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Only 19, poor girl. When I think back what a hot mess I was at 19 I am sitting here thinking I am lucky to be alive. The well you are the most sober you can drive home thing happened quite often, and it happened because I was a cheap date, I could not drink a lot and still be on the planet.

The sick fucks pushing this entire "gender" bullshit should be shot.
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You fucking know it was, you can toss sex....no make that the rape of animals in there as well.
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1987 Faggot Manifesto by Michael Swift.
I've told you this again, and again....and again.
It has always been the goal.
But you didn't believe it.

That (pedophilia) may yes, be the goal of a few sick evil fuckers (gay and straight). More so nowdays since the commie marxist plot by our growing China controlled government is to normalize pedophila and force America to rot from within with every form of Identity politics, infighting and chaos...

But grouping all LGB's with a blanket accusation is wrong. The larger part of LGB still want nothing to do with violating kids, and never will. And there's a growing number of them that want nothing to do with the mentally ill Trans either. Or Pride, for now seeing how it's becoming a major detriment. Gays against Groomer being an example of that.

Pride may have served some small benefit/purpose eons ago but like any identity group once gone too far and political loses it's way and does way more harm --and evens negates original benefit. Drag used to be fun. An sub culture art form. Now it's fucking repulsive and just EVIL.
Another “manifesto” for the movement is the book
“After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s.”

On Steve Deaces show he does a segment called Theology Thursdays where he will discuss a topic and relate it back to scripture and verse in the Bible.

Last June 2022 during Pride Month he talked about the aforementioned book and the impact it had on growing the LGBTQ movement in the USA & it was eye opening.

I’ve written before I was agnostic to the movement for most of my life however have become concerned as to what it has evolved into.

To this day it’s telling the Alphabet Mafia has embraced and willfully added the letter T for transgenderism and + to their increasing acronym. Society at large nor Christians added those letters to the acronym so that’s not good.

Steve Deace also coined the phrase “it was never about marriage it was always about control” now I fully know understand what that means.

As @armorpl8chikn stated before God loves you but not your movement.

I don’t hate gay people but don’t approve of what the movement has turned into. Originally the message from the gays to all of was they want they government out of their bedroom and want to be free to fit into society like everyone else.

Now it seems it’s the opposite of that where it’s all about inviting the government and the entire country into their bedroom in every facet of our lives. I don’t care what type of sex you prefer that’s on you stop shoving it down our throats.

After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's
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Another “manifesto” for the movement is the book
“After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s.”

On Steve Deaces show he does a segment called Theology Thursdays where he will discuss a topic and relate it back to scripture and verse in the Bible.

Last June 2022 during Pride Month he talked about the aforementioned book and the impact it had on growing the LGBTQ movement in the USA & it was eye opening.

I’ve written before I was agnostic to the movement for most of my life however have become concerned as to what it has evolved into.

To this day it’s telling the Alphabet Mafia has embraced and willfully added the letter T for transgenderism and + to their increasing acronym. Society at large nor Christians added those letters to the acronym so that’s not good.

Steve Deace also coined the phrase “it was never about marriage it was always about control” now I fully know understand what that means.

As @armorpl8chikn stated before God loves you but not your movement.

I don’t hate gay people but don’t approve of what the movement has turned into. Originally the message from the gays to all of was they want they government out of their bedroom and want to be free to fit into society like everyone else.

Now it seems it’s the opposite of that where it’s all about inviting the government and the entire country into their bedroom in every facet of our lives. I don’t care what type of sex you prefer that’s on you stop shoving it down our throats.

After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's
Do you have a link to his pod cast on that, can we see it now?
The only good thing about him is if he decides to run as an independent. IMHO, he would split the democratic vote making it very difficult for their nominee to win.

So that's all the more reason for democrats to cheat even harder in 2024. It will be the 2nd time in history when there will be more people voting than those that are registered.
Who attacks a farm?

Jones, Oklahoma is a clash of rural farm / ranch and Oklahoma City suburbia. If I was guessing, this guy moved into multi generational ag community and set up a over sized garden. His garden immediatley affects the weed control practices of his neighbors. He doesn't care if those around him can't spray soybeans, cotton or pastures due to the chance of drift and getting sued by him. I saw this when cotton moved into north central Oklahoma across the river from Osage grass country. In one season the Osage ranchers could not aerial spray grass within 30 miles of cotton. They had no way to control noxious weeds without the threat of lawsuits from the new cotton transplants. It was selfish.
Grapes and the stupid vineyard tourist crap is the worst. A damn yuppie hobby can affect all the neighbors around for miles. Grape people don't care. Doesn't matter to them that their neighbors have thousands or millions borrowed to implement financial plan that is based on 100 plus years of practices in that area.
The guy probably got what he deserved.