Again, I understand some of the sentiments. I really do. But he is not "far more right" about that statement. Civil asset forfeiture is a very small part of budget and what local LEO actually do. And the standards for it usually are pretty high, they're taking drug dealer's Escalades, not Joe Blow DUI's F150.
It's a hard career with it's share of knuckle heads but only a small percentage do the stuff you're talking about and they are almost immediately fired. How many people get fired from a private sector job for a Domestic Violence case or DUI? None. Of course, a position like LE that has a higher position of trust in the community should be held to a higher standard and in my experience that standard is very often enforced. When it's not it is usually for City Council, Mayors, Police Chiefs and Sheriff's. In other words, the corrupt people at the top, just like in every other organization. Civilization's going back to the time of Babylon have understood the need to have people that keep the peace.
Think critically. Why would the left work so hard to undermine LOCAL law enforcement that by and large wants to protect the community from criminals that are very real and doing bad shit to people? Think when that really started. Obama, with Treyvon Martin, "hands up don't shoot", the beer summit, and the media was complicit. Soros District Attorneys that release Felons arrested with guns (through hard and dangerous work performed by local LE's). Same DA's and Judges charge "right wing groups" for things that aren't crimes, or are legal, but largely ignore Billions of dollars in property damage by BLM riots, as well as Arson, Looting, Aggravated Assaults and murders. This is not accidental and is not the choice of Local LE.
The answer is: they want to undermine THE SYSTEM and give the perception that capitalism has failed and needs to be replaced with Communism/Socialism. The answer to their failed leftist policies is always MORE power to enact failed policies and enrich themselves.
They don't want Officers that understand and believe in the Constitution so the end plan is LIKELY to eventually move to a country-wide Federal law enforcement agency that replaces "all these corrupt, racist local departments." I don't think anyone should be boot-licking to positions of authority. Distrust big government but also realize that lots of local cops risk their lives and put it on the line against really bad people and show a little gratitude for that. Catching rocks and bricks and golf balls during the BLM riots was not a picnic. Those crowds were infiltrated with literal communists and Soros paid professional agitators.
Rather than bitching about "statist tax collectors" and building conspiricies in your head against every person wearing a uniform you might be better off getting to know your local LE, having conversations about issues like firearms, business closures, mandates, etc. Find common ground. Encourage your local Chief/Sheriff to hire people who believe in and defend the freedoms you believe in. Elect real conservative's as your local City Council, Mayors, Attorney Generals, District Attorney's, etc. They will influence the culture and mandates of the Law Enforcement, not the individual Officers.