Watching the Dodgers' Pride Night fiasco unfold, I’m reminded of the “Breaking Bad” episode "Half Measures." We love half measures. Humans do. Christians do. If we need to drop 30 pounds, we’ll lose 15 and call it success. We’ll shack up and share expenses rather than get married. Rather than...
”Globalism is our enemy. The de-emphasis of American values is destroying our country. The bankers desire a one-world government and a godless culture. They’ve printed and passed out enough money to persuade athletes, celebrities, and fake journalists to sell the virtue of a secular society.
Their scheme is working. Or maybe it’s worked.
Christians can no longer afford half measures. We have to declare war on the globalists. That will likely require Clayton Kershaw and others to walk away from their playing careers. The rest of us might have to abandon our love of sports.”