Just stumbled across this... https://pardini.it/en/products-and-news/tr20-the-new-22lr-semi-auto-rifle-by-pardini-4/
Some more reading here:
What's outstanding to me is that they use 3D printed carbon-reinforced polymer for many parts. I have ordered some magazines for my pistol, they are also printed polymer. And that's the interesting bit to me: the rifle is based on the pistol, many parts interchange! Which means Pardini FINALLY offers mags with more than 5 round capacity! IMO that's a big leap for them, away from purely ISSF/Olympic shooting. Depending on the price, i may as well get me this TR20. I found some italian shops that allready offer it for 1300€ - if this is true, this would be awesome and make it realy accesible! I hope this thing turns out to be as awesome as i hope it is. 'Cause the pistol is a very reliable and proven system. Out of the over 6000 rounds i fired with my Pardini i can recall 4 malfunctions.

Pardini TR20 – oparty na pistolecie SP samopowtarzalny karabinek – MILMAG
Pardini wprowadza do swojej oferty karabinek samopowtarzalny na nabój .22LR TR20. Konstrukcja oparta jest na szkielecie pistoletu SP i dzieli z nim regulowany mechanizm spustowy.
Some more reading here:

Pardini TR20: a new semiauto rimfire sporting rifle
Developed around the frame of the Company's own SP series of sporting pistols, the new Pardini TR20 is a rimfire semi-automatic carbine for Mini-Rifle 22 competitions, representing Pardini's first foray in the field of long guns outside of olympic shooting carbines

What's outstanding to me is that they use 3D printed carbon-reinforced polymer for many parts. I have ordered some magazines for my pistol, they are also printed polymer. And that's the interesting bit to me: the rifle is based on the pistol, many parts interchange! Which means Pardini FINALLY offers mags with more than 5 round capacity! IMO that's a big leap for them, away from purely ISSF/Olympic shooting. Depending on the price, i may as well get me this TR20. I found some italian shops that allready offer it for 1300€ - if this is true, this would be awesome and make it realy accesible! I hope this thing turns out to be as awesome as i hope it is. 'Cause the pistol is a very reliable and proven system. Out of the over 6000 rounds i fired with my Pardini i can recall 4 malfunctions.