
Something to think about is that the Russians and Chinese may be actively funding / encouraging / supporting some of this crazy stuff.
Possibly both directly as well as covertly helping ignorant fools.

There are a lot of strategic advantages to making sure the populace of your enemy can't tell truth from fiction and inflaming them to all hate and distrust the other.

Don't need one or another country when you have one man. G. Soros is spending much of his money to try to destroy the United States.

A few of us predicted this months ago. I gotta say, it came earlier than I thought. I thought it would be a trial after the fact, not while things were still going down.

CDC bails on many of their restrictions and a government that still is trying to play the game. Doesn't look good for the government.
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They have opened up a vaxing center within walking distance to my house.

It is a ghost town.
My wife and I have not gone.

I allready have had it but managed to not go to the hospital, it was rough on an old man.

Many of my dialysis techs have told me they didn't get and will never get the vaccine. That's good enough for me. They deal with nursing home people everyday.
Do they give a shit about what Palestinians are doing to them HERE?
I was thinking about this question a bit more. Still, I don't have an answer, but if you look at England, where the Jewish vote was as strong for labour as it is for the Ds here, I think the last poll before the last election showed only 8% of Jews voting Labour. So things did change here. I don't know that the D party has outwardly reached Corbynization here yet, though philosophically it certainly has, so we will have to wait and see.
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I was in a union job for 35 years.
They always supported Democrats.

Compleatly blind to the fact that Republicans were responsible for the major cash flow into thier industry.

Pretty much blind to anything other than bribes.

Corporations have come to find it's cheaper to buy union leaders than pay to fight the unions.

The democrat scum taught them this.
not that he knows he was invited to speak anyway...
Can you imagine that speech? “Ahh and I forgot what I was talking about and ahh oh cmon man. You guys are dull. Laugh you bastards when I tell a joke.” LOL 😂
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Weaponized police and military!
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Probably the best, most concise outline and review of many things that all went wrong this last election. Robert Barnes is probably the best Constitional Lawyer on the fucking planet. Thank God he's representing Kyle Rittenhouse.

Election Integrity: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time | Robert Barnes

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End of the article......."comments closed". LOL. Media sources hate uncensored comments!
And the best comment of all before they closed them I'll paste here:


We have a population of 330 million people in this country. Taking into account the CDC distinction of “died from” and “died with” we will lose around 600,000 people, more or less, kinda sorta. Approximately 25% percent of those deaths are individuals over the age of 80. Moreover, the average number of co-morbidities — diabetes, ischemic heart disease, etc– is close to 4 per fatality.

Let that sink in. FOUR.

Our response to this has been to (1) throw 12 million people out of work; (2) destroy thousands of small businesses that will have a very hard time coming back, it they even do; (3) transform one of the greatest cities on the planet, New York, into a ghost town; (4) take away a year’s worth of education for young students, many of whom are poor, with very bad consequences that have yet to play out; (5) print enormous sums of money that are just now beginning to have disastrous consequences, and will saddle our progeny with a debt they can never repay.

Enough data for you?

Oh, one other thing. That death toll of 600k amounts to TWO TENTHS of ONE PERCENT of our nation’s population. That is sad and all, but in our “response” we have likely ruined the future lives of probably 10% of the population — 30+ million people.

This tradeoff, this failure to engage in sensible risk management, has been absolutely catastrophic, and we will pay the price for years to come.


pogroms or programs of marginalizing and abuse, including murder or extermination of jews existed all over, not just germany.
ukraine post wwi was particularly bad, although many did escape to our shores before wwii.
somewhat similar things were happening with the chinese exclusion act here.
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