I know something about this one. The country has been going to hell in a handbasket for decades. Corruption out in the open across ALL as in ALL sectors of public service. They also have issues with fresh water. These things need to be taken care of, and after tossing out the evil white rule it was only a matter of time that a country that could stand on its own would be on its knees begging for handouts. Same thing happened in Rhodesia. Now Zimbabwe is offering 99yr "leases" to farmers to come back and make it the "bread basket" of africa again. And the stupid idiots are going back. No idea why. They went back and found out it is not 1980 anymore turned around and flew back to where ever they came from.
That is not racist, those are just the facts. Ian Smith said the blacks just don't have the education to run a modern country and all that goes into it. They are still very tribe focused. He wanted a generation to go to schools be educated in western ways then slowly hand the country over. Nope not good enough for the west, do it now. Pound sand, and the entire world went to war over that little country.
Just so screwed up.