I thought long and hard about the results of Saturday's adventures before I decide to post. In the past month or so I have had the pleasure of befriending a 0311 and a 0317. That being said, I also have a good friend who is very fortunate in financial as his bank accont rings to the sum of about $40,000,000.00. His father in law is an active LEO and managed to get some simunition (both 5.56 and 7.62 NATO which I didn't even know they made). So to make a long story even more boring, we all managed to meet in one spot which was in the middle of a 950 acre piece of property provided by the rich kid. We set up a stalk, live fire on target, overrun, and evade senario. The 0317 of course was a spotter while I stalked. As some may recall I was working with an ex ARMY sniper but that all fell apart after a few sessions. Anyway I managed to get by the the 0317 to get a shot off which I'll elaborate on later if desired. At that point he called over the walkie that I had succeeded and to go ahead and prepare for the overrun. The 0311 then became my spotter and everyone else became very unfriendly and the shit storm started. We stayed in the hide until the op force got within 100 meters and I shot (with simunition which is decently accurate at that range) the apparent leader of the pack (the 0317). It was surprisingly a first round hit and the other two scattered like roaches but didn't seem too scared. So rounds blazing here they come! My spotter and I hauled ass out the back door of the hide, down a creek bed up the side and off into the cluster fuck of woods behind us. The LEO didn't seem too bothered by the woods and followed rounds blazing. He was damn good at what he did as the rounds were close enough to make ya shit and git! Long and short of it is that my spotter (an active 0311) managed to take a leg out from under the LEO which made his shooting the more accurate and I added an extra 175 grains to richy rich. I never quite realized how hard it would be to stay focused and alive in that type of situation. I learned what it is to look down a two way range. Even though they won't kill, the simunition still hurts like hell especially in close quarters. Any comments on how to make this a better senario would be appreciated.