Oregon Shutting Down Small Farms


Two Star General
Full Member
Feb 11, 2018

"Small farmers are under attack in the state of Oregon, which has begun shutting down family farms throughout the state en masse under the guise of water conservation and groundwater protection."

""The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale, and they're actually sending out cease-and-desist letters to farms and they're using satellite technology to find their victims and send them these letters that say you can't operate,"

"a few-acre homestead with pasture and, say, two milking cows and some chickens qualifies as a CAFO if it has any area on the property where rock or gravel is used as a pathway to get to a small barn or coop."

CAFO = concentrated animal feeding operations
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They can't have small farmers being a way out for government controlled corporate farm monopoly of your ability to eat.

The "liberals" are full on fascists these days.

But the war on small farmers has been going on hard for a decade now.
It could be worse, they could be the small family farms with a few dairy cows or goats that got raided by machine gun wielding thugs from the thugs in the middle of the night (yep it was a big thing happened all over).

When the government decides to put the screws to the food for the population, all those that voted for all these great "environmental ideas" will be starving and nobody is going to have any sympathy for them.
giphy (2)123.gif
We are witnessing and living thru a military style campaign. The political class has attacked energy and food production and delivery of goods.
They have opened the border to increase demand on all of institutions to overwhelm capacity of local .gov.
They have a army of migrants to terrorize people thru crime. They have been waging a propaganda war, Since Obama was in office. Vilifying anybody who opposes their agenda of social and cultural marxism!
These are all the things that a military would do before a invasion!
The truly amazing thing is that still. So many people still think that it is about political parties and voting!
We are witnessing and living thru a military style campaign. The political class has attacked energy and food production and delivery of goods.
They have opened the border to increase demand on all of institutions to overwhelm capacity of local .gov.
They have a army of migrants to terrorize people thru crime. They have been waging a propaganda war, Since Obama was in office. Vilifying anybody who opposes their agenda of social and cultural marxism!
These are all the things that a military would do before a invasion!
The truly amazing thing is that still. So many people still think that it is about political parties and voting!
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Who does the state of Oregon send out if you throw their letter in the garbage and continue with your life?
Here's a hint. To protect and serve will be written on the vehicah they arrive with! More lawfare being used against the law abiding!
Only with the hired guns can the government do these things to the citizenry! Who has earned your support?
Why do so many still have faith in the institutions? They have all been corrupted!
Who does the state of Oregon send out if you throw their letter in the garbage and continue with your life?
Here's a hint. To protect and serve will be written on the vehicah they arrive with! More lawfare being used against the law abiding!
Only with the hired guns can the government do these things to the citizenry! Who has earned your support?
Why do so many still have faith in the institutions? They have all been corrupted!

Yep all the "good ones" will still "follow orders" and "just do their jobs" because "it's the law" and "my pension" and "take it up with the courts" or "if you don't like it well vote your way out of it".

There may be the handful that decide to retire and pack it in, but almost ALL of those "heroes" that everyone worships and calls "special", WILL do exactly the evil they are told to.

So yep, the uniform hangers you pay for and worship and lick the boots of will be the ones sent to make sure you can't keep yourself from starving.

paging @wade2big ...
It's almost impossible to make "good folks" understand how a small group of truly evil people are able to control the world and bring misery, death, destruction, poverty, slavery, starvation and war to the vast population of the planet.

Because the "good folks" have their heads so far up their backsides about "just obey the law" and worshiping uniform hangers and excusing anyone in a uniform from the evil they perpetuate.

Without people (Including the uniform hangers) at every level willing to acquiesce and then enforce "the law" or "the orders" then all those evil folks you love to point fingers at would just be raving madmen.

Hitler would have been nothing but a failed raving delusional painter if everyone had refused to "just obey"
Stalin would be just an insane evil Ukrainian mental patient if everyone had refused to "follow orders"
Mao would have been a would be monster who never made it past square 1 if people had refused to "just do my duty"

The "good folks" mostly believe this stupid idea that somehow the uniform hangers doing all the evil around the world and in their own country are not morally responsible because "well they have to obey orders". Funny enough our own government in the Nuremberg trials specifically said NO to that B.S. idea (well only as far as it concerns defeated enemies because everybody knows after WWII it was ONLY ever victor's justice).

I'm not sure if most "good folks" will ever understand that everybody has a choice and everyone is responsible for their own choice to decide to perpetuate evil or not.

Perhaps generations from now, the hard men that get to rebuild a better free society will finally understand this and once and for all end the "just following orders" B.S. But then probably not, humans have fallen for the same line for 6000 years and I doubt they will change anytime soon.

So next time someone blathers on about "obey the law"...
Decide for yourself...
Whiskey's for drinkin'. Water's for fightin'.
Water rights can be as valuable as the land. Been that way for over 100 years in my area. It might seen unfair or outdated, but it works. Nobody is stopping anyone from growing their own food that they eat themselves using city or well water. Certain areas of Oregon have much less water than most people believe.
I know of a libtard couple that bought a small 5 acre property with a 100 year old house. It had an irrigation ditch running down the middle of the property with senior water rights. They didn't want to farm and let their small fields go fallow, They found out that they would still have to pay the irrigation district fees/dues, even if they didn't use any of the water, and raised a big ruckus to stop paying. People tried to explain it to them, but they were finally able to have the last 2 years of fees/dues forgiven if they gave up their water rights. Then they wanted the irrigation ditch removed, which fed downstream farms, until the term "easement" was brought to their attention. The water district did replace the open ditch with a large pipe, but that was done mostly to stop the leaks/seepage and to prevent any water theft. Without the leaks/seepage, that property dries up fast during the summers, much different than what it looked liked when they bought it. They truly fucked themselves.
Yep all the "good ones" will still "follow orders" and "just do their jobs" because "it's the law" and "my pension" and "take it up with the courts" or "if you don't like it well vote your way out of it".

There may be the handful that decide to retire and pack it in, but almost ALL of those "heroes" that everyone worships and calls "special", WILL do exactly the evil they are told to.

So yep, the uniform hangers you pay for and worship and lick the boots of will be the ones sent to make sure you can't keep yourself from starving.

paging @wade2big ...
I have had the debate about police following orders with quite a few people. Thing is a lot of people have short memories of what law enforcement has done in the last decade or so. From George floyd riots and BLM to the covid lock down. I remind people what the good cops did when ordered to stand down and what they did when people defended themselves against violence and property damage/ destruction. Reminded them of who the police arrested and who they shut down.
That usually gets some doubt creeping into their hero programming. We as a country have been propagandized relentlessly since 9/11 to hero worship police and fire. There are many who are still to this day
asleep to that propaganda and they are hard to awaken!
It's almost impossible to make "good folks" understand how a small group of truly evil people are able to control the world and bring misery, death, destruction, poverty, slavery, starvation and war to the vast population of the planet.

Because the "good folks" have their heads so far up their backsides about "just obey the law" and worshiping uniform hangers and excusing anyone in a uniform from the evil they perpetuate.

Without people (Including the uniform hangers) at every level willing to acquiesce and then enforce "the law" or "the orders" then all those evil folks you love to point fingers at would just be raving madmen.

Hitler would have been nothing but a failed raving delusional painter if everyone had refused to "just obey"
Stalin would be just an insane evil Ukrainian mental patient if everyone had refused to "follow orders"
Mao would have been a would be monster who never made it past square 1 if people had refused to "just do my duty"

The "good folks" mostly believe this stupid idea that somehow the uniform hangers doing all the evil around the world and in their own country are not morally responsible because "well they have to obey orders". Funny enough our own government in the Nuremberg trials specifically said NO to that B.S. idea (well only as far as it concerns defeated enemies because everybody knows after WWII it was ONLY ever victor's justice).

I'm not sure if most "good folks" will ever understand that everybody has a choice and everyone is responsible for their own choice to decide to perpetuate evil or not.

Perhaps generations from now, the hard men that get to rebuild a better free society will finally understand this and once and for all end the "just following orders" B.S. But then probably not, humans have fallen for the same line for 6000 years and I doubt they will change anytime soon.

So next time someone blathers on about "obey the law"...
Decide for yourself...

Well written and 100%. Just like recently in Queens here. Your rightfully owned house gets squatted by a bunch of drug using illegals who are pissing and shitting all over the floors and you come with legal papers PROVING ownership to evict them, cops arrest YOU instead.

At this point, I'd have no sympathy, and only a smirk of grim satisfaction if any cops involved in shit like this never gets to see the next day again. Didn't some cops in Missouri earlier this year who tried to enforce a process server's warrant to confiscate a property from someone who inherited it from his family and lived in it all his life, get killed while doing so? 80% of the population might be meek but 20% will not be and a smaller percentage in that group may be more capable than most will think at first. Anyone who is wearing a badge and deviates from catching actual predatory criminals, whether by the excuse of "following orders" or out of personal gain, needs to face a very significant level of risk to their lives and health until they cease and desist.
Wonder who'll enforce this?...


And if some people do some things to them when they are trying to destroy their food supply, the usual crowd on ARF and Fudd Central who has spent the last decade trying to find the biggest Thin Blue Line stickers for their cars would be howling about how "cop killers should be flayed in public" and shit...
You guys who put up the laughing emoji on the article, I’m not clear on what is so humorous about this. Clarification would be appreciated.
I didn't but that's my first reaction. Idk why we even bother posting these stories anymore. There's nothing they can do to us to make us snap out of our state of brainwashing. Nobody's is ever going to stand up in anyway. Just watch football, drink beer, and bitch. Might as well get used to the idea of slavery
Clearly an attack on self reliance.
An idea they'd like to smash.
Either buy your "protein" at the state regulated store or we'll come after you with the full force of the law.
Does it seem fucking crazy to use satellites to regulate gardening?...

I thought about the whole satellite angle. That is PROBABLY journalistic sensationalism; I bet they just use Google Earth. I don't know if states have the clout to request satellite bandwidth for chickens and goats.

But then again, there's this:

I thought about the whole satellite angle. That is PROBABLY journalistic sensationalism; I bet they just use Google Earth. I don't know if states have the clout to request satellite bandwidth for chickens and goats.

But then again, there's this:

That will probably be synced up with precision hunter-killer microdrones by 2032 or so... Wasp sized autonomous or piloted things that will flit through the door cracks or open windows of people who the state deems imminent threats or irritations and detonate in their ear as they sleep, or sprays them with a virus that had been created to target their own genetic sequence and nobody else's. Don't think for a second that there are not multiple govt bioresearch and robotics contractors that are not working on projects like these at the very moment...
It's sad our police force went from this:
View attachment 8377971

To this:

View attachment 8377972


Don't forget that the "Good people" begged for it, demanded it.

Remember that prohibition thing when all the "good folks" begged, pleaded, demanded and voted that the government be given near unlimited power to stop people from drinking alcohol because "it's a sin"...
That power the Federal government gained through that was never given up and only got worse.

Remember when all the stupid "good folks" gave the government unlimited, unchecked power to tax everything and anything so they could "go after those rich who should be paying more"...
And now the heels of the IRS are on the necks of ALL the productive citizens of our country, in the country or outside the country.

Remember when all the "good folks" wanted this "war on drugs" because "drugs bad mmkay"...
Well that's when the government did exactly as it was asked and turned "law enforcement" into a war on the citizens... just as they were told to...

Oh remember that begging and pleading for the cops to have an easy button to seize "drug profits" without all that messy business of rights and court cases?

The government was happy to twist the constitution around backwards to accommodate all the "good people's" demand...
And now folks complain about asset seizures and such...

Remember all the power and control and "new tools" all the "good folks" begged for the government to have to save them from "terrorists"...
Oh yep... where are they being used most?...
So who voted for the idiots coming up with this stuff?? Oh yeah, all the people in Portland and a couple other metropolitan areas. The same people who want to know which small farm their food came from and what the name of the chicken or cow was they are now eating. The servers at restaurants and meat counter at groceries should say the chicken is named “Tyson” and the beef is named “Cargill” since that’s what you voted for. Sorry about not having brown eggs, since all our eggs come from Cal-Maine, the largest egg producer in the US. Oh, and all your vegetables now are trucked here from Mexico since the small farms got shut down. Don’t blame it on the politicians you voted for, blame it on big oil since they want to sell more diesel for the trucking industry that brings all that stuff here. 😜
So who voted for the idiots coming up with this stuff?? Oh yeah, all the people in Portland and a couple other metropolitan areas. The same people who want to know which small farm their food came from and what the name of the chicken or cow was they are now eating. The servers at restaurants and meat counter at groceries should say the chicken is named “Tyson” and the beef is named “Cargill” since that’s what you voted for.
Reminds me of the scene from "Restaurant at the End of the Universe" where the cow to be slaughtered and served as your meal is brought to talk to you about the choice cuts to be offered.
So who voted for the idiots coming up with this stuff?? Oh yeah, all the people in Portland and a couple other metropolitan areas. The same people who want to know which small farm their food came from and what the name of the chicken or cow was they are now eating. The servers at restaurants and meat counter at groceries should say the chicken is named “Tyson” and the beef is named “Cargill” since that’s what you voted for. Sorry about not having brown eggs, since all our eggs come from Cal-Maine, the largest egg producer in the US. Oh, and all your vegetables now are trucked here from Mexico since the small farms got shut down. Don’t blame it on the politicians you voted for, blame it on big oil since they want to sell more diesel for the trucking industry that brings all that stuff here. 😜
Same group that put the Spotted Owl on the endangered species list and shut down the lumber industry.

On November 8, 2022, Tina Kotek made history along with Maura Healey of Massachusetts, becoming the first openly lesbian governors elected in American history.
Throughout Tina’s professional career as an advocate for those in need, she has carried the value of service instilled in her by her parents to get real results for Oregonians.

Everybody has a hobby farm in Oregon it'll go over like a lead balloon.

Small farm classification basically it's ' Tax Deferral ' work your 9-5 job and keep few cows and chickens, or breed Alpacas, or plant Xmas trees, and all the Vineyards that are everywhere here ....etc
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Small farm classification basically it's ' Tax Deferral ' work your 9-5 job and keep few cows and chickens, or breed Alpacas, or plant Xmas trees, and all the Vineyards that are everywhere here ....etc
That is true for some. But the question remains: why does the government have the right to go to small farms and tell them that they don't have the right to self-determination - you know, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? If taxes are paid on the homestead who the fuck cares?

Is this same thing going to happen to Gates? Cargill? Tyson?

I'm not busting your balls, just pointing out the hypocrisy and total injustice of it all. It isn't right.
I thought about the whole satellite angle. That is PROBABLY journalistic sensationalism; I bet they just use Google Earth. I don't know if states have the clout to request satellite bandwidth for chickens and goats.

But then again, there's this:

vs Google working with China?
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That will probably be synced up with precision hunter-killer microdrones by 2032 or so... Wasp sized autonomous or piloted things that will flit through the door cracks or open windows of people who the state deems imminent threats or irritations and detonate in their ear as they sleep, or sprays them with a virus that had been created to target their own genetic sequence and nobody else's. Don't think for a second that there are not multiple govt bioresearch and robotics contractors that are not working on projects like these at the very moment...
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So who voted for the idiots coming up with this stuff?? Oh yeah, all the people in Portland and a couple other metropolitan areas. The same people who want to know which small farm their food came from and what the name of the chicken or cow was they are now eating. The servers at restaurants and meat counter at groceries should say the chicken is named “Tyson” and the beef is named “Cargill” since that’s what you voted for. Sorry about not having brown eggs, since all our eggs come from Cal-Maine, the largest egg producer in the US. Oh, and all your vegetables now are trucked here from Mexico since the small farms got shut down. Don’t blame it on the politicians you voted for, blame it on big oil since they want to sell more diesel for the trucking industry that brings all that stuff here. 😜
In NM the politicians are bought and sold by radical environmental groups funded by the elitists. Some young female researcher back east who probably never set foot on a farm and doesn't have a clue about agriculture, wrote a paper that pecan and cotton growers are using too much water in NM with the solution being to take thousand acres out of production permanently. What clueless little twit but some in the legislature are taking her seriously. No discussion of the economic or cultural impact on rural communities. But the fact is they don't fucking care! We grow cotton and pecan orchards and frankly they can go fuck themselves.
So, picture two guys sitting together in front of a TV watching a documentary about the Holodomor. One of them is a lefty Marxist and the other is just a normal, regular guy. By the end of the program, the normal guy is horrified at what Stalin and his evil minions did. The lefty Marxist has a barely-concealed grin on his face, and he's thinking to himself: "That's brilliant!"
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And there it is...

🍷-Almost like our enemies are on the biggest platforms on the planet, telling us, they’re our enemies, and we sit here, in our comfy homes, driving our $80k trucks, drinking our fufk coffee, sipping fufk tea, while our children get mind fukd and start adjusting to the new normal of mindfuking made possible by our government. Who, just happens to be the enemy pushing this country to war (world) 🙄. Meanwhile, our country’s “patriots” are all wanting change that will never come, our southern borders are superhighways for the worlds worst ppl imaginable, (many) If we don’t wake the fuk up, and realize, our children and grandchildren, and theirs will not have the same opportunity’s and freedoms that our grandparents fought and died for, it’s game over. They’re playing a long game, and we’re losing. (I’m a vet, but fighting for rich men, and their globalist agenda “oil” isn’t meeting the same standards as our forefathers and the reason they sacrificed. Now, who’s got some 1/4in groups at 100 yards on paper we can brag about? (Any caliber) Let’s get back to shooting paper.. 👍- 🧀🥓 I’m good.
I thought about the whole satellite angle. That is PROBABLY journalistic sensationalism; I bet they just use Google Earth. I don't know if states have the clout to request satellite bandwidth for chickens and goats.

But then again, there's this:

There’s companies out there that compare google earth surveys year to year and find the stuff people do on their properties- patios, add ons, etc. they compare to building permits and then sell the data to the city to bust people for non permitted additions.
There’s companies out there that compare google earth surveys year to year and find the stuff people do on their properties- patios, add ons, etc. they compare to building permits and then sell the data to the city to bust people for non permitted additions.

They do that here in AZ. And the HOA uses drones to monitor peoples property. My psychopathic neighbor programs his drone to fly up and down the road looking for any HOA violations.
I thought about the whole satellite angle. That is PROBABLY journalistic sensationalism; I bet they just use Google Earth. I don't know if states have the clout to request satellite bandwidth for chickens and goats.

But then again, there's this:

I'd like to think that was sensationalism.
These days, wouldn't put it past them.

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