.

But yay, the system worked, you were found Not Guilty after spending thousands of dollars to make sure you didn't get a year in jail while actually following the new law, because "how was the cop to know? ...doing their job."
God Bless Harney County

From the article: "Marshall, of the attorney general’s office, had urged the Harney County judge to look at California, which has had a similar ban on large-capacity magazines since 1994. “
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Not only that, let's say one does follow the new law. It allows for 10+ round mags if owned prior to effective date, but they can only be used in certain cases:

A person commits the crime of unlawful manufacture, importation, possession, use, purchase, sale or otherwise transferring of large-capacity magazines if the person manufactures, imports, possesses, uses, purchases, sells or otherwise transfers any large-capacity magazine in Oregon on or after the effective date of this 2022 Act.

(A) On property owned or immediately controlled by the registered owner;
(B) On the premises of a gun dealer or gunsmith licensed under 18 U.S.C. 923 for the purpose of lawful service or repair;
(C) While engaging in the legal use of the large-capacity magazine, at a public or private shooting range or shooting gallery or for recreational activities such as hunting, to the extent permitted under state law; or
(D) While participating in firearms competition or exhibition, display or educational project about firearms sponsored, conducted by, approved or under the auspices of a law enforcement agency or a national or state-recognized entity that fosters proficiency in firearms use or promotes firearms education; and
(E) While transporting any large-capacity magazines in a vehicle to one of the locations authorized in paragraphs (c)(A) to (D) of this subsection, the large-capacity magazine is not inserted into the firearm and is locked in a separate container.

Violating is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a year in jail, a fine of up to $6,250, or both.

So let's say you are traveling to a shooting range, with your mags locked inside a box, just as specified. But you get stopped for a traffic infraction, cop sees your rifles, sees your lockbox, and either because he doesn't believe you're headed to a range, or just doesn't like you that day and will simply state he didn't believe you, the cop will have the authority to arrest you for the misdemeanor.

Sure, you will have to affirmatively defend that you obtained the mags prior to 12/8/2022, and prove you were headed to the range that day, and let's say you are able to do both. But, you still got cuffed, spent several hours in a holding cell, had to hire/pay a lawyer. Missed whatever work and such for court/lawyer meetings.

But yay, the system worked, you were found Not Guilty after spending thousands of dollars to make sure you didn't get a year in jail while actually following the new law, because "how was the cop to know? ...doing their job."
Don’t cut these guys any slack because they are just upholding the “law”. Suppressors and sbrs among other things are illegal in all 50 states. Would any of you trust your lives and well being of your families that the LEO in your area wouldn’t put you in front of a corrupt judge in one of their kangaroo courts if you stood your ground and believed in the 2nd amendment? Some of you wonder why I am so critical of these guys and this is just another example of many. Understand they aren’t friendlies. This includes the “good” ones that cannot be differentiated from the others.
So let's say you are traveling to a shooting range, with your mags locked inside a box, just as specified. But you get stopped for a traffic infraction, cop sees your rifles, sees your lockbox, and either because he doesn't believe you're headed to a range, or just doesn't like you that day and will simply state he didn't believe you, the cop will have the authority to arrest you for the misdemeanor.

Sure, you will have to affirmatively defend that you obtained the mags prior to 12/8/2022, and prove you were headed to the range that day, and let's say you are able to do both. But, you still got cuffed, spent several hours in a holding cell, had to hire/pay a lawyer. Missed whatever work and such for court/lawyer meetings.

But yay, the system worked, you were found Not Guilty after spending thousands of dollars to make sure you didn't get a year in jail while actually following the new law, because "how was the cop to know? ...doing their job."

And that's my issue. Locking up magazines in a seperate box to keep them from going rogue is a hassle, and has NOTHING TO DO WITH GUN SAFETY, but I can comply. But having the burden of proof bare entirely on the individual is just not fair, especially if you get a shitty cop, or one that doesn't know what their doing and decide to make up the law as they go, you're still going to end up in prison, even if you're innocent. This has little to do with safety and everything to do with making life as hard as possible on law-abiding people. I still can't believe this passed 49% to 51%. Hopefully a counter bill will be offered up next November so we can have a chance to vote it down.

A lot of my Liberal friends ask me "Where were you when the Right did X, Y, or Z." Such as a Female's right to choose. And while I'm not a single-issue voter, this issue is a big deal for me and one where I cannot ever vote for the other side because of it, even if they're offering moderation or offering up something that makes sense.
Understand they aren’t friendlies. This includes the “good” ones that cannot be differentiated from the others.
That's what I'm coming around to. I was all Blue Lives Matter for a while but cops aren't your friend, they're an accessory of the State first and foremost, and I mean that in a local sense. You can't expect them to uphold the constitution when their pension depends on them doing whatever your local state tells them to do.
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Blocked til 12/13. Defendants have to show cause...
Yea, because the Oregon Supreme court has ruled in the past that laws similar to Measure 114 are unconstitutional (per the state constitution). They don't want to open that can of worms and change precedent.

Keep in mind, this was filed by the GOA.
I just got back from Sportsman's Warehouse and bought some Pmags. The checkout lady said, "Would you like some extra receipts?" I'm like sure! she hit the button a bunch of times and I got four receipts.
Just an fyi, there's a transaction number on the bottom of the receipt, it will read the same on all of them.
Info from today and link to Harney County Courthouse so you can watch the hearing on the 13th at 9am.

People need to stop supporting the OFF. They're a bunch of amateurs and their recklessness is going to sink any pro-2A case outcome for Oregon.

While everyone deserves their day in court, the fact that OFF hired a lawyer that defends child sex abusers is beyond idiotic. The optics of such a lawyer is just BAD BAD BAD for any case that touches guns.
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People need to stop supporting the OFF. They're a bunch of amateurs and their recklessness is going to sink any pro-2A case outcome for Oregon.

While everyone deserves their day in court, the fact that OFF hired a lawyer that defends child sex abusers is beyond idiotic. The optics of such a lawyer is just BAD BAD BAD for any case that touches guns.
I didn't know all that....I'm a life member of GOA which is onboard with the State TSO. Also OFF is in support of it. The NRA went to the Fed route only in this thing which did not pan out. Eventually will end up in the Feds court I bet. Lawyers are a shitty breed. Unfortunately, Its their world.

What is OFFs Lawyers name?
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I wonder when ODF&W is going to figure out that people coming out of state to hunt will be in violation. They won't have a state permit to possess a firearm.

I wonder when ODF&W is going to figure out that people coming out of state to hunt will be in violation. They won't have a state permit to possess a firearm.
If 10 rounds aren't enough for an officer, it definitely isn't enough for a regular citizen. They shouldn't get preferential treatment off-duty.
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(Update from OFF)​


Today’s hearing on Gun Owner’s of America’s suit against Measure 114 in Harney County keeps all aspects of the measure from going into effect, for now.

The Judge again ruled that the non-existent “permit to purchase” scheme cannot be enforced because it’s essentially vaporware, even though the Oregon State Police have an “application” online and the Oregon Sheriff’s Association is offering an “online” class to get a permit. (For $60.00, and you can throw in a few extra bucks and get a decal.)

The fact is, neither the application or the class mean anything since there is still no way to complete the live fire mandates of the measure. So, the mess created by Lift Every Voice Oregon continues to leech across the state like an overflowing septic tank.

Thousands of Oregonians remain in limbo unable to take possession of firearms they have paid for and the Oregon State Police can still not answer any questions about what happens next. (Go ahead, ask them a question…)

The magazine ban the state is salivating to impose is also still on hold though the Harney County Judge did note today that he expects to have a decision about that by Friday. Correction. By Jan. 3rd

In today’s lengthy hearing, the judge did not sound impressed by the State’s arguments and their star witness had to admit that the framers of the Oregon Constitution were aware of firearms which had a capacity of over ten rounds and never made any attempt to limit the number of rounds a person could have.

The state’s position that nothing is protected if it was not available in 1859 seemed especially comical to the many people who were watching the proceedings, and commenting, on their… computers.

While we are pleased that GOA’s suit has thrown sand in the gears of the state’s tyrannical and rabid effort to disarm the law abiding, the reality is that the “queue” of people waiting for their property is growing and barely moving.

Oregon is still a laughing stock for the rest of the country and regardless of the claims of the state, people’s rights are being denied right this minute.

The four federal suits (including ours) continue and the legal bills are still mounting. We can still use all the help we can get. But for today, the point goes to Gun Owner’s of America for another win.

You can support our federal case here:


Donations to the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation are tax deductible and every penny goes to the legal battle in Federal Court. Thank you.

(Oregon Firearms Federation)
In the mean time:
Spent most of the day listening to this hearing yesterday. Two main parts of the testimony was when were multi shot guns developed, were they available to the public and were they common in use. Second part of the testimony was availability of 10 round magazines and ease of altering them. There was discussion about how much mechanical skill/knowledge a person would need to have to drill out a rivet in a mag to increase capacity. Also what problems there would be with mags if they had non removeable base plates and they could not be cleaned properly, i.e. related to extended base pads that increase capacity.

One state attorney tried to tell the judge that the clause in the law restricting magazines that could be modified 'probably' wouldn't be enforced unless it was actually modified. Judge was not buying that argument at all. State also tried to say that even if many semiauto handguns couldn't be used in Oregon because no 10 round magazines were available for them, people could still own revolvers.

From my perspective the judge will rule against the mag ban but we will have to wait to see.
Spent most of the day listening to this hearing yesterday. Two main parts of the testimony was when were multi shot guns developed, were they available to the public and were they common in use. Second part of the testimony was availability of 10 round magazines and ease of altering them. There was discussion about how much mechanical skill/knowledge a person would need to have to drill out a rivet in a mag to increase capacity. Also what problems there would be with mags if they had non removeable base plates and they could not be cleaned properly, i.e. related to extended base pads that increase capacity.

One state attorney tried to tell the judge that the clause in the law restricting magazines that could be modified 'probably' wouldn't be enforced unless it was actually modified. Judge was not buying that argument at all. State also tried to say that even if many semiauto handguns couldn't be used in Oregon because no 10 round magazines were available for them, people could still own revolvers.

From my perspective the judge will rule against the mag ban but we will have to wait to see.
What will happen if the injunction stays in place? What powers do the Democrats have to circumvent the judge and get their way?
Does this injunction do anything for FFL transfers? Does this mean the permit to purchase is on hold as well? WHEN CAN I BUY MY NEW DAMN HUNTING RIFLE!!!
The permit to purchase is on hold currently but you’re looking at a 40,000 backlog on a background check. OSP can only do about 1200 per day and the number in queue goes up every day.
Yeah, a bunch of "us" were trying to get in under the wire, but that didn't work out too well, LOL. My desired rifle showed up at my FFL 12/2, and that is when my background check was submitted. Queue was about 30,000 or so. But CCW carriers get prioritized and bumped to the front of the queue if they submit, so my number went to 32k, then 34k, and just yesterday my FFL informed me that I'm sitting at 37k right now.
Yeah, a bunch of "us" were trying to get in under the wire, but that didn't work out too well, LOL. My desired rifle showed up at my FFL 12/2, and that is when my background check was submitted. Queue was about 30,000 or so. But CCW carriers get prioritized and bumped to the front of the queue if they submit, so my number went to 32k, then 34k, and just yesterday my FFL informed me that I'm sitting at 37k right now.
Good news for you is even though the CCW holders went to a number better than yours, currently the suspended processing them that way and are processing them in the order received regardless. My CCW guys are now creeping toward the front of the line at about 100 per week instead of 1000 per day.
What about the 3 day rule? I thought if your background check hadn’t been processed in 3 days you could pick up the firearm.
I asked about this with my current purchase and my FFL said if that's something I wanted to do, he wouldn't do it. I said no, it's fine, I'm just curious because "read it on the internet." While technically true, he said his insurance wouldn't allow it.
I asked about this with my current purchase and my FFL said if that's something I wanted to do, he wouldn't do it. I said no, it's fine, I'm just curious because "read it on the internet." While technically true, he said his insurance wouldn't allow it.
I think it’s called the Charleston loophole and measure 114 seeks to do away with that.
What about the 3 day rule? I thought if your background check hadn’t been processed in 3 days you could pick up the firearm.
The law, if it goes into affect, eliminates that. I don’t want to deal with the government prosecuting me for violation of 114. Right or wrong I still have to pony up to fight it. Cool that you got your gun faster but I’m assuming you won’t be chipping in for my legal defense.
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Wonder if "Mia" has ever shouldered that pistol? As an FFL and lgbqtix trainer I'm sure it wouldn't do that. Probably more germain to it than OR M114...

Maybe it can use its influence to stop the blatant discriminashun....:LOL:
Only in Oregon hahaha
Can an Oregon resident buy a long gun in Washington?
Oregon is now a gun free state.
Three bins will be placed outside of your home.
A red bin.
A white bin.
A blue bin.
The red bin is to be utilized for all firearms. You will place all firearms in the red bin.
The white bin will be for all ammunition. You will place all ammunition in the white bin.
The blue bid will be for all firearm related accessories. You will place all firearms related accessories in the blue bin.

If you have any questions in regards to these instructions, please contact your local authority.
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If I can have a rifle shipped to an FFL in Washington then screw Oregon. Could be months and months before anyone can buy something in Oregon.
Do you have a CHL, most are being instacheck as of today. Buddy just bought a gun and walked out in 15 minutes.

No FFL in Washington will accept a gun for you if you are from Oregon. However, you can buy a firearm in WA if you go thru their inventory. Just remember, any pistol or frame will require the ship it to a OR FFL. Long gun and shotgun you are good to go.
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