
We can get to net-zero on this, humidity, elevation, temperature,
wind, spindrift.
Do not buy Heinz products


Died in a “ plane crash”

His wife married Kerry…

John Kerrys mother is a forbes… his middle name is forbes.

Biden and Kerrys wife( heinz) with biden.
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The Forbes family is one of the components of the Boston Brahmins—they are a wealthy extended American family long prominent in Boston, Massachusetts. The family's fortune originates from trading opium and tea between North America and China in the 19th century plus other investments in the same period.
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It makes me so happy that white men are quitting society. You can literally see it all start to come apart as they leave. Guess we’ll be shitting in our cooking water soon enough.
We already do. Treated sewage water is released back into lakes for water supply. I had a workmate who's wife was a nurse and she was about to accept a better paying job at a hospital in Garland, Texas. I had read recently then that Lake Lavon would now allow a million more gallons of treated waste water to be released into the lake. So, I told him, "when you get to Garland and the water tastes like shit, that is because it is."
We already do. Treated sewage water is released back into lakes for water supply. I had a workmate who's wife was a nurse and she was about to accept a better paying job at a hospital in Garland, Texas. I had read recently then that Lake Lavon would now allow a million more gallons of treated waste water to be released into the lake. So, I told him, "when you get to Garland and the water tastes like shit, that is because it is."

I’m aware, but you know what I mean.
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They aren't phucking around.

All there will be in grocery stores is bio-engineered gruel by 2030.

We already do. Treated sewage water is released back into lakes for water supply. I had a workmate who's wife was a nurse and she was about to accept a better paying job at a hospital in Garland, Texas. I had read recently then that Lake Lavon would now allow a million more gallons of treated waste water to be released into the lake. So, I told him, "when you get to Garland and the water tastes like shit, that is because it is."

You know who you can thank for this?
Fucking environmentalists.
They disguise themselves as river keepers. Canoe associations, etc. Sounds real helpful.
They have been lobbying for water intakes to be put DIRECTLY downstream of effluent outfalls for 30 years. Old news. They are fucking retards.
Everyone is downstream of someone else, but natural processes in nature, buffers the effect....unless you do something retarded....like put an intake 200 yards downstream from an outfall.
I dealt with these assholes for 30+ years in my career.
To all you preppers. Stack your ammo to the ceiling if you like, it'll do you a pile of good when you are shitting yourself to death. You better study some water and wastewater treatment. You can't shoot cholera, dipshit.

Oh...stacking hypochlorite to the ceiling is useless as well. You can't clean water with chlorine.
Tres Mon used to have a saying: "Own the knowledge".
This is how you not only survive, but thrive.
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Good article, but the last paragraph gives away his liberal leanings. We don’t need more policies. Policies like that make people lazy and results in what we have now, across ALL races. I’m starting to think that what we need is a serious reduction in policies. No work, no pay, no food, no welfare except in certain real situations (infirmity, etc). Everyone in the world has got to figure out at some point that engaging in these programs is SELF slavery to the one giving the handouts.

Good article, but the last paragraph gives away his liberal leanings. We don’t need more policies. Policies like that make people lazy and results in what we have now, across ALL races. I’m starting to think that what we need is a serious reduction in policies. No work, no pay, no food, no welfare except in certain real situations (infirmity, etc). Everyone in the world has got to figure out at some point that engaging in these programs is SELF slavery to the one giving the handouts.

Africans captured their own slaves for thousands of years. They also captured and sold the slaves that were brought to the Americas.

So which are going to pay into some reparations for having enslaved their own people, and which are to receive.
Africans captured their own slaves for thousands of years. They also captured and sold the slaves that were brought to the Americas.

So which are going to pay into some reparations for having enslaved their own people, and which are to receive.
They always leave out that part of the story plus the 100’s of thousands of whites that died to see them freed! Harder to sow hate when the whole story is told.

It would be cheaper and better for everyone involved to ship em out of country and let nature run its course.
They can scream all that they want for reparations but doesn't guarantee that they will get them.

The problem begins when one of three things happen:

1) The government forcibly takes from the white folks to give the darkies their reparations.
2) The darkies run out of patience and take from the white folks while the government does nothing to stop it.
3) Both the government and the darkies take from the white folks.

If that happens, they will learn about the law of unintended consequences.