Re: PMG Spring 2012 Team Precision Rifle Match
<span style="color: #CC0000">Shooters,
Registration for the PMG Spring 2012 Team Precision Rifle Match is right around the corner. We have decided to change the way we handle registration to ensure the process is fair for everyone. Please read all registration details to ensure that you understand how the process will work.
Registration will open March 10th at 1200h for return shooters (shooters who have shot our match before), and 1600h for new shooters to our match. All times are CST.
When your time slot opens you must send an email to The email must contain the following information For Both Shooters In The Team:
First and Last Name
Full Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number
T-Shirt Size
Only one person from each team needs to send a registration email. Ensure both shooters info is IN the same email or it will be considered incomplete.
Emails will be opened in the order they are received, any email that is sent before the specified registration time will not count.
Confirmation emails will be sent to the first 30 teams that register. Teams that do not make it into the first 30 will be put on the waiting list. Don't worry if you get put on the waiting list. We anticipate being able to accept over 40 teams, we just have to hold spots for sponsored teams and Military team.
Confirmation emails will start being sent out on March 11th. The confirmation email will include the address where you must send your match fee. The match fee is $300 per team (150 per shooter). All fees must be received by March 24th. If your fee has not been received by March 24th, you will loose your spot and the next team on the waiting list will be contacted. Any cancellation must be made by April 30th, after that no refunds will be made.
Military Shooters- We know the hassle of getting your unit to authorize/pay for a match first hand. Spots are being held for Military Teams. If you want to shoot, please send us an email on registration day and we will put you on the list while you work with your unit.
Sponsors- We have started sending out emails containing sponsorship packets for this match. If you have not received one and would like one just let me know and I will get it to you. The packet contains all info about sponsorship levels and sponsored shooter slots.
We are easy to work with guys. If you have any questions about the registration process please contact me via PM or the email address located in my profile. Do not use the registration email for questions.
Thank you!</span>