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I was thinking about this "electric" car and all the push towards electric only. Which, of course, idiots in the USA and around the world think is "clean" when it's not nearly as clean as the end product. How doth we get electricity? Even the "cleanest" forms are dirty. Solar cell production - dirty, hydroelectric - "destroys" land, nuclear -too risky, coal (even with new technology) - claim is too dirty. But electricity is clean!!! IDIOTS!!!

Furthermore, this started out as an ALTERNATIVE form...now it's becoming THE ONLY form. So much for an "alternative." This country is run by fucking fools or maybe more appropriately analyed...the people are fools willing to avoid any slightly critical thinking.

So the electric F150 is going to go up by around $8k due to the fact that the price of materials for batteries has gone crazy....

$8000 / $3.50 = 2285 gallon of gas
2285 gallons x 18MPG = 41k miles

So for the increase in price of an electric truck, you can drive the gas truck for 2 years free.

So the electric F150 is going to go up by around $8k due to the fact that the price of materials for batteries has gone crazy....

$8000 / $3.50 = 2285 gallon of gas
2285 gallons x 18MPG = 41k miles

So for the increase in price of an electric truck, you can drive the gas truck for 2 years free.
Possibly longer than that if you added the cost of charging the truck to the math.
I say this a LOT.
Even at $5 per gallon, you can buy a shit ton of fuel for the price of a new EV.

But then, I drove old Dodges and Fords for several decades when I was able to do my own mechanic work.
I would drive a fucking go-cart with a B&S motor everywhere i went, before I would own a fucking electric vehicle.
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I say this a LOT.
Even at $5 per gallon, you can buy a shit ton of fuel for the price of a new EV.

But then, I drove old Dodges and Fords for several decades when I was able to do my own mechanic work.
I would drive a fucking go-cart with a B&S motor everywhere i went, before I would own a fucking electric vehicle.
I wouldn't mind one, especially for running around to jobsites that are within 30-40 mins of my base. I burn a ton of fuel driving a truck around town and most of the time I'm not hauling or towing anything substantial.

Now, being in Florida, I'm curious to see how a major hurricane pans out with all the electric vehicles. We haven't had one in awhile. Once evacuation orders get called, traffic is very slow moving and fuel is scarce. I'd imagine the charging situation could get interesting.

Every year at the start of hurricane season, we fill up about 100 gallons of gas with fuel saver. If we dont use it for the season, we use it in our vehicles. I can throw a bunch of fuel cans in the back of my truck and make it out of Florida with my little camper without stopping. If I stay, I can have a refrigerator and a room with AC to cool off in. If you have ever gone weeks without power in the FL summer, you know how important that is.
I wouldn't mind one, especially for running around to jobsites that are within 30-40 mins of my base. I burn a ton of fuel driving a truck around town and most of the time I'm not hauling or towing anything substantial.

Now, being in Florida, I'm curious to see how a major hurricane pans out with all the electric vehicles. We haven't had one in awhile. Once evacuation orders get called, traffic is very slow moving and fuel is scarce. I'd imagine the charging situation could get interesting.

Every year at the start of hurricane season, we fill up about 100 gallons of gas with fuel saver. If we dont use it for the season, we use it in our vehicles. I can throw a bunch of fuel cans in the back of my truck and make it out of Florida with my little camper without stopping. If I stay, I can have a refrigerator and a room with AC to cool off in. If you have ever gone weeks without power in the FL summer, you know how important that is.

If you are pulling a trailer, forget about that Ford Lightning truck and get their hybrid one instead.
Towing a decent sized camper, your range is going to be about half the advertised range.

The Hybrid one is fairly interesting as that gets good gas mileage and if you buy the one with the 7500w AC inverter, you can run a lot of stuff off it.

Funny enough some guys trying to take the Ford Lightning from Colorado to Alaska used the Ford Hybrid F150 as a chase vehicle and at least once or more had to hook up the electric vehicle to the inverter on the hybrid to get charged up.
Other half of this is that people get disgusted and just tune it out. Yeah, it's called apathy, but it's all getting to be a bit much.

I'm curious as to when we might see just a sliver of justice for the massive transgressions that have been taking place in the past few years. It appears that I'm going to have a long wait.

Beware The Quiet Man.........
Don't know where you backwoods deplorables have been hiding from reality.

I have over the years driven lots of eve's. They are quiet, don't give off much heat or gasses.

They were compacts seating 4 and the really small ones only two.

It was short range driving normally 5 miles or less per trip.

But in the old days we called them golf carts.

I want to see the affidavit. I want to see how and why this warrant was granted. I want the FACTS. The warrant isn't all that important. The affidavit will show the smoking gun and that may be the straw.........
I want to see the affidavit. I want to see how and why this warrant was granted. I want the FACTS. The warrant isn't all that important. The affidavit will show the smoking gun and that may be the straw.........
Probably not going to see it any time soon and if we do it will be heavily redacted.

Still a lot of innuendo to be spread.
From the butthole of the manlet proclaiming that "AR-15s are too easy to purchase and are killing our children" himself:

Then one day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles. I knew, however, that this happiness and sense of freedom were much too overwhelming for them. This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams. As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.

My dream was abruptly ended when I heard a loud banging on the front window. It was an old man, who was using his cane to awaken me. He might have been a witness to my act of love. I was not sure, nor did I care. It was simply ecstasy. As I drove home, I envisioned myself committing more of these 'acts of love,' and after a while, I had no trouble carrying them out. The more people I killed, the longer my dreams were. ... I had killed nearly 38 people by the time of my twenty-third birthday, and each one was more fulfilling than the last.

RE: Betaboy: Things never disappear from the Internet, you creepy little fuckwad... Like shipwrecks in space. Instead of sinking into the murky depths of millions of PSI of water to be forgotten, detritus in space floats there forever.


I didn't know Beto was a CoDC member (Cult of the Dead Cow).
It *was* a pretty decent hacking group.....that sold out to the .gov.
Strange isn't it, even back then in the early 90's Beto was a sellout.
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1. At best, and I mean at best, this was an experiment conducted globally to assess the reactions of various human populations, race, and physical builds to gene modification. A rider attached to this experiment is also that global leaders can see just how compliant people will be when shamed, coerced, or downright mandated.

2. Most likely, this was done with global population control in mind and working out a plan for future global depopulation programs, with the experimental bullet points from line 1 a side result. After all, the globalists have fantasized about building giant human colonies on perpetually floating giant airships or even space stations once the "earth becomes uninhabitable". Colonies where the populations are strictly monitored, sex and procreation absolutely prohibited unless the participants have applied for and are granted a permit by the "Elder Council" running the ship colonies and infractions to this rule are dealt with at gunpoint, or ejection from the airlocks, and everybody living there serves the hive mind.

3. This had never been done with peoples' well being in mind. From April 2020 onward, the majority of us informed folks who routinely maintain and participate in gun forum mega news feed threads have realized that COVID is a flu like illness with similar effects. Any lockdowns or government "epidemic policies" after April 2020 were useless and were simply done as an excuse to gain more control.

4. Smallpox had been an extremely serious problem in the pre-industrial world and scientists at the time were genuinely concerned for their fellow citizens and wanted to find a way to protect people from disease. The scientific institutions of the 1700s and 1800s were completely free of the toxic social and globalist agendas that were born in the wake of the first communist and socialist revolutions of the late 1800s/early 1900s.

5. The smallpox vaccine was a true innoculative procedure using traditional methods. It is actually a vaccine. It exposes your body to a minute amount of a deactivated contagion to help your immune cells build up a defensive response. It does not hijack your genome and force your altered cells to produce an uncontrolled amount of lethal toxins.

6. If you are not a gun owner and you are not a leftist either and the jet stream of the Internet have carried you here and you've made it to this point, you better arm yourself RIGHT NOW. The government has plenty of near future plans for you and your loved ones, and none of them are good.

7. And for us gunnies, have all of us practiced the Dicken drill at the range yet and have practiced enough to be competent with the firearm of your choice? Just a little heads up.

8. And just another reminder: Don't forget that Robert Francis Beto O'Rourke had written a "fanfiction" years ago where he fantasized about running over and killing children with his car on a freeway. Keep that in mind when you hear his gun control drivel during this campaigning season.
I thought small pox was defeated by giving people cow pox.

Cow pox is generally benign and it was found people that had survived an infection of cowpox avoided small pox.

During the Revolution small pox was the best Allie of the Brits.

Small Pox probably gave us Trudeau.
He protesteth too much….
I thought small pox was defeated by giving people cow pox.

Cow pox is generally benign and it was found people that had survived an infection of cowpox avoided small pox.

During the Revolution small pox was the best Allie of the Brits.

Small Pox probably gave us Trudeau.

You got that right man, cowpox was the chief innoculating agent for the original smallpox vaccine. People who worked with cows and milked them often get exposed to such high concentrations of cowpox virus that they develop mild infections consisting of a low fever, some malaise and tiredness, and mild sores which healed in a few days. The doctors of that time would ask for folks recovering from cowpox to step forward so they can draw some pus from their healing rashes, and then a bit of that pus would be injected into the skin of the people who are waiting for a smallpox vaccine. It was 100% effective in preventing smallpox once that dreaded contagion arrived.

I wonder if cowpox is still around. If some terrorist fuck or globalist belligerent wants to release smallpox into the current population, cowpox will enable at least local rural communities to ad hoc vaccinate themselves from the threat with a VERY safe procedure.
You got that right man, cowpox was the chief innoculating agent for the original smallpox vaccine. People who worked with cows and milked them often get exposed to such high concentrations of cowpox virus that they develop mild infections consisting of a low fever, some malaise and tiredness, and mild sores which healed in a few days. The doctors of that time would ask for folks recovering from cowpox to step forward so they can draw some pus from their healing rashes, and then a bit of that pus would be injected into the skin of the people who are waiting for a smallpox vaccine. It was 100% effective in preventing smallpox once that dreaded contagion arrived.

I wonder if cowpox is still around. If some terrorist fuck or globalist belligerent wants to release smallpox into the current population, cowpox will enable at least local rural communities to ad hoc vaccinate themselves from the threat with a VERY safe procedure.
Did not know that thanks for sharing.
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You got that right man, cowpox was the chief innoculating agent for the original smallpox vaccine. People who worked with cows and milked them often get exposed to such high concentrations of cowpox virus that they develop mild infections consisting of a low fever, some malaise and tiredness, and mild sores which healed in a few days. The doctors of that time would ask for folks recovering from cowpox to step forward so they can draw some pus from their healing rashes, and then a bit of that pus would be injected into the skin of the people who are waiting for a smallpox vaccine. It was 100% effective in preventing smallpox once that dreaded contagion arrived.

I wonder if cowpox is still around. If some terrorist fuck or globalist belligerent wants to release smallpox into the current population, cowpox will enable at least local rural communities to ad hoc vaccinate themselves from the threat with a VERY safe procedure.
The original small pox vaccine was small pox pus and it was a tough decision to make.

Washington required the vaccine and now a days everyone wants to use that to justify our mandates.

I say pre constitution, 30% mortality, fighting in an existential war in which defeat was going to bring on 100% mortality.

When Boston was evacuated Washington ordered the first 1000 soldiers in to be sp survivors.

Leaving blankets behind also worked on whitey and it was a Massachusetts original.
Then why drive a truck? Buy a four cylinder shit box and strap shit to the roof.
Dump trailers and supplies. Sometimes the delivery driver cant make it for a couple days but you need the material. Dump trailers save a good amount of money, super convienent on job sites and can hold a lot of weight. Showing up in a shitbox with shit straped to the roof isnt going to inspire confidence with the clientele in my area.

Let me be more clear, I like the idea of the electric truck. The one that they keep trying to sell everyone. But it's not there yet, especially at a premium price.

From History Channel GANGLAND: Breed Motorcycle Club.

Breed MC member whose regional chapter had all been drinking at a bar during a run:

"... So we were at the bar one night and this one guy comes in and asks "WHICH ONE OF YOU BIKERS HAVE BEEN FUCKING MY OLD LADY?" And the entire bar was like "WE ALL ARE". And then we proceeded to beat this motherfucker's head in"...

"Neo nazi white supremacists" huh? I think we all are now, aren't we?

Trying to look for fucks to give.......
No fucks found.
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Even with the one in her mouth ???