
Saw that on another forum. Lots of "'F the 9th Circus of Appeals, I'll continue to protect myself" type responses from those living in effected states.
As much as complaining might make them feel better doing something productive like funding the FPC and organizing for their rights would be more helpful. But even I've grown cynical.
"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."
Robert Heinlein
"Well, I've always thought the law was meant to be interpreted in a lenient manner. Sometimes I lean one way and sometimes I lean the other." - Hud Bannon

Maybe someone from the CMP can stop by Ms. Boebert's office, and maybe they can work together to fix this problem.
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As much as complaining might make them feel better doing something productive like funding the FPC and organizing for their rights would be more helpful. But even I've grown cynical.
So, you propose town hall meetings and voicing your opinion will sway an illegal rogue regime that overthrew an election and is weaponizing the police and military to be used against you?

The only organizing that needs to be done now is organizing your local well armed militia.
I was speaking with somebody who lives in a commie state and I made the earth shattering observation that within a few months, maybe as soon as April, you'll have to have the "Start ID" AND your "COVID VAX" Card (not to be confused with an old DEC computer). So, to fly, one has to have an ID, then PAPERS; yet, to vote...it gets mailed to people without ANY confirmation. HR-1 will just make it official that the democratic method of voting is a sham open to non-citizens, convicts, etc, etc . Disgusting.
Biden asks Supreme Court to "let" cops enter citizens homes to seize guns. "Let", not "make". But of course cops took an oath and would never go against the Constitution. Right?...Right?
Fuck pedo joe!
I'm not interested to live in the past, despite the fact that I'll point out the flaws in logic, whenever people make flawed arguments. Truth is, for everybody's pissing and moaning, it's all fairly masturbatory, if they can't/won't do anything to back it up.

I don't get caught up in the notion of "atonement". As I've stated before, I pretty much have respect for anyone who fights for what they believe in, and doesn't just bitch about it, point fingers at others, or spin conspiracy theories to downplay the loss of morale. One of the fundamental truths of the world, is that "might makes right". Doesn't really matter what you believe, or whether it's right or wrong. Whoever can kick the most ass, is in charge - simple as. And when a bigger ass kicker comes along, they're probably going to lose their place, too.

I distinctly believe that's the heart of this matter. Whether it's as "Christians" or "Americans", I think a whole lot of us know and understand, that we're not the only big kids on the block, anymore. And quite frankly, I think that scares the bejesus out of a whole lot of people.

You know who believes that?

This guy...

I met him at The Crazy Horse monument in 2014, bought his book about Crazy Horse and Red Cloud.

The book was not only a history of two warriors it was an overview of Sioux history.

I never realized the Sioux were a coastal Carolina Tribe. They started moving west as the Europeans arrived.

As they moved west the Sioux took the land from every tribe already holding it....his description....the stronger culture took over the weaker.

He viewed the loss of Sioux land to the whites in the same way. In reading about him I see some negative comments because his justifying what happened, rather than be the victim, set him apart from the others looking to use victimization as a tactic.

Problem with your point is that the stronger culture is not succeeding. They have gained their power against the will of the people and through the use of force and subterfuge.

As a chosen way they have been rejected by the majority.

Kudos to them for their cut throat ways but "wrong" does not make them right.

Their policies have failed every time but at the cost of millions of lives.

You may be willing to accept their power grab and the death that it will bring but the rest of us dont have to accept the "might makes right" principle.

A more progressive better way is not what leads Washington now despite their claiming to be progressives. What they actually intend to progress to is the the exercise of unchecked power against the individual.
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How does it feel to cede complete emotional control to someone else? I'm asking honestly, because I can't relate...

Stay triggered, buddy. ;)

Actually he just totally refuted everything you stand for.

In what clown world are the things he mentions productive or beneficial? Being on time is racism, division makes us stronger......

You deny history.

We are watching a train wreck approaching at full speed. Many are trying to stop it.

Those like yourself are slow stroking getting off on anticipating the carnage to come.
Biden asks Supreme Court to "let" cops enter citizens homes to seize guns. "Let", not "make". But of course cops took an oath and would never go against the Constitution. Right?...Right?

There are some that'll be happy to meet them at the door.
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I was speaking with somebody who lives in a commie state and I made the earth shattering observation that within a few months, maybe as soon as April, you'll have to have the "Start ID" AND your "COVID VAX" Card (not to be confused with an old DEC computer). So, to fly, one has to have an ID, then PAPERS; yet, to vote...it gets mailed to people without ANY confirmation. HR-1 will just make it official that the democratic method of voting is a sham open to non-citizens, convicts, etc, etc . Disgusting.
i won't comply with any racist ID requirement. fuck them.
Im too....(insert word here).....to get an ID.

Some words the communists have used...

Unable to use a computer
i'm not white, so i cannot be expected to know how to get an ID, or have the wherewithal to save up $30 to pay for one.

homeless people can't get one? all you have to do here if you are homeless is go to a resource center and they will get the fee waived so you can get your ID and start cashing them government checks (if you don't have the debit card already)
You know who believes that?

This guy...

Kudos to them for their cut throat ways but "wrong" does not make them right.

Their policies have failed every time but at the cost of millions of lives.

You may be willing to accept their power grab and the death that it will bring but the rest of us dont have to accept the "might makes right" principle.
I appreciate that you actually analyzed my statement, and related it to something substantive. Interestingly enough, this man was a member of the same tribe as my family.

Unfortunately, the reality is that "might" is absolute. It's the sum total of every resource at human disposal, required to definitively settle a conflict (seen any Vikings lately?). And sometimes, "not accepting" one thing, means meeting destruction.

"Give me liberty, or give me death". That I can respect.

All cultures rise and fall. Nations and peoples alike, experience entropy. You can say that the "wrong" culture isn't winning. But who is it that wants it more right now? "To the victor go the spoils", they say.

How bad do you want it?
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So, you propose town hall meetings and voicing your opinion will sway an illegal rogue regime that overthrew an election and is weaponizing the police and military to be used against you?

The only organizing that needs to be done now is organizing your local well armed militia.
Calm the fuck down captain conspiracy. I meant organizing for the court battle. Im sure your approach will work real well. 🙄
I appreciate that you actually analyzed my statement, and related it to something substantive. Interestingly enough, this man was a member of the same tribe as my family.

Unfortunately, the reality is that "might" is absolute. It's the sum total of every resource at human disposal, required to definitively settle a conflict (seen any Vikings lately?). And sometimes, "not accepting" one thing, means meeting destruction.

"Give me liberty, or give me death". That I can respect.

All cultures rise and fall. Nations and peoples alike, experience entropy. You can say that the "wrong" culture isn't winning. But who is it that wants it more right now? "To the victor go the spoils", they say.

How bad do you want it?

As much as I abhore some of his diatribe he has a point. One group actually does shit and gets things accomplished and the other sits and bitches about what the other group is doing. This does not seem like a winning formula.
As much as I abhore some of his diatribe he has a point. One group actually does shit and gets things accomplished and the other sits and bitches about what the other group is doing. This does not seem like a winning formula.
That's the kind of honesty that I respect.

And yes, that is exactly my point. No rational person would ever underestimate their adversary in the way that is commonly done. As Jim Morrison famously sang, "They've got the guns, but we've got the numbers".
How does it feel to cede complete emotional control to someone else? I'm asking honestly, because I can't relate...

Stay triggered, buddy. ;)
Your constant blabbering to every comment directed your way, says otherwise!

Glad you have found some people to respond to your blabbering, as Im sure you lack that outside this forum.

You realise 99% of people here find you utterly annoying, right? You likely find that a sign of superiority, but the reality is, you are just an annoying douche. Most people just scroll right past your arrogant blabber.

You realize youve aligned yourself closer to a jester than a scholar on this forum, right?
The Republic is already gone. This is just the aftermath.
Wow. You called it on the slow stroking for violence. He’s paraphrasing Mao, and this is precisely why this will come to a head faster than they can imagine. Their total victory by disarming us and legalizing voter fraud is going to blow up in their faces. Some evils are insufferable.

Seems we’ve found a Marxist acolyte. A true believer and mortal enemy of any American. Not that our government isn’t shot through with traitors, but they're the smart ones who pretend to be for the American people and for our country. I too prefer your honesty. It will make things much easier when it’s over.
You know who believes that?

This guy...

I met him at The Crazy Horse monument in 2014, bought his book about Crazy Horse and Red Cloud.

The book was not only a history of two warriors it was an overview of Sioux history.

I never realized the Sioux were a coastal Carolina Tribe. They started moving east as the Europeans arrived.

As they moved east the Sioux took the land from every tribe already holding it....his description....the stronger culture took over the weaker.

He viewed the loss of Sioux land to the whites in the same way. In reading about him I see some negative comments because his justifying what happened, rather than be the victim, set him apart from the others looking to use victimization as a tactic.

Problem with your point is that the stronger culture is not succeeding. They have gained their power against the will of the people and through the use of force and subterfuge.

As a chosen way they have been rejected by the majority.

Kudos to them for their cut throat ways but "wrong" does not make them right.

Their policies have failed every time but at the cost of millions of lives.

You may be willing to accept their power grab and the death that it will bring but the rest of us dont have to accept the "might makes right" principle.

A more progressive better way is not what leads Washington now despite their claiming to be progressives. What they actually intend to progress to is the the exercise of unchecked power against the individual.

*West. They started in the Carolinas... there isn't anything east except salty water.
Biden is too demented to hold a press meeting and the Press is kicked out. He has no clue whats going on around him.

I doubt we'll be seeing much of Pedo Joe from here on. He'll be kept in his basement until Camaltoe can step in.

That man is as lost as a fart in a hurricane! And camel's voice is so annoying there is no wonder willie made her shut up. But PJ is now what I'd call "Stage 2 Alzheimer's" Look at his eyes...they look like he's unsure of what is going on, notice his breathing rate goes up...like he's scared of what is going on because he doesn't know who those people are and why they are surrounding him.

Tomorrow I'm going to be damn sure to watch the press conference that by all chances be so drugged up he may get through, until somebody like Tim Doocy asks questions. They'll NEVER let a real reporter ask a question...even if PJ accidently calls on them. Also notice his eyes are no longer blue, but black as coal in the right eye and somewhat partially blue in the left eye - WTF.
Lets say something happens tomorrow or in the near future and Biden leaves office and Kameltoe is now president. Do you think the Repuklicans have the gall to stand up and really fight? I know the uber left would pressure her into moving this country into a Communist path now instead of later. I just wonder what and how the Repuklicans can do.
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On arfcom some are saying it's elder abuse and sad. I say fuck him. If he were a man or even half a man he would come clean and admit his corruption and try and get right with his maker but those people don't have it in them.

I hope he spends the rest of his evil, lying, corrupt, pedophile days in confused terror.
On arfcom some are saying it's elder abuse and sad. I say fuck him. If he were a man or even half a man he would come clean and admit his corruption and try and get right with his maker but those people don't have it in them.

I hope he spends the rest of his evil, lying, corrupt, pedophile days in confused terror.
It is elder abuse and sad. That doesn't excuse it or him. He was a shit bag even when he had his wits about him. But the fact his mental condition is being abused reveals just how scummy are those who surround him.
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