So, You are comparing data from 2014 to data from 2022 and the number has gone down and you think that somehow people manipulating data.
So in 2014 there was around 500,000 people still alive in 2022 that number has dropped to around 200,000(according to the article), in an ethnic cleansing that ended 78 years ago... which is longer than the average life span of any country.
Thats your big argument?
The whole point was the meme misrepresented the numbers, it tried saying 100,000 when that same exact article states the hundred thousand, was for people who were actually in camps and hiding in the country, not all survivors who got out which was actually 500,000 so again….
The meme I originally commented on is 100% incorrect.
Good god…
You guys are really trying to have a debate about some stupid fucking meme that was a lie created by some ignorant anti-sematic piece of shit… and defending it… and you wonder why the government is targeting ignorant white supremacy/nazi behavior.
You sound just as stupid as the people that were never slaves thinking they are owed reparations.