Gathering my thoughts and pics here to see if I understand this correctly.
I seem to be ok at 25y.
I seem to be ok at 50y
But at 100y I’m all over,
My question is the variable at 100y barrel heat and / or proper shooting (bipod) technique? The ‘evidence’ is as follows:
Ruger 77/17 hm2, 20’’ factory barrel
USO 1.8x10, JNG MOA reticle, with EREK knob and US#3 windage
Atlas bipod.
The following targets were shooting from a bench. The scope and bipod are new to me. Previously was shooting the rifle in a scout set up with a another barrel so no comparison to be made there.
Had previously gone out with the scope and sighted it in but was having some trouble getting the reticle low enough [SH ] and now have a suspicion, or question based on today’s experience.
Sh.1 Pic
25 yard, sighter in lower left. POA is red dot, hit 1’’ low at 25y, which is consistent with where I left off from the last sighting. Ran a group placing POA at two hashes low (raising reticle, 2 hashes or 2 moa) and make a dandy little group.
Sh.2 pic
Move to 50y. Shoot group in center as POA=POI. Looked a little left and high. Moved to upper left dot as POA to play adjustments for a 50y Zero, went wrong direction, corrected by adj3. Moved to upper right dot as POA, still a little left and high. Moved to lower left, slowed down a bit and satisfied with 50y shot group as ‘Zero.’
Sh.3 pic
Moved to 100y with no further adjustments to scope. Now hitting what looks like 1-2 inches high. WHY is the rifle shooting higher at 100y than at 50y? Barrel heating up???
Moving to lower left dot, I play around and use one reticle hash high POA at red dot and group. Alright, but not great.
Sh.4 pic
I’m trying to learn something so I can apply it to bunny hunting in the field – so I move the target back in to 50y.
Started at upper right, it’s 1 inch high at 50. Looking back, it’s not much different than in Sh.2, but I really want to understand where this is hitting at different ranges, AND hit POA as POI.
Move to lower right dot. Adjust EREK knob to for better POA / POI and shoot lower right dot – very satisfied. Move to lower left dod, confirm POA/POI, reasonably satisfied.
Move same target to 25y so I understand distance change to POA / POI.
Shot upper left dot, it’s just a little bit low but I can live with that variable in the field (but it looks 1 to 1.5 hash / MOA low in the scope).
Next run it back out to 100y without changing anything on the scope…and use a larger target, and here’s where my QUESTION starts to come into play.
Shot center dot as POA…
I’m hitting 1 to 2 inches low which seems about right for 17hm2 drop…BUT RISES to POA/POI as I progress through the 10 shot string. Barrel cooled during change over and warmed up during string shoot???
Shot upper right dot as POA and hits moved higher yet, 1 to 2 inches high. (This connects back to my original problem with sighting in the scope hitting 4 inches high at 100 yards).
Move to lower right dot as using 1 MOA reticle hash high (lower scope) and it goes low…I’m confused now. Move to lower left dot as POA and it does still hit 1 inch high….and wrap it up feeling like I don’t really know what I’m doing.
So my question as stated at the beginning…is the variable at 100y barrel heat, and / or proper shooting (bipod) technique? For a hunting rifle do a 'cold zero' instead of a warmed target zero?
I seem to be ok at 25y.
I seem to be ok at 50y
But at 100y I’m all over,
My question is the variable at 100y barrel heat and / or proper shooting (bipod) technique? The ‘evidence’ is as follows:
Ruger 77/17 hm2, 20’’ factory barrel
USO 1.8x10, JNG MOA reticle, with EREK knob and US#3 windage
Atlas bipod.

The following targets were shooting from a bench. The scope and bipod are new to me. Previously was shooting the rifle in a scout set up with a another barrel so no comparison to be made there.
Had previously gone out with the scope and sighted it in but was having some trouble getting the reticle low enough [SH ] and now have a suspicion, or question based on today’s experience.
Sh.1 Pic

25 yard, sighter in lower left. POA is red dot, hit 1’’ low at 25y, which is consistent with where I left off from the last sighting. Ran a group placing POA at two hashes low (raising reticle, 2 hashes or 2 moa) and make a dandy little group.
Sh.2 pic

Move to 50y. Shoot group in center as POA=POI. Looked a little left and high. Moved to upper left dot as POA to play adjustments for a 50y Zero, went wrong direction, corrected by adj3. Moved to upper right dot as POA, still a little left and high. Moved to lower left, slowed down a bit and satisfied with 50y shot group as ‘Zero.’
Sh.3 pic

Moved to 100y with no further adjustments to scope. Now hitting what looks like 1-2 inches high. WHY is the rifle shooting higher at 100y than at 50y? Barrel heating up???
Moving to lower left dot, I play around and use one reticle hash high POA at red dot and group. Alright, but not great.
Sh.4 pic

I’m trying to learn something so I can apply it to bunny hunting in the field – so I move the target back in to 50y.
Started at upper right, it’s 1 inch high at 50. Looking back, it’s not much different than in Sh.2, but I really want to understand where this is hitting at different ranges, AND hit POA as POI.
Move to lower right dot. Adjust EREK knob to for better POA / POI and shoot lower right dot – very satisfied. Move to lower left dod, confirm POA/POI, reasonably satisfied.
Move same target to 25y so I understand distance change to POA / POI.
Shot upper left dot, it’s just a little bit low but I can live with that variable in the field (but it looks 1 to 1.5 hash / MOA low in the scope).
Next run it back out to 100y without changing anything on the scope…and use a larger target, and here’s where my QUESTION starts to come into play.

Shot center dot as POA…
I’m hitting 1 to 2 inches low which seems about right for 17hm2 drop…BUT RISES to POA/POI as I progress through the 10 shot string. Barrel cooled during change over and warmed up during string shoot???
Shot upper right dot as POA and hits moved higher yet, 1 to 2 inches high. (This connects back to my original problem with sighting in the scope hitting 4 inches high at 100 yards).
Move to lower right dot as using 1 MOA reticle hash high (lower scope) and it goes low…I’m confused now. Move to lower left dot as POA and it does still hit 1 inch high….and wrap it up feeling like I don’t really know what I’m doing.
So my question as stated at the beginning…is the variable at 100y barrel heat, and / or proper shooting (bipod) technique? For a hunting rifle do a 'cold zero' instead of a warmed target zero?