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Overnight hotel tips when traveling for a match

For me, overnight stays for matches are and should be a normal matter. Traveling to Phoenix is a five hour drive, and I'm not going to go there and then shoot the match soon after; I'm no colossus.

Unless I have some maintenance or adjustment, or some such other thing to do on my gear; it stays in the van. Such requirement simply suggest poor preparation and/or planning on my part; and they are as rare an occurrence as I can manage.

My gear stays in the van. The windows are dark, the interior is black, and the gear is also carried in black cases. A black blanket coverup completes the masquerade. Opening any door or hatch will set off the alarm.

Beyond that, I'm vulnerable. Stolen goods can be replaced; it's the lives that are important. I build my own guns and ammunition, and my other gear is of a frugal nature; so there's that...

I'll live.

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Wow! I haven't checked on this post since June 4th. First, thanks to everyone for sharing their opinions. Wasn''t expecting this amount of attention. Truly appreciate the feedback. First time posting to Snipers Hide and I really appreciate the positive attitudes.

For those who are curious, I did indeed carry all my gear to the room with me. I don't have stickers all over my gear or truck, but its in a "tacticool" case that most anyone could associate with a gun. Anyways, no issues at all. Got some looks, but gave the "its all good head nod." I would feel sick if my guns were stolen and someone used them to do evil things. I traveled the following weekend for another match and I think I'm getting a system down to ensure my stuff/vehicle are protected as much as possible.

Again, thank you to all for the suggestions!
Insurance or not, you aren’t worried about needing it for the class or competition you’re traveling to?

Nah. The odds are pretty low of them actually getting stolen.

If someone breaks into my vehicle, regardless if they take a rifle, I’m probably not gonna be going through with my plans.
I don’t make sure I don’t leave pliers or a hammer in my vehicle.

Rifle is a tool, nothing more. If you have some sentimental value, don’t leave it around.
I personally don’t want my pliers or hammers getting stolen either but would leave those in my car not my weapons. Everyone has there own opinions though and that’s what makes us all have a good time when we get together and tell stories.
I bring mine into the room from a side access door after checking in. If I have to leave the hotel room, I hide the case under the bed or some other area tucked away until I return.
Glad to hear Bootman 545 made the right choice of taking his firearm(s) inside the hotel. Not only were they safe, but he was able to compete. Hope you did well.

With regard to storing firearms in a vehicle overnight at a hotel/motel, with all due respect, IMHO, is irresponsible. You immediately lose control of it; it's no longer in a secure location; too easy for juveniles to obtain possession of; will most likely end up in the wrong hands (they did steal it); and could possible end up being used in the commission of a felony/murder. So many wrongs with leaving a firearm in a vehicle because "I was too lazy to bring it inside." Just my opinion.
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I have also found most western states to be very accepting of people with firearms. Especially in well know hunting districts. I take my pack with rifle in the scabbard up to my room and have yet to even get a dirty look. Quite often it will actually spark conversation with other travelers. Of course its pretty obvious I look like like I am hunting, not... ya know..
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I have also found most western states to be very accepting of people with firearms. Especially in well know hunting districts. I take my pack with rifle in the scabbard up to my room and have yet to even get a dirty look. Quite often it will actually spark conversation with other travelers. Of course its pretty obvious I look like like I am hunting, not... ya know..
not the same looks i get carrying a pelican and kuiu pack into my Boston apartment haha
next time i travel with my rifle(s) im picking up SKB or alike hard shell golf club bag.
usually 45-50" long, ill pad it out inside
can go anywhere with out being noticed, especially if you put a golf sticker or 2 on there
handles, wheels etc
ive gone places that my cases have boot prints and alike when i pick them up on the luggage belt

only reason we buy rectangle cases is because thats what weve been taught to buy

Golf bags not a bad idea, Although I always feel like Im robbing myself a little freedom when I choose to hide my guns or love there of
Wow! I haven't checked on this post since June 4th. First, thanks to everyone for sharing their opinions. Wasn''t expecting this amount of attention. Truly appreciate the feedback. First time posting to Snipers Hide and I really appreciate the positive attitudes.

For those who are curious, I did indeed carry all my gear to the room with me. I don't have stickers all over my gear or truck, but its in a "tacticool" case that most anyone could associate with a gun. Anyways, no issues at all. Got some looks, but gave the "its all good head nod." I would feel sick if my guns were stolen and someone used them to do evil things. I traveled the following weekend for another match and I think I'm getting a system down to ensure my stuff/vehicle are protected as much as possible.

Again, thank you to all for the suggestions!
i can see how you might want to avoid looking like the vegas shooter.
i made this just for fun.




luckily the stupid fin doesn't interfere with long range shooting, and i have a shelf for my thumb.
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I have not traveled extensively for long range shooting. However I have traveled extensively shooting skeet all over the country. If I'm in the hotel room so is my guns, if I leave the room so do the guns. The world championship skeet shoot is in San Antonio TX every year, 10 or so years ago vehicle break ins was rampant. The gun club constructed a gun storage building with guards/attendants around the clock. It was a great success, haven't heard of a lost gun sense it was built, I think they charge $5 per night.
If you walk through the hotel lobby with a pelican case or similar no one even has a clue what your walking in with and the ones that might wouldn’t blame you.
whenever our team traveled for NCAA matches....everyone always thought we were a band, not a rifle team.

without fail, every hotel we went into, we were asked what instruments we played.
rent an rv then you never have to be parted from your guns at any point in the trip ... only need to use black light one time , in a motel lol use them at your own mental risk . What is seen can not be unseen .
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rent an rv then you never have to be parted from your guns at any point in the trip ... only need to use black light one time , in a motel lol use them at your own mental risk . What is seen can not be unseen .

I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to mention an RV. IMO they are the absolute best way to travel anywhere with firearms or any expensive equipment, whether to shooting matches or hunting. You can always stay right with your gear and don't have to expose yourself toting cases and such in/out of hotel rooms. The most secure locations to stay with an RV are on the range itself, if possible, reputable RV parks, or truck stops/Wal-Mart parking lots while enroute. You save money on food and eat healthier too.
Truck stops. Walmarts. Security.

Things that don't go together for $1000, Alex
LOL, quite true unless you are your own security. I'm just saying an RV gives you tremendous flexibility when it comes to a place to stay. On a long road trip, I can literally pull over about just anywhere and not have to worry about securing valuables, paying for a room, food, etc. Talk about being inconspicuous too. RVs are everywhere.
Airbnb if one is available.
Why stay in a hotel if you have better options.

ive had more than one air BNB cancel on me a week prior to a match bc I only reserved one night. ill never do business or get an abnb again. I never realized that the owners of the place can cancel at any given time for any given reason ..
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After 10 cross country trips to Camp Perry and 12 to Phoenix over the last 17 years, the question you are asking yourself is one that I NEVER EVER ASKED MYSELF on those 22 trips. The thought of leaving them in the vehicle overnight never even crossed my mind.

To the point of keeping them with you/not leaving in the motel room, one year at Phoenix we finished up at Ben Avery and were heading to an early dinner. Two in our group insisted on swinging by their hotel and dropping off their firearms prior to going to dinner. I'll never forget watching them carry them past the shirtless lowlifes living at the Motel 6 on Bell Rd into the room, then get in the truck and drive to dinner.

Pick a restaurant where you can see your vehicle from your table without turning around. Otherwise, split up with your roomie and have someone watch the hardware while you go out and return with food.
One thing I have started doing.Assuming you have hard luggage and hard rifle and gear cases,I use lenghts of aircraft cable with loops on the end.Then I aircraft cable through all of my handles or locks making all of the cases connected together.Finally I padlock the ends of the loop to the tie down points in my Tahoe.My theory is even if somebody breaks in and the alarm goes off the bad guy won't wanna stick around to get through all the cable.
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I always take my weapons or any personal belongings with me to the room. I don't like to take risks. I had a sad experience when my car was robbed. Once there was a case that I stupidly left some secondary documents and a laptop in the car. I hid them well, but it didn't help. The criminals took out everything they found. Now, before the trip, I carefully choose a hotel that would allow me to take my rifle with me to my room. I think that many people know that weapons cost a lot of money. And I would not want anyone to be killed with a gun registered to me. Thus, you should think twice about such things.

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We take lots of Road Trips as ms gamboolgal and I like to take back roads to enjoy the country side and small town America; and to play the Pokerssszzzz at Casino's.
We Never use the Room Safe.
We have done the following for years across the country.
We use a Pelican Case to keep our EDC's, cash, jewelry, laptops, etc., in.
We use Cable Locks, e.g. Masterlock keyed Cable Locks and lengths of Aircraft Cable with loops to secure the Pelican to something solid or the Furniture in the Room - and Padlock the Pelican.
Thieves will need tools to get it and our intent is to make it awkward and time consuming to defeat our measures. We hope/think most of the Grab & Go type thieves will leave it be
Thus far over dozens of Road Trips of durations of afew days to a month - we've not had any thefts.

On the other hand, we have left cell phones, clothes, sunglasses, boots and shoes, etc all over America.....

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Hello! Newbie here and I have a stupid question.

When you stay overnight at a hotel for a match, do you take your gun and gear with you into the room? Or leave it locked up in your vehicle? This weekend will be the first time I travel to a match and I'm just looking for some advice.

I feel compelled to bring everything in my room, but worry about freaking other people out. Obviously, I wouldn't just carry my gun out of its case through the main lobby. However, I feel like people would see the case, identify its a gun, and freak. So, does anyone have any guidance to share? Or am I just over thinking this?


Always take your equipment to your room.
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You obviously need to take your weapons to the hotel. Any idiot can see it in your car and cause trouble for you, like trying to break doors or break glass.

From another point of view:

I have separate insurance for my weapons and accessories. But, for theft, there has to be a police report and some sort of forced entry.

More than likely, if my weapons are stolen out of the hotel room, it will be by an employee or someone with a key. Insurance will consider than negligence on my part.

So, I leave mine in the truck out of sight.

None of my equipment has any sentimental value. So, if it’s stolen, at worst I’m just out of a few bucks for the match fee and travel.

I’ll get brand new everything else.
From another point of view:

I have separate insurance for my weapons and accessories. But, for theft, there has to be a police report and some sort of forced entry.

More than likely, if my weapons are stolen out of the hotel room, it will be by an employee or someone with a key. Insurance will consider than negligence on my part.

So, I leave mine in the truck out of sight.

None of my equipment has any sentimental value. So, if it’s stolen, at worst I’m just out of a few bucks for the match fee and travel.

I’ll get brand new everything else.
I get what you're saying. Once your stuff is stolen you're F'd either way. It's all replaceable. My hang up with that logic is that some A-hole could then use my stuff to do evil things. That's something I struggle to be comfortable to the point I would leave my stuff unattended, anywhere. The odds of you catching the person stealing from your hotel room are exponentially higher than from someone smashing a window and dipping. There are cameras all over hotel room hallways and doorways. If nothing else you'll have the evidence and maybe a face to go with it. You'd potentially have nothing to go off of other than missing things from a broken into vehicle. I'll continue bringing my stuff inside because its where I am and if some nut job wants to steal stuff to go and do evil, he can use someone else's gear. So far, no one has given 2 S^*(&^ about me dragging a luggage cart full of gear and gun cases to a room. Then again I'm doing this in Louisiana and Mississippi so.....
I do the same thing up north BootMan.

I feel like if I ask front desk Im just screwing myself either way - so I take the case n walk her on into my room just like a suitcase. There are some laws (Nevada shooting always came to my mind) about it but I dont think any of them apply if the hotel has less than 4 stories (read that somewhere online so it must be true!). I am in the hotel room when my guns are out of the vehicle nearly 100% of the time too - they'd have to be a Danny Ocean protege to get away with it and leave me with zero recourse

But always retry opening your room door if you do leave (with guns inside) to make sure it clicked...ive had it happen a couple times where I let the door close behind me but it didn't fully engage the lock - so that'd be my nugget of info.
If I leave guns in the car/truck, it might be because I’m lazy, I forgot, don’t feel like toting them, don’t think it’s necessary, whatever. But it sure won’t be over what other people “think”.
It’ll be in a case, I’m not announcing what I have, I’m not showing them off, I’m going to do everything possible to be discreet. If they figure out what I’ve got and they have a problem with it, they’re quite welcome to fuck off, as they’re likely not the sort of folks whose opinion (on anything) I’d have any respect for anyway.
FWIW, I’m in a hotel a LOT and I don’t leave anything in the vehicle (laptop, cellphone, gun, boots) that I’m not prepared to part with. My vehicle’s not been broken into YET, but it’s only a matter of time.
Traveling to San Antonio for NSCA nationals? You guns are safer in an unlocked hotel room than in your car. Safest bet it to check them at the range. But, if you attend enough tournaments in San Antonio, your car WILL be broken into.
I'd love to hear more recommendations from seasoned travelers here too. Now, on the topic of beautiful hotels worldwide, I haven't traveled extensively, but I did have the chance to visit the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, and it was absolutely stunning! The architecture, the lush gardens, and the impeccable service – it's a gem right in the heart of the city.
It's awesome that you're going to be jet-setting for a few months – sounds like a dream come true. As for beautiful hotels, I've got to give a shout out to Dallas. If you're wondering where to stay in dallas, here are five cool areas you might want to consider: Downtown Dallas: For a bustling city vibe with lots of cultural attractions. Uptown Dallas: Trendy, vibrant, and great for nightlife. Deep Ellum: Perfect for music lovers and art enthusiasts. Bishop Arts District: Quirky, charming, and full of boutique shops. Trinity Groves: Foodie paradise with fantastic views of the skyline.
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I'd love to hear more recommendations from seasoned travelers here too. Now, on the topic of beautiful hotels worldwide, I haven't traveled extensively, but I did have the chance to visit the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, and it was absolutely stunning! The architecture, the lush gardens, and the impeccable service – it's a gem right in the heart of the city.