I’d look at a Ferro Slickter. As mentioned, Crye. I run a Velocity Systems for the padding but I also run a Mayflower Gen4 placard so there’s no hiding this bitch and at my size if I run it under a Hoodie I’d look like Grimace. Placards are infinite. Spiritus, Blue Force, etc are all good and collapse down small when empty.
I’m certainly no plate expert but I do know ounces add to pounds and pounds add to pain. Buy as light a plate that you can afford and still fits the threat you are most likely to encounter. Someone is going to pop in and say if you’re not buying $1000 per plate level 4s you’re retarded. Fuck that. Buy what you can afford and fits the bill then train in it. Some asshole like me can still shoot you in the pelvis, then the head while you’re down so don’t get too wrapped up in every threat scenario.
I still get the Ninja looks when I train in my shit at the range or do cardio, etc but who gives a shit. That said, guys training in full kit is not nearly as unusual as it used to be. If you’ve never done it, training in plates sucks. Be ready to embrace the suck….