[extreme sarcasm alert]
Hmmmm...So weird that none of us saw this coming. I mean, I just wish we could have predicted the gov might purposely destroy the economy and usher in a new digital currency. But gosh darn, guess none of us saw it coming!
[sarcasm over]
Better buckle up boys. Once they have this in place you will be shut off for any wrong think or failing to update your gov injections. With a few keystrokes, you won't be able to buy food, do any banking, get healthcare, RXs, your car won't start, phone won't work, internet shut off...nothing. You will be turned off.
What's that you say? You'll just round up the gang and exercise your 2A and fix the problem? Well sorry, a satellite signal has disabled your car, the gang can't get out of their driveway and a gov squad of goons is on their way to your house to detain you and your guns for your wrong think and the safety of the community. But it's ok, just go through the reeducation program, get your latest injections, swear your allegiance to Dear Leader Kamala, and you will get some privileges back.