
Wonder why illegally entering our country isn't this serious?
False documents, potentially carrying the Rona.

chode's favorite cunt.

Liz Cheney Lied About Her Role in Spreading the Discredited CIA "Russian Bounty" Story​

As part of her ideological war to reclaim the GOP for neocons, the now-deposed House leader falsely denied her role in a tale designed to block withdrawal from Afghanistan.​

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Wife's stepbrother just died a couple of days after getting the jab. 48 years old, real healthy. Had a seizure (never had any such thing ever before) and never came out of the coma. Blood clots. That makes 3 people I know that got the jab and died not long after. I only knew one that died from the Wuhan Flu and he was already 89 years old and pretty frail, so....
We have neither been tested nor have we either been very sick at all in a few years. I'm 60, she's 52. We discussed months ago that we felt something was afoot and that we would not fall in line. Both of my brothers are same. For certain we are not getting the jab now!! I'll take my chances with the bug and allow my immune system to fight it off...or it won't and I'm ok with the odds.
However, my sister and her family all got the jab as did my mother and step-dad...after they had all had the Wuhan Flu...which really made zero sense to me.
The head idiot in charge just lifted the Jones Act... WTF
A 101 year old law that says only U.S. vessels can transport goods from 1 U.S. port to another U.S. port.
I am in the marine transportation biz and I can say there are a lot of offshore tug and barges that do nothing but this and they are sitting idle.
I provide services to these tugs and my biz has already been in the crapper for a year.
This could be the last straw for me.
Doesn't sound very pro-America....I wonder if its not just an excuse to steal away American employment and industry, but legitimate reason (read = excuse) to put some other countries tankers etc. in our ports?
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thank goodness it wasn't violence and was just property, right libtards?
i hope the idf is wearing their blm shirts for the bombing so they can't be accused of violence.

Interesting how these turds never mentioned that the IDF called and gave them an hour lead warning… also the AP failed to mention that Hammas had their offices in the building and that was the reason for the air strike.