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The deadliest school massacre did not involve guns.

I'm not responding to be "that guy" or pick a fight but that is not factual. The biggest school massacres involve much bigger numbers than that:

If we talk about the USA alone, there was a bigger one where a school was burned down killing everyone inside but it appears that google has hidden that. I am trying to recall the details but it was in the 1800s I believe. As far as school shootings, they have been happening well over 100 years in the USA-

I'll keep digging for the arson, but it was bigger than the one you quoted.
Really good post. Except this paragraph doesn't belong in it.
"Good folks could stop this, good folks could have stopped this but they didn't and they won't because they are too short sighted, too easily led astray, too eager to choose the easy path, too lazy, didn't want to be thought bad of, were too busy fighting each other over stupid stuff, and were too easy to manipulate.""

Nothing is going to stop what has been foretold.
Know the signs and be prepared (as best as you can) for a serious shit storm. It's on the horizon. This year, next year or maybe many years in the future I don't know. Nor does anyone except him that foretold it.
One thing that we, as Americans, have is the 2A. When the storm is at your door go out in a pile of brass. You may save yourself a lot of suffering.
Someone said.. You can die once like a man or die every day on bent knee
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I'm not responding to be "that guy" or pick a fight but that is not factual. The biggest school massacres involve much bigger numbers than that:

If we talk about the USA alone, there was a bigger one where a school was burned down killing everyone inside but it appears that google has hidden that. I am trying to recall the details but it was in the 1800s I believe. As far as school shootings, they have been happening well over 100 years in the USA-

I'll keep digging for the arson, but it was bigger than the one you quoted.
You are correct. I should have said it was the deadliest school massacre in the United States.

I researched the subject of arson a few years ago and posted my findings on this forum. Some of the links aren't active anymore but here is the post anyway.

If some people wanted to prevent deaths by arson, they would be banning matches.

On July 18th 33 people were killed in a fire intentionally set by a 41 year old suspect with the aid of an accelerant.


Two questions about media coverage of this fire that killed 33 people:

1) Why is this story newsworthy for gun rights?

Japan is a nation that has an almost total ban on firearms. It shows that people will use other methods besides firearms to kill their fellow man.

Arson has been a method for destroying life and property that predates firearms and once started, difficult to put out. More people die annually from fires than from so-called mass shootings.

The US Fire Administration has posted data from 2008 to 2017 showing the number of deaths in each year which appears to be around to 3,100 to over 3,600 per year. https://www.usfa.fema.gov/data/statistics/fire_death_rates.html

YearNumber of Fire DeathsPopulationFire Death Rate (per million population)

There is no standard definition for a mass shooting. The FBI definition for a mass murderer is a person who “kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location”

So rather than focusing on the number of so called mass shootings, which can vary significantly depending on the definition, lets focus on mass murders.

The graph below is from the Rand Corporation and is illustrative of the fact that a person's chances of dying in a fire are about ten times greater than all mass murder scenarios. If we only consider the mass murder scenarios in a public setting (Dayton, El Paso, Gilroy, Parkland) then a persons chances of dying in a fire are almost 100 times greater. https://www.usfa.fema.gov/data/statistics/fire_death_rates.html

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By now, some of you are saying, "Okay Longshot, you've shown us ALL of the fire related deaths in the US but most of those are accidental. What about the intentional deaths caused by Arson?"

That's a great question. I had some difficulty looking up the number of deaths caused by arson, and the FBI UCR, surprisingly had some data on the number of intentional fires in the US but nothing on deaths caused by arson.

I was able to find an old paper by the U.S. Fire Administration (2001) which showed about 475 deaths each year caused by arson. file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/10264.pdf

A fact sheet by the National Fire Protection Association from 2017 shows an average of 440 deaths due to arson. https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/...-reports/Fact-sheets/IntentionalFactSHeet.pdf

So lets put the number of deaths caused by arson and those caused by mass murder in proper perspective.

The anti-gun Vox website is being continually updated so by the time you look at this web site the date will change. Nevertheless, from the date of the shooting at Sandy Hook October 14, 2012 to the date of this posting 2,492 days have elapsed.

According to the statistics from this anti gun web site there have been 2,459 killed in, what they define as, mass shooting.

Do the math and that is almost one person killed per day in so called mass shootings. Keep in mind that those figures are from an anti-gun organization. https://www.vox.com/a/mass-shootings-america-sandy-hook-gun-violence

Using the conservative estimate of arson related deaths from the National Fire Protection Association (440 per year) that is an average of 1.2 deaths per day caused by someone intentionally setting a fire.

Using the FBI definition of mass murder I come up with an average (see the graph above) of about 100 people killed each year. You may see something different but that's my estimate. So that is about .274 deaths per day due to mass murder. Let's round that up to .3 deaths per day.

The conclusion from this data couldn't be anymore salient; your chances of dying at the hands of an arsonist are three times more likely than by a mass murderer in the United States.

Any death, whether intentional or by accident is tragic but the SJWs screaming at the top of their lungs for the government to do something about mass shootings ought to be yelling with equal fervor to stop arson.

2) Why didn't the western media cover this tragedy with a fervor equal to mass shootings?

This question is quite simple to answer. It's short, sweet and empirically based.

The MSM doesn't care. Arson doesn't fit their narrative. That's why the western media outlets didn't focus on the mass murder in Kyoto.

They never will. That is very sad. I could write more but interested in what everyone else has to say.
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You are correct. I should have said it was the deadliest school massacre in the United States.

I researched the subject of arson a few years ago and posted my findings on this forum. Some of the links aren't active anymore but here is the post anyway.

If some people wanted to prevent deaths by arson, they would be banning matches.

Yeah the communists have purged a lot of history. The wiki page for school mass killings used to have the arson that killed everyone, but it's gone now and I'm having trouble finding it. I do recall that it was something like 100 kids? Not sure how many but it was more than that bombing.
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Yeah that's a captain obvious moment. I'll reciprocate with a NegroDamus moment: The future holds lots of suicides and mass shootings from trannies. You think the recent 4 mass shootings by trannies was shocking...you ain't seen nothin yet!

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If the kids really wanted to transition they were not mentally healthy to start off with. If their parents pushed them for the operation then that started the dominos. The kids are fucked either way.
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If the kids really wanted to transition they were not mentally healthy to start off with. If their parents pushed them for the operation then that started the dominos. The kids are fucked either way.

Yeah totally fucked. Imagine the rage that follows. I mean there is a day coming for each of them when the rage kicks in and the people that encouraged/pushed/helped/brainwashed them into doing it are going to be on the receiving end of that rage. So their teachers, parents, peers, drag queens, doctors are going to be answering for their role in the fucked up monster they helped create.
There will also be rage against normal brained people like the recent slaughters. The future is full of tranny mass shootings just wait.
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While that's a good point, I would argue that actually the whole reliance on your 2A tools and such and a well we have our freedom tools so we can take them out, is actually seriously hurting the cause of good.

While the good folks are stockpiling their 2A tools, the evil folks are working overtime at every level of government and society to prepare to make sure they win in the end.

What the good folks should be doing is getting out in the trenches every single day, trying to influence everything, from every single little elected position, to every administrative post, to every teaching post, to everything to do with the justice system and law enforcement, to media and entertainment and popular culture. Supporting the good hard, boycotting the evil hard, working diligently to overthrow and replace evil at every level with good, being willing to work the long game and the harder times., taking back control of money and finances, Taking out the trash as needed including those who carry out evil orders & those that give them and those that allow and promote evil...

Oh and stop above all fighting amongst yourselves and giving the government more power because "they promise to stop folks we don't like".

We are where we are now, because good folks have been going soft for over a hundred years as the forces of evil methodically took over with minimal opposition.

You think the evil folks have any plan to let endless waves of their actual troops get slaughtered? HA!
A little "service interruption" on the part of the public safety and fire types and some disposable Antifa folks and some firebombs late at night exactly where they know "stand your ground types are" and well, enjoy standing outside with whatever you have in your hands.
Your town is all good, well nice... right until they derail a train or crash a truck with toxic chemicals upwind from you all...
What about when you find yourself with no access to money?

Also remember you are paying for the equipping and training and hiring of the oppressor force that will eventually be used to mop up most Remainers.

You also assume all this is going to go down while you are still fit and healthy and young enough to do much to resist.
The horrors they have ready to unleash will change a lot of your abilities.

If your big plan is to die on your doorstep in a plie of brass, you've already accepted defeat to some extent.
I somewhat agree. My point is that what you are saying would have just been a delay in the inevitable. Just like Trump was a delay in the plan of the evil behind the scenes.
Either you believe the Bible and this was preordained or you don't and believe that man could have stopped what is coming.
I don't have a plan. I was just saying that if the shit storm is at your door. Going out that way may save you years of torment. Like you said. There's probably going to be a lot of other things that may take you out before that happens. But if it comes to that.
We just witnessed a vast majority of the world's population bow down and take multiple injections of an experimental drug for security. When hunger and the rest of what is to come arrives. How many will be taking a mark on their body to survive? The Karen's in the store screaming at the unmasked, the cops dragging people out of parks, beaches and stores and the other BS we just witnessed are nothing compared to you or me walking around without that mark. The torture that humans are willing to do to others is limitless. They will take great joy in applying it to those who reject it. So if given the opportunity I will choose to send a few to hell.
Had I been in a church where the pastor talked like that, I would have left.

Which is also why I can't find another good church now. Too many preachers are either watering down the word of God or lying about it.
Listen to anything from Father Isaac Mary Relyea. PM me your location and I’ll send you to a good Church.
Either you believe the Bible and this was preordained or you don't and believe that man could have stopped what is coming.

It really helps to go back and read the first half of the bible to understand from the couple thousand years of history lessons given how things like that work.

As shown in the bible, many times if the good people work hard, root out the evil, destroy the wicked, live righteously and do what is right and refuse to allow for evil in their midst, the promised judgements and bad times are delayed until the faith of man fails and they descend into wickedness and then the promised judgements and hard times come.

There is no specific time listed that certain future events have to take place, only the signs which will clearly show you when you are living it.

Eventually the faith of man will fail and Evil will have it's day in the sun, that part is unchangeable.

But YES, good men had they done what was right instead of worshiping the laws they made and their own creations of government, instead of God and what was right, had they rooted out the evil, refused to compromise with sin, refused to allow the servants of the Illuminated One to manipulate them with lies and deceit and pride and sloth and greed and laziness, we would not be in the world we are in now and the dark times would not seem to be looming so imminently.

If all the good folks were to suddenly wake up at once and dedicate their lives to stopping evil, stopping fighting each other, stopping oppressing each other and taking back the world and destroying evil, YES the judgements could be pushed back. But it's not going to happen because even amongst the "good" not enough folks would be willing to give up everything together and work together to do what must be done.
It's literally as bad as I/we thought/knew it would be.

Child gender transition clinic administrator blows whistle on unethical practices.

It's bad. Like Nazi concentration camp experiment doctors bad. I'd almost say worse.
The deadliest school massacre did not involve guns.

Almost had a big one here in Knoxville.
A POS custodian was mad at his mom so he went to the school and turned two gas valves on in a school lab. They were on overnight. They didn't shut the school down and the kids were there most of the day.
Almost had a big one here in Knoxville.
A POS custodian was mad at his mom so he went to the school and turned two gas valves on in a school lab. They were on overnight. They didn't shut the school down and the kids were there most of the day.
All of these incidents show us that the guns are not the problem with attacks on schools. The guns are merely a tool.

The problem is the evil lurking inside the heart of some people.

Even more prevalent in the subject of school attacks, these incidents highlight the fact that people will use another method to take lives if guns are not available.

Let's not let that fact confuse the idiots.
All of these incidents show us that the guns are not the problem with attacks on schools. The guns are merely a tool.

The problem is the evil lurking inside the heart of some people.

Even more prevalent in the subject of school attacks, these incidents highlight the fact that people will use another method to take lives if guns are not available.

Let's not let that fact confuse the idiots.
We need to have a discussion! The problem is that they just want to shout you down when you present the facts. They have their talking points to box you into a corner. " You don't care about the children" "you're a bigot" "racist" "white nationalist that thinks the government is going to get you"
We need to have a discussion! The problem is that they just want to shout you down when you present the facts. They have their talking points to box you into a corner. " You don't care about the children" "you're a bigot" "racist" "white nationalist that thinks the government is going to get you"
Sometimes a good punch in the nose will get people to shut their mouths. Follow me for more tips and tricks to get people to like you.
I'm always skeptical of these "party shifters" because if they ran on the "D" ticket (aka MARXIST) they had to know what they were doing. Thus, how the rapid change of heart?

This is how we got the uni-party IMO. Look at former Senator Richard Shelby...and now his lacky Katie (NEITHER ONE of whom are Constitutionally sound - again, IMO). Better than the alternative, sure...but the problem is the primaries where the big out of state money comes in and shifts things to the way they want it...they = NWO.

Does that hold true for Reagan?

I have said before that everyone has a tipping point in switching. His happened in the early 60's. Hers (at face value) happened the other day. Again if we take it at face value, and I will till their actions prove different.

Reagan said:

I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.

The D's are doing lots of things that a great many of what was once their "core" are not real fond of. Hispanic people are generally speaking fairly religious, women even womens lib-ers generally defend their children to the ends of the earth.

Are they seeing the true nature of the D party that Reagan saw 60 years ago? Did it take them this long to figure it out? Did it take this long for everything a 30 something was taught in public school to come to a head, for them to go.....ahhh about that, it does not sound right. And then to be attacked for asking the question?

Don't know, I sure hope so.

Is it too late, again don't know.
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During WWII, the German government forbade anyone to listen to the BBC. The penalties ranged from a few months imprisonment to death.

On the other hand, Britons were not prohibited from listening to English speaking German broadcasts. These propaganda messages became a source of humor for war weary England.

This was especially true when they listened to Lord Haw Haw (AKA William Joyce). England got the last laugh because he was executed for treason after the war.

I put this out as an example from history to examine and learn from. In a totalitarian society, people are not free to read, listen or watch what they wish. The state or the dictator will tell them what they can read, listen to or watch.

The mark of a free society is one in which citizens are free to read, listen to or watch whatever they want. Of course there are laws against obscenity but when it comes to criticism of other people or the government, that is a mark of freedom.

It's sad to see that we are marching, rather quickly, toward a period when free speech, literature and entertainment is going to be regulated out of existence.

IMHO, leave TikTok alone. That way we can see who the traitors and idiots are among us. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. This should apply when they are acting stupid on social media.

But they will say, we are not restricting what you say at all, and we are only in force the same kind of thing as obscenity, but obscenity as we define it. A tranny telling your 5year old about butt plugs is not obscene.

They are in the process of re defining every word to mean something new, everyone knows it. Racist and nazi mean nothing anymore, and the people that use them have no idea what they mean.

Look at it from their side and you can see exactly what they will tell the masses to further restrict them.....all while making you think it is a fantastic idea. Patriot Act anyone.
I saw this yesterday; and, whilst this "pastor" is way the heck out there I find myself more and more disgusted how almost every "organized" Christian denomination have watered down the "lesson" provided to us. It's like we're at the golden calf part of the 10 Commandments at this juncture in history; but next time it's not going to be Moses coming down from the mountain...

Gay, lesbian, etc...don't care you can still go to Church. But, the audacity of this person comparing the carbon unit who murdered 6 people to Jesus on Palm Sunday is frankly blasphemy.
I am not a religious person AT ALL,

But it goes hand in hand with my last post, redefine everyone. And "the church" has a great big bullseye on it. After it has been destroyed the Mosque and synagogue are next. Only people safe are the Druids.
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And do you know why it is still legal?

Lobbyist. That is it, people that exist to bribe public officials. That is their job in a nutshell. One of the many things that needs to be flat done away with.

Term limits for all elected postitons
The end of the PAC's
Jail all lobbyists for bribes, and all officials that take them.
Term limits for all politically appointed positions, on the fence on to include the supreme court. That one is spelled out in the Const.

There are others I am sure, but I am shooting from the hip here.
All of these incidents show us that the guns are not the problem with attacks on schools. The guns are merely a tool.

The problem is the evil lurking inside the heart of some people.

Even more prevalent in the subject of school attacks, these incidents highlight the fact that people will use another method to take lives if guns are not available.

Let's not let that fact confuse the idiots.

We need to have a discussion! The problem is that they just want to shout you down when you present the facts. They have their talking points to box you into a corner. " You don't care about the children" "you're a bigot" "racist" "white nationalist that thinks the government is going to get you"

There are a great many instances that show the "gun" is not the issue. Driving over people with motor vehicles, here and in other countries where guns are very difficult to get legally. Look into England knife attacks, to the point the made a law against pointy scissors, bit of a joke there....a bit.

Guns are just "easy". Other things require more effort. What the gun does give everyone else is the ability for the .gov to not build concentration camps like Australia did. That is what the gun stops. And that is why they want to take it away from you. This is why they try so hard to redefine the 2A.

But they will say, we are not restricting what you say at all, and we are only in force the same kind of thing as obscenity, but obscenity as we define it. A tranny telling your 5year old about butt plugs is not obscene.

They are in the process of re defining every word to mean something new, everyone knows it. Racist and nazi mean nothing anymore, and the people that use them have no idea what they mean.

Look at it from their side and you can see exactly what they will tell the masses to further restrict them.....all while making you think it is a fantastic idea. Patriot Act anyone.
You are right about redefining terms. For example, I refuse to say that certain people are "gay." That's a word that has been redefined by the homosexuals.

I refer to the so-called "gay" people as homosexuals or lesbians but never "gay."

With any debate or disagreement, the terms need to be defined and understood by both sides. The problem is that too many leftists refuse to agree on the terms. It's like the North Vietnamese arguing over the shape of the table at the Paris Peace Talks.

I didn't like the Patriot Act when it was introduced and I don't like it now. It is a legislative weapon that can be wielded against political opponents by whoever is in power.

That is amazing and probably the best way to fight back. Make it too costly to push the agenda. Starve them monetarily.
Even if they do a 180 degree turn, pull all of the offending merchandize and apologize ad nauseum they should never be able to recover. Companies like this need to go out of business.

When that happens, other woke management teams at other companies will take notice. They will learn by example to just making and selling their products without social or political commentary.