Doc, your reply was deflection and misdirection. Your a physician so I know you have reading comprehension skills. I wasn’t talking about the general population of the mentally retarded and you know it. I was talking about you being a braggadocio about your five paid for homes, large investment accounts and then you clearly being heartless and show zero empathy for people struggling, albeit, even if they are making $250/yr. - even people that are being honest in this thread. I was talking about you and if you were delayed in your own mother’s birth canal, during your own birth deprived of oxygen resulting in your own retardation, you wouldn’t be bragging about the self-made man you think you are, looking down on your perch to the $250k/yr peasants. Since you drop the name of Christ, how about, “except for the grace of God there go I.” How about because God gave you your next breath over and again back when you were at the university, here you are bragging and showing no compassion. Your not the only smart guy in the room, I saw through your reply for what it was.
Since you so quickly forget from your post recently:
“There are simple morals and values that I think most people can agree with even if you aren’t religious, such as a.) do not kill b.) do not steal c.) tell the truth and d.)
respect others. Those are the minimum requirements for a society to be able to function properly. So if you can follow the minimum then society will be fine. And abortion is killing pure and simple. And you can
denounce religion all you want but if everyone tries to at least
follow Christs example then the world would be a much happier and peaceful place.”
You know who the most dangerous people are in the church? The religious ones, those who espouse rules, but have no relationship with Christ. You are no model to follow. Instead of looking for your sixth house to buy or how you can improve the return on your portfolio

maybe consider printing off post #1 of this thread and your reply and go to a counselor and say, “I would like for you to read this and help me because I realize I am an arrogant, heartless ass and I don’t want to stay this way.“ Of course, you would have to actually believe that and actually want to find out why you are the way you are and really want to change.
The Apostle Paul said, “…I am chief among sinners…” I think if Paul were alive today, a more contemporary way of saying that would be, “I am chief among assholes.” And the way Paul treated people at times he was an asshole at times. Religion I have no use for, it has ruined so many people from having a desire to actually pursue relationship with God.
Who goes on the internet and brags about five paid for homes, unless as you alluded to it’s “all BS anyway, so maybe you are making up a story about yourself. Unless someone is in the strata of wealth such as the ultra-rich, why would anyone even own five homes? It’s poor stewardship at the very least.
Yes I will “denounce religion all I want,” thank you very much, Christ came to destroy the religion of the Pharisees and extend the gift of real relationship with Himself and for 2,000 years religious people continue to fuck up what Christ did through the continuance of religion and by extension turning away people from God. Give careful thought to your ways…