That’s not science…..that is corruption.Science has long been sold to the highest bidder or the most powerful or popular screecher. The food pyramid, finding pre-clovis artifacts in north America, opioid pain killers, antidepressants. Go ask an archeologist about the ogham writings in north America. When one of my friends was at UNC working on his masters in geology he asked one of his professors about them, she told him talking about that would be the end of her career. He dropped out and changed his life goals when he realized its not a search for truth. Its about towing the line, no matter the evidence to the contrary, contradict it belittle it and burry it. They knew antidepressants don't work because depression is not caused by brain chemistry. They knew opioid pain killers were both dangerous and highly addictive, but billed them as safe for children and not addictive.
What else, cigarettes are safe, kids need sugar for energy, second hand smoke is more dangerous than first hand, the shots are safe and effective, the flu shot works, electric cars are better for the eviroment, there is no such thing as clean coal, global warming, global cooling, transcontinental escalator, CO2 is a climate driver, holes in the ozone from CFCs, the pacific garbage patch, hydrogen as a viable energy source the list goes on and on.
Why So Much Science is Wrong, False, Puffed, or Misleading | The Daily Economy
"The book, while scary and disheartening, is truth-seeking and ultimately optimistic. Ritchie doesn’t come to bury science; he comes to fix it. 'T
True science is beautiful…it is the search for truth and the belief absolutes do not exist or must always be tested to determine their credibility.
Some one that tells you it is finite and goes no further than their personal finding is a liar out to hurt you.