
Good article in the WSJ today that outlines leases for Oil and gas drilling offshore and on federal lands. In the first 19 months of Biden's term they are the lowest since Harry Truman in 1945-46 ( just as offshore drilling was beginning ).

Biden's Interior department leased 126,000 acres in the first 19 months in office - Trump leased 4.4 million, Obama 7.25 million, Bush 12.74 million - even Carter leased 11.77 million. Reagan wins this contest with 47.5 million leased in the first 19 months - wow.

As Biden has called for more oil production, his actions speak louder than words.. Leasing is down 97% from the first 19 months of Donald Trump's term.

The Mineral Leasing act of 1920 requires onshore oil and gas leasing auctions at least quarterly, in the 6 quarters Biden has been in office it has conducted auctions in just one... in late June of this year ( 5 auctions held June 29-30th). There have been no sales for offshore drilling so far under Biden.

Federal leases account for more than 25% of all US Oil Production.

The Interior department has awarded 203 leases for Oil and gas development during Biden's term so far, Both Trump and Obama each approved 10x as many leases during the same period.

Anyway... check out the article in the WSJ if you can, if not I have tried to provide some of the good facts they provided here as a summary.

I see they forgot to open the comments section. Afraid someone might show prominent demo squad members legitimizing violence in the pursuit of their ideology. Dont forget the ongoing orchestrated crime wave of antifa, BLM, etc. Or the actual insurrection perpetrated by deepstate, media, social media actors...Hard to believe.
"He reportedly sold over 42,000 shares in the company, oft-identified as a ‘meme stock’, for $1 million just over two weeks ago, according to MarketBeat.com. At the time, he still owned 267,896 shares in the company, valued at just under $6.5million".

Uhhhh, yeah. This is what all "suicidal" people do...............:rolleyes:

He may have been suicidal, but if so, I doubt it had much to do with BB&B.
The entire federal government is corrupt and should be dealt with accordingly by the citizenry. It is evident that the FBI is nothing more than the jack boots for PedoHitler and his associates. The ATF is trying to do the same thing but got kicked in the balls a day or so ago.

Take care of your business fellows. This is not about Trump, Biden, Democrats or Republicans. This is about you, your families and others you care about. Keep it dry and buy more.
maybe dropping mypillow and alienating half the country wasn't a great idea. store is over-priced anyway unless you get something on sale.
Long but very well done and interesting. If you're good on the concepts of Gen1-4 warfare, you can skip to 8:35. Above, I linked to an article on Dims being concerned about a civil war in the U.S. How would that narrative change if you believe that there is already a fifth-gen war being waged on (certain segments) of America by its own .gov?

Template public:_media_site_embed_youtube not found. Try rebuilding or reinstalling the s9e/MediaSites add-on.

The government is planning something big. I think it's going to be a bloodbath bigger than Vegas shooting. Marching these glow fags around and the branding of all conservatives as enemies of the state are huge fucking clues. Get ready folks, your own government is about to launch a full on attack on you.

I’m not gonna lie, at first when I was watching the speech my first instinct was something was wrong. Almost like it was in front of a green screen or something else.

I also wondered why the Marine on the right sides hands were lit up. Maybe it’s just the way the lighting was but his uniform didn’t have light spilling over, his gloved hands glowed. Maybe I think to much, I just know there was a lot of symbolism going on! And it wasn’t meant for good.
It is indeed the lighting, it was intentional. On tv and movie sets, there are a hell of a lot of lights, even if it appears to be low/subdued to the audience. To get the Marine’s hands to stand out, they would have had lights specifically aimed at them. The lights would have also had “dowsers/ barn doors” on them to limit light spillage outside of the target area.