After these third-party organizations drop the voter registration forms they’ve collected at the recorder’s office, Pouquette and her team would run them through a statewide database to cross-check the identifying information on each form to the voter.
However, Pouquette said she’s noticed unusual signs with some of the forms she’s received.
“I could immediately see that there were individual names in those forms that were people that I knew were already registered. But they were utilizing real people’s names with fake addresses and fake dates of birth,” she said. “One of them was our pediatrician. One of them was a local attorney who I had been an acquaintance of and has passed away for some time. One was a minor that I believe was around the age of 14 … So it just became very clear that there was a problem.
“And then, we’re getting five, six registration forms for the same person. As you can imagine, that’s where we feel that there’s an intentional effort to disrupt the system and identify vulnerabilities,” Pouquette added.
Pouquette said they’ve noticed over 100 such anomalies in the registration process leading up to the 2022 primaries and have sent letters to each of the addresses indicated on the registration forms as required by law.
“I simply find it unfortunate that it is a requirement because we know that we’re sending them to people that we have a strong belief to be nonexistent,” she said. “We should be working on credible, real registrations that we have in our county, as opposed to spending any time or resources—which is actually significant time and resources—on this type of activity.”