During WWII, the German government forbade anyone to listen to the BBC. The penalties ranged from a few months imprisonment to death.
On the other hand, Britons were not prohibited from listening to English speaking German broadcasts. These propaganda messages became a source of humor for war weary England.
This was especially true when they listened to Lord Haw Haw (AKA William Joyce). England got the last laugh because he was executed for treason after the war.
I put this out as an example from history to examine and learn from. In a totalitarian society, people are not free to read, listen or watch what they wish. The state or the dictator will tell them what they can read, listen to or watch.
The mark of a free society is one in which citizens are free to read, listen to or watch whatever they want. Of course there are laws against obscenity but when it comes to criticism of other people or the government, that is a mark of freedom.
It's sad to see that we are marching, rather quickly, toward a period when free speech, literature and entertainment is going to be regulated out of existence.
IMHO, leave TikTok alone. That way we can see who the traitors and idiots are among us. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. This should apply when they are acting stupid on social media.