You've said all info appreciated so I'll jump in w/this.
Many of the adaptors set up for this kind of imagery, you'll have to find step-up/step down threaded rings or sleeves to attempt to use these adaptors to a specific spotter/rifle scope. I've found there are an infinite number of press fit sleeves, extensions et al w/different acc. thread sizes or w/the ability to come close to adapting this to what you want.
I'm still in the process of getting all the primary sfuff for my second rifle build, but when finished I may buy 2 adaptors which are made by Fotodiox, an outfit that specializes in adaptors which are very well machined to do something w/my cameras and/or cellphone behind my scopes.
I have the March 4.5-28X52 so the first adaptor I'd get would be this
Buy FotodioX Lens Adapter Astro Edition for T-Mount Wide Field Telescopes to Nikon Z-Mount Cameras featuring Designed for Astro Photographers, Precise Fit and Solid Connection, Chrome Plated Brass Mounts, Precision All-Metal Construction. Review FotodioX null
One end of this fits a nikon digital camera, the other has a 48mm thread. the back end of the March has a 43mm acc. thread, so of course I'll spring for something like a Heliopan 48mm-43mm step down ring. You'll have to track down which rings juxtapose male to female threads the way you want.
I've seen a lot of cheaply made and constructed "Rube Goldberg" Bullshit sold to do this, and they're a waste of money. You need something that is professionally machined w/true right angles where they're supposed to be, and Fotodiox isn't Heliopan or B+W but it's good enough and will work.
For a combination of adapting either a cellphone or camera I may pick up this depending on the next scope I get.
Fotodiox manufactures mostly adaptors, and they're bought by photographers and they're machined right and they work.
Adapting to specific spotters/riflescopes you'll may have to track down ringed adaptors/step-up/step-down rings/extension rings w/different thread sizes, and there's an outfit call 'Raf" on ebay that makes adaptor rings that nobody else makes. They also sell helicoid/variable extension tubes if you need to get the distance right.