Edward II had been a lifelong disappointment to his father Edward I 'Longshanks', the Butcher of Scotland, who had wanted his son to be become a warrior equal to him and inherit the kingdom he had built for him. Instead, Edward II was far more interested in sleeping with his "best friend", a French knight named Piers Gaveston. Over time, Edward II made Gaveston a baron and duke and gave him many fiefs which had belonged to other nobles in the Plantagenet court, at the threat of death to these powerful nobles if they resisted. One of most treacherous things he done in the eyes of these nobles was make Gaveston the Earl of Cornwall over a dozen knights who had far more rights to that title and had actually earned a shot at that title by placing themselves on the front lines on the battlefield. These nobles, most notably the Earls of Lancaster and Warwick, along with Isabella the estranged wife of Edward II who had been thoroughly horrified by Edward's plot to eliminate her French family to annex her family's holdings on the continent, soon raised an army of supporters and over a period of less than a year, defeated Edward and Gaveston's forces along with another baron named Hugh Despenser who Edward had made the royal chamberlain to the utter disdain of the entire Parliament, captured all three and condemned them for high treason. Gaveston was beheaded. Edward however, was incarcerated at the castle of Kenilworth where he was killed by having a red hot fireplace poker shoved up his ass. Despenser was hanged, drawn and quartered. It was one of the more embarrassing scandals of the Plantagenet saga...
"One down. Two to go". The head of Piers Gaveston presented to the Earl of Lancaster at Blacklow Hill. 1312
I thought that faggot got thrown out the window.