The shots had been distributed in several waves. The very furst wave was late Feb - March 2021. That was when politicians had been on TV getting jabbed with saline for show and regular people had to register and in some places, lotteries were held due to limited doses available.
The second, much larger wave was June-August 2021. That was when all the MSM fear porn consuming NPCs lined up in block-long queues around pharmacies to get their poison. Doses were ample by this point and vax shaming had begun.
The third and perhaps the most tragic wave, was October-December 2021. That was when many places instituted 'no jab no job' mandates and many, MANY folks had bent the knee to continue to be employable.
The fallout and injuries/deaths from the 2nd and third waves have not arrived yet. We are still seeing those from the first batch falling ill and dying right now. Come this fall, winter, and next spring, the numbers might be catastrophic.