
Why would a anti trump, uber leftist, muslim shooter target a grocery store in literally the most liberal demographic place in all of Colorado?

Could be this store is in a predominately white neighborhood. For him, I'm sure it was a race issue.

It will be interesting to see the races of those that he killed. To only kill 10 people, he had to be selective in his shooting. If he wanted to kill EVERYONE/ANYONE, the number should have been much higher.
This action by the left/communists (they are not democrats or socialists) is that they know the old saying: "Divided we fall, united we stand." They are doing everything they can to balkanize us so that we end up like some country like the Former Yugoslavia or any one of the Balkan states (hence Balkanization). Divide among racial and religious lines an that goes deep into the core of most peoples being - especially when combined with complete lack of education on HOW to think courtesy of the same people who've been in charge of our education system for the past 50 years and more or less COMPLETELY in charge since 1990.
After listening to her recent 4+ hour interview on the Jocko Podcast, I came away with the understanding that I have substantial policy differences, but her approach to the political process is far better than any of the current cast of characters in DC. We'd be far better as a nation if she was representing the Loyal Opposition; both because she appears to be a decent person, and because I believe that the Republican Party would be forced to run candidates of similar character instead of whatever shithead everyone is gonna talk themselves into voting for in 2024.

I think she might be capable of reasoned thought, a rarity in her political tribe.

Her stated positions are so opposite American liberty though I dont expect much movement.

She gets points for eye candy though.
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And? Relevance? It's still a personal choice, is it not?

What constitutes a suicide attempt? Is that like suicide by gun, being included in murder statistics?

What are the statistics on successful follow-ups? (persistence pays for many)

Many are acts designed to get attention and help meaning no committed desire to die.

Take the taboo away someone will be there to say "No,no,no....that wont do. Let me help you get this right."

They wont get to realize their mistake and live the second chance.

Lots of people do stupid stuff in the heat of a moment that would be regretted if they had the ability to.

We wont stop suicide.

You guys think banning guns will stop suicide.


You will have people jumping in front of TT, getting cops to take them down, flying off bridges.

Its gonna happen...lets not make it a prescribed remedy.
Guy is nuts....

Bill Kristol

One reason I'm for DC statehood: The growth in size of the republic--and our distinctive manner of growth, admitting states with equal status--has always been a sign of our vigor. 60 years at 50 states is enough. Time for DC, Puerto Rico, Cuba (as soon as it's free), 1 or 2 more?
Kristol is nuckin futs!
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Many are acts designed to get attention and help meaning no committed desire to die.

Take the taboo away someone will be there to say "No,no,no....that wont do. Let me help you get this right."

They wont get to realize their mistake and live the second chance.

Lots of people do stupid stuff in the heat of a moment that would be regretted if they had the ability to.

We wont stop suicide.

You guys think banning guns will stop suicide.


You will have people jumping in front of TT, getting cops to take them down, flying off bridges.

Its gonna happen...lets not make it a prescribed remedy.

If people have the ability (meaning physically able), there's very little one can do to prevent it. What about the person that is done with being kept alive by drugs? Is it suicide if they stop taking the drugs that are keeping them alive, even if it takes 6 month for them to die?

I'm a follower of Christ and I don't believe anyone should take their own life, but I'm also a realist.

At the age of 17, I watched a close friend come out of his bedroom with a 20 ga shotgun. All of us at the party looked at him when he placed the barrel under his chin and pulled the trigger. The only thing we could think of is he invited us all to his house to watch him die. He could have done this deed at any time but he didn't it his way.

I'm glad I've never experienced such an event in my life where I had considered suicide. I can't fathom how bad something must be perceived as insurmountable that the only option left is suicide. But I have known a few people who have done it. Each time, no one really knew the actual reason.
Because they are seen as week and an easier target.

This. He is anti-American, as is any true believer of the Muslim faith. Therefore he picks a soft target. Obviously and thankfully this guy wasnt a hard line true believer, or the death toll (although significant) would have been worse, and he would have fought to his death, or blown himself up.
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Many are acts designed to get attention and help meaning no committed desire to die.

Agreed. And they're the ones least likely to be successful. It doesn't negate the point that some people genuinely want to die.

They wont get to realize their mistake and live the second chance.

So what? It's not your problem.

Lots of people do stupid stuff in the heat of a moment that would be regretted if they had the ability to.

"Hold my beer and watch this".

We wont stop suicide.

You guys think banning guns will stop suicide.

There you go, shadow boxing invisible leftists again.

Kudos to the person who DM'ed me, to warn me that I may have found the single dumbest person in the forum. Fucking nailed it.

You will have people jumping in front of TT, getting cops to take them down, flying off bridges.

Its gonna happen...lets not make it a prescribed remedy.

You mean like they already do?

Your viewpoints are increasingly at odds with those of physicians - who ACTUALLY have to deal with death, face-to-face, on a daily basis. There is currently (and has been for awhile) a push to allow people to die, even with help. I know that in your world view, probably all doctors are liberals and commies, but I definitely put more faith in a physician's point of view on this topic, than I do in the sum total of all of your half-baked arguments x1000. Especially knowing that doctors are actually educated in subjects like logic and ethics - whereas you're just some guy with an uninformed opinion, who wants to decide for everyone else.

Wonder how you'd feel about the subject if you spent a month doing the rounds in a hospice center. Honestly, I don't think I could do it.
At the age of 17, I watched a close friend come out of his bedroom with a 20 ga shotgun. All of us at the party looked at him when he placed the barrel under his chin and pulled the trigger. The only thing we could think of is he invited us all to his house to watch him die. He could have done this deed at any time but he didn't it his way.
I had almost the exact same experience. Right down to the age.

The motherfucker *calmly* said, "hey, watch this". Last words, as he put a .357 magnum in his mouth, in front a group of close to 70 people.
@BullGear and @Solid7

Sorry you too suffered that trauma/experience but that person wasnt just wanting to die...they had other issues and wanted to transfer their pain and hurt to each and every person there.

Thats just plain mean. That person wasnt suffering, they wanted to cause suffering.

My father did it he left the house so there would be no clean up, left a note saying where he was and it directed the finder, me, to call the cops.

He wasnt wanting to hurt anyone but himself and if you ask me his decision wasnt worth it.

Divorce happens, job loss happens....shit turns around.

4 grandkids had he known they were coming bet he would have stuck around.

@Solid7 Im guessing @Choid sent you the pm via Grindr. You two hooking up for some tubesteak?
If people have the ability (meaning physically able), there's very little one can do to prevent it. What about the person that is done with being kept alive by drugs? Is it suicide if they stop taking the drugs that are keeping them alive, even if it takes 6 month for them to die?

I'm a follower of Christ and I don't believe anyone should take their own life, but I'm also a realist.

At the age of 17, I watched a close friend come out of his bedroom with a 20 ga shotgun. All of us at the party looked at him when he placed the barrel under his chin and pulled the trigger. The only thing we could think of is he invited us all to his house to watch him die. He could have done this deed at any time but he didn't it his way.

I'm glad I've never experienced such an event in my life where I had considered suicide. I can't fathom how bad something must be perceived as insurmountable that the only option left is suicide. But I have known a few people who have done it. Each time, no one really knew the actual reason.

Arrrgh.. sorry you had to witness that. I can't imagine much of anything being anymore brutal.

I don't think most suicides are over one single event per se... but a never ending struggle or torment. Demons that don't let up. My brother commited suicide. And even had he not left a note... I'd still fully understand why. When all a person has ever known is pain and despair... their mindset is 'I'm tired, I didn't sign up for this, life is harsh, has no value, never experienced the good in life --done, calling it quits.' Suicide is an viable option... esp. when they do it so there's no clean up.

What I can guarantee (for me) suicide is not a judgment to hell. If God would be so cruel as to punish someone for taking their life, when it was the brutality of life that beat him down in the first place... nah. Thats not love.
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I saw the definition earlier of "white".

Which I was not aware of, and even ironically now, I wonder if the other Muslims would still like to be considered "white"?
to be fair, muslims have been fucking over black folks since the 7th century. they were the ones that started global slave trading.
My father did it he left the house so there would be no clean up, left a note saying where he was and it directed the finder, me, to call the cops.
Jesus. There are no words can ever make that easier. God bless and keep you both.

Please in the future do not give the trolls Grindr ideas. We have enough, more than our share of fags and mental cases on this side of the fence.
I saw the definition earlier of "white".

Which I was not aware of, and even ironically now, I wonder if the other Muslims would still like to be considered "white"?

Muslim is a religion not a race.

Jews have some genetic markers but still convert such as Ivanka did, its religion not race.

Any group of people from an area will have some genetic markers and will likely share their religion.

Still religion and race differ.

Religion may be choice, but once chosen, it can become defining.

Confusing religion and race is a blurred line the lefties want.

Guessing Kosovo Muslims would look different from Saharan Muslims.

Either way, religion or race, who cares? Your cultural presentation, the values, are what matters.
the genocide in africa is not black on black warfare, but muslims eradicating the indigenous black christian population.

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the genocide in africa is not black on black warfare, but muslims eradicating the indigenous black population.


Culture not race.

Unfortunately the positive cultures in Africa are terribly abused by the malignant cultures.

Such a resource rich place absolutely butt raped.
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muslims are bound by the koran not to abuse other muslims and everything else is fair game.

/unless wrong flavored muslim.

Truth be told though the clerics/mullah abuse the shit out of their country people because to them religion is just the cudgel they use to enforce their power.

Power and control all they care about.

Human nature at its worst......what our Constitution is designed to protect us from.
Truth be told though the clerics/mullah abuse the shit out of their country people because to them religion is just the cudgel they use to enforce their power.

Power and control all they care about.

Human nature at its worst......what our Constitution is designed to protect us from.
Yeah... Agreed on the last point... BUT... How’s that workin’ out for ya’ (us) currently...?
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Truth be told though the clerics/mullah abuse the shit out of their country people because to them religion is just the cudgel they use to enforce their power.

Power and control all they care about.

Human nature at its worst......what our Constitution is designed to protect us from.
all religion is flawed, because all men are flawed.
Yeah... Agreed on the last point... BUT... How’s that workin’ out for ya’ (us) currently...?

We have this guys example from our history....


and this guys warning from another country.....

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”​

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Lets hope we have the sense to listen to the lessons of history.