Pocahontas wants you audited, she and her ink thinks its time the middle class bends over.

What did it cost taxpayers to collect that billion?
That was my point while I was shit posting on X on her thread. Supposedly there were 30k new IRS employees over the last couple years. So at least $100k cost per employee per year(it's probably triple that) that's $3b in employees to bring in $1b. In the private sector they would all be looking for new jobs.
Someone pass her the peace pipe already so that she can go to sleep.

My mother's father was from Germany. My grandmother's family was English though she said someone in the past had married an Apache woman.

My father was of English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry.

So, yeah, Warren is about as native american as I am.
The poor and the middle class are the perfect victims for the IRS. It doesn't make sense to spend 5K to fight the IRS over the 3K they are demanding, so you just pay. The rich on the other hand have have enough money that it's worth it to cheat on millions in taxes, spend a bit of money to drag out the process for a few years, and then offer to settle with the IRS for pennies on the dollar for what they should be paying.

Everybody has their damm hands in our pockets and neither the Republicans or Democrats have any interest in fixing it because they love stealing our money.
I had health insurance through the healthcare dot gov and it is subsidized. So, you make a certain payment based on your annual income. Then, when you file your income taxes, the IRS says, oops, looks like we overcompensated on the subsidy and you get to pay it back.

In addition if you have medicaid, it doesn't help to deduct that but at the same time, you cannot take withholding out of SSA benefits and have it lower the Medicaid co-pay, which is net of SSA - Medicare B - $75

Government sucks.