
Take it as you will. That is not the spirit in which it was written.

I understand it how it was intended and not long ago I would have agreed. The issue is that there is a growing number of people who don’t believe in this system any longer and they have good reasons for thinking this way. It’s not good for the country but the ones at the top, elected or not, are to blame.

I don’t think I could vote again as it is now.
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I understand it how it was intended and not long ago I would have agreed. The issue is that there is a growing number of people who don’t believe in this system any longer and they have good reasons for thinking this way. It’s not good for the country but the ones at the top, elected or not, are to blame.

I don’t think I could vote again as it is now.
Every person has to make their own choice based on what they see as the likely outcomes for those choices. We aren't all going to see it the same way, and we are all going to dislike many of the outcomes for which we are partially responsible. I do understand your point of view and frustration, though.
With everything else you post it is . Go ahead and say that I am wrong about wearing jebs button.
You'd rather suck the limp dick republicans than say Fuck It! Let's get on with it.
The corruption is so deep there's no salvage.
I'm being honest in saying it is not. Sometimes I have been a dick for fun, because it is the internet and that is what it is there for. Sorry if that has been really offensive to you. I am trying not to be a dick anymore.
I'm being honest in saying it is not. Sometimes I have been a dick for fun, because it is the internet and that is what it is there for. Sorry if that has been really offensive to you. I am trying not to be a dick anymore.
This won’t happen in a day Choid. You have lots of work to do!
I'm not close to a Never Trumper. I am a pro-Trumper policy wise who despises Trump the man. But unlike the ones you mention, I can put my big boy pants on and vote for him. And unlike you, when he is no longer President, I can put my big boy pants on and support the best that we can do during the next time period.
The fact that you despise the only Man in the last 30-40 years to be President, that actutally kept his promises is very telling. You want to vote your way out of it, but have little concern that the vote has been corrupted. The Constitution gave us two tools to remain free, the ballot box and the bullet box. The first is a whole lot less ugly than the second. I would prefer to see the first method (ballot) corrected, than to have to experience the second (bullet).

Good men who are Patriots are like a volcano. They will just keep letting the pressure build until one day it can't be contained and then BOOM all hell breaks loose. How about we make sure the vote is valid and relieve all that pressure. Not just deny the fact the volcano is rumbling. You sir are a paradox, You can smell shit, but because you can't see it you refuse to believe there is a turd in the room. I say lets look for the turd, if it's not there no harm no foul in looking. JMHO
The fact that you despise the only Man in the last 30-40 years to be President, that actutally kept his promises is very telling. You want to vote your way out of it, but have little concern that the vote has been corrupted. The Constitution gave us two tools to remain free, the ballot box and the bullet box. The first is a whole lot less ugly than the second. I would prefer to see the first method (ballot) corrected, than to have to experience the second (bullet).

Good men who are Patriots are like a volcano. They will just keep letting the pressure build until one day it can't be contained and then BOOM all hell breaks loose. How about we make sure the vote is valid and relieve all that pressure. Not just deny the fact the volcano is rumbling. You sir are a paradox, You can smell shit, but because you can't see it you refuse to believe there is a turd in the room. I say lets look for the turd, if it's not there no harm no foul in looking. JMHO
We also have the soapbox, and that may be our way out of this. If we are lucky, it will be. I don't believe that anybody should want to get to the bullet box. We all see what happens when it comes to that, and everybody involved suffers. That is my bottom line. As far as corruptions of the ballot box, I do have concerns, but they are less about what happened last year than about the continual moves toward legalized corruption like ballot harvesting, lack of signature and ID required. I will stand on my soapbox and shout about those all you want. And I do think I am open to seeing real evidence about last November, but to my satisfaction I haven't see any.

I don't disagree with your last paragraph either. Perhaps I have erred in being too outspoken in what I think was not fraud, and not outspoken enough in what I think is, and what I think needs to be fixed. Sometimes, because of my work background, that is consistent with my behavior. If my partners all agreed with one decision, it never made sense to me to throw in all my support with it, but to try to pick its weak points apart. We would all do that, and it was appreciated. Perhaps my mistake is taking that ethos here. So if you want me to tell you that Democrats will try to fix every election they can, I believe they will, but where we disagree is that I think they will do it using all legal means, which we need to fight. They are smarter than to make things obvious, so my tendency is to disregard the obvious things, or look for reasonable explanations for them, because they are usually there. In other words, Georgia was "stolen" because of the legal consent decree and all of the vote drop boxes, walking around money and flat out bribes. It wasn't stolen because of Ruby in the back room with a broken pipe. Just my .02.

Again, I don't write this in BS, and I really have no interest in future shit slinging contests, other than with PMclaine ;-).
We also have the soapbox, and that may be our way out of this. If we are lucky, it will be. I don't believe that anybody should want to get to the bullet box. We all see what happens when it comes to that, and everybody involved suffers. That is my bottom line. As far as corruptions of the ballot box, I do have concerns, but they are less about what happened last year than about the continual moves toward legalized corruption like ballot harvesting, lack of signature and ID required. I will stand on my soapbox and shout about those all you want. And I do think I am open to seeing real evidence about last November, but to my satisfaction I haven't see any.

I don't disagree with your last paragraph either. Perhaps I have erred in being too outspoken in what I think was not fraud, and not outspoken enough in what I think is, and what I think needs to be fixed. Sometimes, because of my work background, that is consistent with my behavior. If my partners all agreed with one decision, it never made sense to me to throw in all my support with it, but to try to pick its weak points apart. We would all do that, and it was appreciated. Perhaps my mistake is taking that ethos here. So if you want me to tell you that Democrats will try to fix every election they can, I believe they will, but where we disagree is that I think they will do it using all legal means, which we need to fight. They are smarter than to make things obvious, so my tendency is to disregard the obvious things, or look for reasonable explanations for them, because they are usually there. In other words, Georgia was "stolen" because of the legal consent decree and all of the vote drop boxes, walking around money and flat out bribes. It wasn't stolen because of Ruby in the back room with a broken pipe. Just my .02.

Again, I don't write this in BS, and I really have no interest in future shit slinging contests, other than with PMclaine ;-).
There is no effing soap box anymore. Just a Communist box of dynamite. Stand and speak non approved words and BOOM they push the plunger and blow you to hell! JMHO Eff your BS.
If you didn’t see it live that night and KNOW something was wrong.

you’re literally retarded

What matters is to brutally expose democrats for what they are and for what they stand, even if it means being ridiculed every now and then.

The more this is done, the better the odds of retaking congress, checking Biden's admin, and (dare I hope) use the power of veto override to run the country from Capitol Hill rather than from PA Avenue until a properly elected President replaces the fraud living at 1600

And how does one get that message out when the MSM is just another arm of the Democrat Party? If the Republican Party could have the MSM as a partner, there would never be another Democrat elected into office. The lies, deceit and outright illegal activities that are everyday fare for the Demwits would be enough ammunition for the Republicans to assure winnable elections across the board. However, this is not the case and everything the Demwits do is covered up by the MSM and never reported.
And how does one get that message out when the MSM is just another arm of the Democrat Party? If the Republican Party could have the MSM as a partner, there would never be another Democrat elected into office. The lies, deceit and outright illegal activities that are everyday fare for the Demwits would be enough ammunition for the Republicans to assure winnable elections across the board. However, this is not the case and everything the Demwits do is covered up by the MSM and never reported.

What does water do when it finds a rock in its way?
guess we will see. just like wuhan lab, im afraid much has been algorithmed out of our purview.

debunked/rebunked type stuff...

either way the audits are a win/win, right? at minimum to build back some confidence. seems the least that can be done...
And who is it that wants to "build back your confidence" in a broken system?
People are very, very pissed and shit almost did happen, and they damn well know it. All the "theys" know it, including those republican cheerleaders.
They are at a rather tricky crossroads right now, and they know it.

This IS, a giant conspiracy. You don't believe it, cause you aren't supposed to believe it. There is some kind of "strong delusion" that has gripped the populace, seems that a "remnant" isn't fooled.
Seems like some kind of endgame scenario.
We also have the soapbox, and that may be our way out of this. If we are lucky, it will be. I don't believe that anybody should want to get to the bullet box. We all see what happens when it comes to that, and everybody involved suffers. That is my bottom line. As far as corruptions of the ballot box, I do have concerns, but they are less about what happened last year than about the continual moves toward legalized corruption like ballot harvesting, lack of signature and ID required. I will stand on my soapbox and shout about those all you want. And I do think I am open to seeing real evidence about last November, but to my satisfaction I haven't see any.

I don't disagree with your last paragraph either. Perhaps I have erred in being too outspoken in what I think was not fraud, and not outspoken enough in what I think is, and what I think needs to be fixed. Sometimes, because of my work background, that is consistent with my behavior. If my partners all agreed with one decision, it never made sense to me to throw in all my support with it, but to try to pick its weak points apart. We would all do that, and it was appreciated. Perhaps my mistake is taking that ethos here. So if you want me to tell you that Democrats will try to fix every election they can, I believe they will, but where we disagree is that I think they will do it using all legal means, which we need to fight. They are smarter than to make things obvious, so my tendency is to disregard the obvious things, or look for reasonable explanations for them, because they are usually there. In other words, Georgia was "stolen" because of the legal consent decree and all of the vote drop boxes, walking around money and flat out bribes. It wasn't stolen because of Ruby in the back room with a broken pipe. Just my .02.

Again, I don't write this in BS, and I really have no interest in future shit slinging contests, other than with PMclaine ;-).

Oh God. This fuckstain again.

The commies have shown the lengths they will go to.

Many have died because of their tactics and even the most "centrist", say a Joe Manchin, cares little for the lives destroyed.....not shedding one tear.....happy his wife and daughter are getting $ kickbacks.

If absolute proof comes out about fraud that no one can deny the people that brought this about will not go peacefully.

They will just "up" the tempo.

Their response will be "What are you going to do about it?"
Last paragraph is the money quote from City of Sammamish Chief of Police Dan Pingrey,

“Somehow these squatters who are living in this residence have as much rights as the homeowner. And that’s very difficult for any of us to understand,” Pingrey said. “It could happen again somewhere else and this is where people in communities really need to be diligent.”


diligent adjective

dil·i·gent | \ ˈdi-lə-jənt

: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort : PAINSTAKING
Isn't it strange, that Mathew Bracken, has become a modern day prophet?
Oh God. This fuckstain again.

The commies have shown the lengths they will go to.

Many have died because of their tactics and even the most "centrist", say a Joe Manchin, cares little for the lives destroyed.....not shedding one tear.....happy his wife and daughter are getting $ kickbacks.

If absolute proof comes out about fraud that no one can deny the people that brought this about will not go peacefully.

They will just "up" the tempo.

Their response will be "What are you going to do about it?"
I feel like you are arguing against something I didn't say.
Oh God. This fuckstain again.

You argue the "establishment" view.

That view is "Oh boy, we lost one this time. We just have to be more like Mitt Romney and we will win the next one."

There is no next one.
Maybe because I am more establishment, and have plenty of experience with these kinds of people. But your summation of my view is incorrect.

I would add that all too often people take a prediction I make as an opinion I have on what should be. That is a mistake.

And there always is a next time. Or at least, there always has been until now, so I am betting on that in the future.
You don't have to shame yourself, just admit your downfall. It will make it much easier on yourself in the long run.

Water goes around a rock. It finds a way around what is in its path

Stop whining about the MSM and all the other shit in your path and find a way

I was trying to give you hints but you're evidently too fucking dense to get them.
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It is a pretty dumb comparison. People would be well served not to compare everything to slavery, the holocaust, the holodomor, the Armenian genocide, etc. You can make points without that shit. It was a tactical mistake as well. And, as Tallyrand famously said, "worse than a crime, a mistake."
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Water goes around a rock. It finds a way around what is in its path

Stop whining about the MSM and all the other shit in your path and find a way

I was trying to give you hints but you're evidently too fucking dense to get them.
First rule of homeownership: Water will find its way through absolutely anything.
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It is a pretty dumb comparison. People would be well served not to compare everything to slavery, the holocaust, the holodomor, the Armenian genocide, etc. You can make points without that shit. It was a tactical mistake as well. And, as Tallyrand famously said, "worse than a crime, a mistake."
whatever fucktard, your team is comparing jan 6 to pearl harbor.
whatever fucktard, your team is comparing jan 6 to pearl harbor.
I yelled at the radio 3 times this week because the libs are going nuts about no Jan. 6th commission and keep repeating that several officers were killed. NO THEY WERE NOT. NO OFFICERS WERE KILLED BY UNLAWFUL TOURISTS ON JANUARY 6TH.
Which team would that be? Because I don't think it compares to Pearl Harbor or 9/11 or whatever. I think it compares more to Little Big Horn, just in costume. An unforgivable tactical error. No chance of victory, with unlimited room for defeat. To not foresee the outcome of it was sheer madness.

And no, there should be no commission on it, of course.
Which team would that be? Because I don't think it compares to Pearl Harbor or 9/11 or whatever. I think it compares more to Little Big Horn, just in costume. An unforgivable tactical error. No chance of victory, with unlimited room for defeat.

And no, there should be no commission on it, of course.
you don't support trump, and you do support warmongering shitstains like liz cheney. this means you are not on "our team".
you also feel the need to defend assholes like mccarthy. even if he has a point, there is no need to support that fuck, yet you do.
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I yelled at the radio 3 times this week because the libs are going nuts about no Jan. 6th commission and keep repeating that several officers were killed. NO THEY WERE NOT. NO OFFICERS WERE KILLED BY UNLAWFUL TOURISTS ON JANUARY 6TH.

That's why they are so dangerous. They continually lie about things and the MSM eats it up and by association it becomes the truth to so many low IQ voters.
you don't support trump, and you do support warmongering shitstains like liz cheney. this means you are not on "our team".
I don't support Liz Cheney. I said in every post about her that she had to go. She needs to make the discussion all about her, just like MTG does. I don't support that in any way, from anybody.

I voted for Trump twice. Not sure how that qualifies as not supporting him. I don't like him. That's different.

I didn't support McCarthy either. I honestly have zero opinion on him. I don't even necessarily support this statement. You go on and on about Jews not switching to the Republican party, and when you finally have a little momentum in that direction, which if you look at left wing Jewish intellectuals like Batya Unger Sargon etc, there was, the last thing you need is somebody on your side comparing everything to the Holocaust. Plus, the fucking stars were yellow. You get a gold star for spelling bees.

You might say, oh it doesn't matter, but look at how the Tories dealt with the Corbynization of Labour. Labour got like 8% of the Jewish vote last time, having been as strong with Jews as Democrats forever. The Tories simply did not shoot themselves in the foot. It's rule number one, if your opponent is digging their own grave, just watch them do it. Maybe American Jews are more set in their ways than English, but my guess is that is not the case.

At this point I am only on the team of relieving the Democrats of power. If I see something I think is counterproductive, I will oppose it.
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