<span style="font-weight: bold">Grey Group Training is proud to announce that we will be handling Paul Howe’s (CSAT) classes for 2011. Please keep checking the CSAT and Grey Group Training websites for the 2011 CSAT schedule and updates. </span>
<span style="font-weight: bold"> Combat Shooting & Tactics</span>
<span style="font-weight: bold">Paul Howe has over 30 years experience in law enforcement, military and security arenas. Paul has attended numerous tactical schools, authored numerous tactical articles and books on tactics, leadership and mindset, and shooting. Paul holds a MIS (Masters of Interdisciplinary Studies) from Stephen F. Austin State University (2000).
CSAT is a proven training program which allows civilians, LE and military wide opportunities to become proficient in all aspects of combat and tactical training.
Paul Howe’s experiences include:
- LE
- Tier 1 Special Ops/TL
- Tier 1 Senior Instructor
- Combat veteran of multiple venues and operations
- LE SWAT and Tactical Trainer for over 20 years</span>
<span style="font-weight: bold">Grey Group Training:</span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"> Combat Shooting & Tactics</span>

<span style="font-weight: bold">Paul Howe has over 30 years experience in law enforcement, military and security arenas. Paul has attended numerous tactical schools, authored numerous tactical articles and books on tactics, leadership and mindset, and shooting. Paul holds a MIS (Masters of Interdisciplinary Studies) from Stephen F. Austin State University (2000).
CSAT is a proven training program which allows civilians, LE and military wide opportunities to become proficient in all aspects of combat and tactical training.
Paul Howe’s experiences include:
- LE
- Tier 1 Special Ops/TL
- Tier 1 Senior Instructor
- Combat veteran of multiple venues and operations
- LE SWAT and Tactical Trainer for over 20 years</span>

<span style="font-weight: bold">Grey Group Training:</span>