Ok, let me re word what I wrote so hopefully you're not so confused.
People during the Depression and afterwards trusted the news. It was all they had to cling to. Many, the ones with electricity, had just one radio they gathered around. News was, in most part just that news, not a political tool to manipulate. The Depression was real, the war in Europe was real, the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor was real. People believed the news and newspapers. There was no reason not to.
As I stated, today the 'news' is nothing more than a propaganda tool. Multiple sources all say the same thing, even Fox and Newsmax. You have more channels and more devises today to listen to the news other than a lone radio with bad reception in a Dust Bowl farm shack in the 30's. And they all say the same thing, the same lying propaganda. People today are being lied to, right now. Turn on any MSM news program. And guess what, many people believe every word of it even though it's proven, constantly, they are being lied to. There was not that suspicion or proof during the Depression Era that the news was corrupt, because it wasn't. Not on the scale it is today. Don't blame those Depression Era farmers and out of work people for trusting the news and government when people today still trust an obviously corrupt government thats trying to eradicate them.
To say I don't understand what I previously wrote or changed what I just rewrote for you that makes the same point so you can hopefully understand, from what I previously wrote is another lie.