
@Choid, I won't disagree that "in theory" it's a mistake politically. However, one must remember, the "press" is nothing more than a PR branch of the communist party of the USA (aka, formerly known as democrats); thus, politically this will not really hurt him. There are plenty of brainwashed folks who think that Xiden is the 2nd coming (aka, my across street neighbors), Fraudi can do no wrong and I'm sure the one woman across street wants to have a love child with him. So, when you have people that have lost all critical thinking skills, politically the damage is insignificant - because the people with whom this angers and recognize this as being wrong are now being swept up and under.
@Choid, I won't disagree that "in theory" it's a mistake politically. However, one must remember, the "press" is nothing more than a PR branch of the communist party of the USA (aka, formerly known as democrats); thus, politically this will not really hurt him. There are plenty of brainwashed folks who think that Xiden is the 2nd coming (aka, my across street neighbors), Fraudi can do no wrong and I'm sure the one woman across street wants to have a love child with him. So, when you have people that have lost all critical thinking skills, politically the damage is insignificant - because the people with whom this angers and recognize this as being wrong are now being swept up and under.
Perhaps, but you are talking about a week in which the press is twisting itself in pretzels trying to explain how they all could have dismissed the idea when it is now clearly so probable. Trump, obviously was to blame. lol. The press sucks for sure, but even whores have limits, and I don't know if they are willing, at this point, to do their second about face in a week to get behind this. Maybe they will, but to me this looks like a mistake.
The country as we know it is in deep shit right now and we'll be lucky to survive it. There are so many things going wrong, but I believe moral decay is largely responsible for where we currently find ourselves. John Adams said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." He was not alone in this belief. The progressive left has been insidiously feeding the decay since at least the 60's and in the past dozen or so years, they have only accelerated their drive towards the abyss of socialism. @Choid, you seem to disagree that the situation is as dire as many here, including me, think it is. I would ask you, how long can we continue down this path the progressives have set us on before the situation becomes that dire? And if we let it become that dire, what is left to do about it then besides fight?

I posted a link in another thread to Max Morton, an author who writes for American Greatness. Again here for reference. I would strongly recommend everyone read his essays.

I think most agree that a violent civil war is something to be avoided at almost all costs and I would argue that anyone who has given up hope of avoiding civil war is dead wrong. By all means, prepare for the worst case (Si vis pacem, para bellum), but we can't give up hope of resolving things peacefully. That said, the how is the problem I struggle most with. Conservative patriots mostly want to be left alone to live their lives they way they want. It would appear we can't do that anymore. We have to get involved, but not just in deep red parts of the country, but in the purple and blue parts where the change needs to happen to have an impact on the trajectory of the country. Morton outlines ways to do this, often using the tactics of the left. The problem I see with this is that most conservative patriots have lots to lose ( family, home, career, etc.) where the BLM and Antifa types that are rioting and looting and burning for attention have nothing to lose. It would also seem those with money and power to spend on keeping folks out of jail and swaying elections currently reside on the left. Right now, we're not on an even playing field and the more uneven it gets, the harder it will be to make it even. So again I ask, if it is not yet that dire a situation, what do we do to prevent it from reaching the tipping point?
Perhaps, but you are talking about a week in which the press is twisting itself in pretzels trying to explain how they all could have dismissed the idea when it is now clearly so probable. Trump, obviously was to blame. lol. The press sucks for sure, but even whores have limits, and I don't know if they are willing, at this point, to do their second about face in a week to get behind this. Maybe they will, but to me this looks like a mistake.

Oh God. This fuckstain again.

The press doesnt care.

There is no shame, there is no concern for what you think or how they look.

They put out the govt message and if you debate them they will crush you.
The country as we know it is in deep shit right now and we'll be lucky to survive it. There are so many things going wrong, but I believe moral decay is largely responsible for where we currently find ourselves. John Adams said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." He was not alone in this belief. The progressive left has been insidiously feeding the decay since at least the 60's and in the past dozen or so years, they have only accelerated their drive towards the abyss of socialism. @Choid, you seem to disagree that the situation is as dire as many here, including me, think it is. I would ask you, how long can we continue down this path the progressives have set us on before the situation becomes that dire? And if we let it become that dire, what is left to do about it then besides fight?

I posted a link in another thread to Max Morton, an author who writes for American Greatness. Again here for reference. I would strongly recommend everyone reads his essays.

I think most agree that a violent civil war is something to be avoided at almost all costs and I would argue that anyone who has given up hope of avoiding civil war is dead wrong. By all means, prepare for the worst case (Si vis pacem, para bellum), but we can't give up hope of resolving things peacefully. That said, the how is the problem I struggle most with. Conservative patriots mostly want to be left alone to live their lives they way they want. It would appear we can't do that anymore. We have to get involved, but not just in deep red parts of the country, but in the purple and blue parts where the change needs to happen to have an impact on the trajectory of the country. Morton outlines ways to do this, often using the tactics of the left. The problem I see with this is that most conservative patriots have lots to lose ( family, home, career, etc.) where the BLM and Antifa types that are rioting and looting and burning for attention have nothing to lose. It would also seem those with money and power to spend on keeping folks out of jail and swaying elections currently reside on the left. Right now, we're not on an even playing field and the more uneven it gets, the harder it will be to make it even. So again I ask, if it is not yet that dire a situation, what do we do to prevent it from reaching the tipping point?
I don't think it is good, don't get me wrong. I am actually pretty close, long term friends with some of the guys at American Greatness. I am sure I annoy them too from time to time, though I think they do a great service. I am not as familiar with Max Morton, so I can't really comment too deeply on him.That is in preface to me answering your questions.

I think, unfortunately, we can go a long time in decline. I base that on a historical analysis of great nations. For every slip into the dark ages, we have a Roman Republic that degraded into the empire, a cavalcade of changes in Greece, the long term falls of the British and French. Etc. I don't think there is any reason to believe we are different, or to think that, given the most reasonable read of the worst motives of some in what many call the ruling class, that their goal is more like the USSR than it is like modern day France or Sweden, or whatever the flavor of the day might be. Now, I don't think this is acceptable, that is not what I am saying. I just don't think that the change in full measure is a reasonable outcome to predict. Now, to play my own devil's advocate, I think there are strains in the American left that are more perverse than those in modern European countries, but I don't think they are the dominant players. Is BLM one? Sure, but what we are going to see, no matter how things play out, is how much control the "elite left" has over the militant left.

I do think there are things we can do, and should be doing. I posted an article yesterday by a guy who often writes for Am Greatness, though this was from a different publication. I think some sort of forced Balkanization is not an unwise strategy. It is difficult for many to do, but I'd argue that if you are going to actually believe in the founding principles, one of the main ones is that different locales should have different ideas on governance. There are some places that are not salvageable to my principles. That is sad, as some of those are places we hold dear, but there you go. I also agree with you that there are significant headwinds within the justice system that are terrifying, and potentially crippling. Again, I don't really have an answer other than that like minded, right thinking people should congregate in places that allow for justice as we see it.

Other than that, the sad truth is that we can do little but make arguments, organize, push and be persuasive. I realize this is not a comfortable spot to be in, and less comfortable for those whose day to day life is not in that realm. That actually may me an answer as to why the left is better at it than the right these days. Say what you will about them, but academics, people in finance, management, talking heads etc spend their lives making and defending arguments under significant pressure put on those arguments by colleagues. That is probably one main reason they are more successful in putting these things forward to the public and winning that war. Sure, they have other structural advantages, but they are also better at this, and, arguably, more people agree with what they are saying. So if we want to win, we have to make sure more people agree with what we are saying. We are decidedly not good at this.

In another thread I suggested a argument version of Greshams law. Gresham's law says that in an environment with both good and bad money (say gold and paper) the bad money will drive out the good. It has proven to be true. And it is thus with the way we argue as well. By putting forth a slew of bad arguments for conservative positions, our good arguments die. Take, as prime example the election. I'll take no position on it, just present this for thought. If you and I are arguing election fraud, you saying there is, and me saying there isn't, and we have one observer to convince, the second you come with your worst argument, say an easily falsified one like that some dude hacked a voting machine through a heater, all I need to do to convince the third party is to disregard anything intelligent you might say, and concentrate solely on this one, obviously ludicrous claim. It works. Don't believe me, watch the public discourse on all of it. It is the same thing with the MTG scenario. She didn't say anything anti-semetic, she said something stupid, but that stupid has allowed a 180 degree shift in discourse. Is it fair? No, but it is.

Now, I am sure people will just say this is all the BS ramblings of a fuckstain, or whatever, but it is what I believe to be the case. We have to be able to fight on all levels, but intellectually we can't fight as though we were a fourteen year old girl with cerebral palsy, an ugly image, but one befitting a lot of what I am seeing. I also think it is worth it for each of us to ask ourselves whether we spend enough time engaging on these issues with those with whom we disagree, and whether we are ever able to convince anybody. And I don't mean do I have to convince you guys that I am right and that we need to go in a more conservative direction in the country. You guys already know that. I mean are we convincing people on the fence, or on the middle left, that they should be moving to our side. Because if we aren't, maybe we should change how we are trying. As you said, nobody wants a civil war, but, to use your si vis pacem para bellum, convincing more people to be on your side is good in those circumstances too.
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Oh God. This fuckstain again.

The press doesnt care.

There is no shame, there is no concern for what you think or how they look.

They put out the govt message and if you debate them they will crush you.
It seems that you are the one trying to hound and crush the one person who has a message different from the accepted on here.
Oh God. This fuckstain again.

The press doesnt care.

There is no shame, there is no concern for what you think or how they look.

They put out the govt message and if you debate them they will crush you.

Circa 2020, United States Presidential National Election. They did everything within their powers to try to sway the election. When that didn't work, the Demwits subverted the Constitution. They continue to do this every day we live and breathe.
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They start exposing the source of COVID, so now que the mass shooting in California to divert attention.

Ask and you shall receive. This is unbelievable. Isn't it funny how this always happens when the Demwits are about to be called out for impropriety?

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Cuck Judas....so tough......

Meanwhile the Chinese are laughing their asses off as they get the foreign stupid monkeys to dance and do back flips on command.

They are using money big greedy USA corporations gave them, (that was sent at the cost of destroying good paying USA jobs), to control what goes on in this country.

Make no mistake about it, the Chinese Communist Party firmly controls the entertainment, sports, news and technology sectors of our country.
You'll notice they all do exactly what China says and never criticize China and will bend over backwards to grovel and show loyalty to the CCP...
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Ask you shall receive. This is unbelievable. Isn't it funny how this always happens when the Demwits are about to be called out for impropriety?

Shit I know people in that yard
They can't allow unfiltered reports getting out.

It's a controll thing.

They need to herd up all survivors and parade them around for the show.

Simply scraping up the remains of the bad guy and leaving is not enough to justify the naritive.
I don't think it is good, don't get me wrong. I am actually pretty close, long term friends with some of the guys at American Greatness. I am sure I annoy them too from time to time, though I think they do a great service. I am not as familiar with Max Morton, so I can't really comment too deeply on him.That is in preface to me answering your questions.

I think, unfortunately, we can go a long time in decline. I base that on a historical analysis of great nations. For every slip into the dark ages, we have a Roman Republic that degraded into the empire, a cavalcade of changes in Greece, the long term falls of the British and French. Etc. I don't think there is any reason to believe we are different, or to think that, given the most reasonable read of the worst motives of some in what many call the ruling class, that their goal is more like the USSR than it is like modern day France or Sweden, or whatever the flavor of the day might be. Now, I don't think this is acceptable, that is not what I am saying. I just don't think that the change in full measure is a reasonable outcome to predict. Now, to play my own devil's advocate, I think there are strains in the American left that are more perverse than those in modern European countries, but I don't think they are the dominant players. Is BLM one? Sure, but what we are going to see, no matter how things play out, is how much control the "elite left" has over the militant left.

I do think there are things we can do, and should be doing. I posted an article yesterday by a guy who often writes for Am Greatness, though this was from a different publication. I think some sort of forced Balkanization is not an unwise strategy. It is difficult for many to do, but I'd argue that if you are going to actually believe in the founding principles, one of the main ones is that different locales should have different ideas on governance. There are some places that are not salvageable to my principles. That is sad, as some of those are places we hold dear, but there you go. I also agree with you that there are significant headwinds within the justice system that are terrifying, and potentially crippling. Again, I don't really have an answer other than that like minded, right thinking people should congregate in places that allow for justice as we see it.

Other than that, the sad truth is that we can do little but make arguments, organize, push and be persuasive. I realize this is not a comfortable spot to be in, and less comfortable for those whose day to day life is not in that realm. That actually may me an answer as to why the left is better at it than the right these days. Say what you will about them, but academics, people in finance, management, talking heads etc spend their lives making and defending arguments under significant pressure put on those arguments by colleagues. That is probably one main reason they are more successful in putting these things forward to the public and winning that war. Sure, they have other structural advantages, but they are also better at this, and, arguably, more people agree with what they are saying. So if we want to win, we have to make sure more people agree with what we are saying. We are decidedly not good at this.

In another thread I suggested a argument version of Greshams law. Gresham's law says that in an environment with both good and bad money (say gold and paper) the bad money will drive out the good. It has proven to be true. And it is thus with the way we argue as well. By putting forth a slew of bad arguments for conservative positions, our good arguments die. Take, as prime example the election. I'll take no position on it, just present this for thought. If you and I are arguing election fraud, you saying there is, and me saying there isn't, and we have one observer to convince, the second you come with your worst argument, say an easily falsified one like that some dude hacked a voting machine through a heater, all I need to do to convince the third party is to disregard anything intelligent you might say, and concentrate solely on this one, obviously ludicrous claim. It works. Don't believe me, watch the public discourse on all of it. It is the same thing with the MTG scenario. She didn't say anything anti-semetic, she said something stupid, but that stupid has allowed a 180 degree shift in discourse. Is it fair? No, but it is.

Now, I am sure people will just say this is all the BS ramblings of a fuckstain, or whatever, but it is what I believe to be the case. We have to be able to fight on all levels, but intellectually we can't fight as though we were a fourteen year old girl with cerebral palsy, an ugly image, but one befitting a lot of what I am seeing. I also think it is worth it for each of us to ask ourselves whether we spend enough time engaging on these issues with those with whom we disagree, and whether we are ever able to convince anybody. And I don't mean do I have to convince you guys that I am right and that we need to go in a more conservative direction in the country. You guys already know that. I mean are we convincing people on the fence, or on the middle left, that they should be moving to our side. Because if we aren't, maybe we should change how we are trying. As you said, nobody wants a civil war, but, to use your si vis pacem para bellum, convincing more people to be on your side is good in those circumstances too.
I believe you are 100% correct that we can go a long time in decline. One could argue we have been in decline for decades already. The problem is, on that path of decline, there is a tipping point beyond which the only way back is an armed conflict and there is only a small window on the path where that armed conflict has a chance to succeed before the arms are confiscated. Some here would argue we are in that window now. I disagree. But we are sprinting headlong towards that tipping point and the closer we get, the harder it is to change course. As an example, consider the riots of last summer. If the government had been prepared for protests that would turn violent (and they absolutely should have been) and had squashed the protest the instant it turned violent, there would have been far fewer protests that devolved to violence, looting and burning. Because they were allowed to do their thing without intervention or repercussions , they grew more and more bold to the point where now, reigning them in would require an almost military campaign. The goal should be to stop the decline with the utmost urgency to minimize the damage it will cause.

I also agree that messaging is critically important. With the left and the media in lockstep, any unforced error will become the news cycle for days or weeks and provide cover for all the wonderful things the administration is doing and saying. Every republican on the hill needs to realize this and smarten up.

I live in MA and the only reason I stay is because I live in a conservative town that proudly voted for Trump in both 16 and 20. That and I have a great location for shooting and the local police are gun friendly. That said, I don't think Balkanization would be of much help. In the short term, too much power resides at the federal level to effectively change the landscape. Look at what the feds are doing with illegal immigrants right now, sprinkling them all around the country. In the long term, I think you simply delay the inevitable because it won't change the path of the whole country. The left will still win elections and control the federal government, the red states would continually stand opposed and eventually the next logical step would be secession. Secession on that scale would cause a civil war.

These are good debates to have.
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I believe you are 100% correct that we can go a long time in decline. One could argue we have been in decline for decades already. The problem is, on that path of decline, there is a tipping point beyond which the only way back is an armed conflict and there is only a small window on the path where that armed conflict has a chance to succeed before the arms are confiscated. Some here would argue we are in that window now. I disagree. But we are sprinting headlong towards that tipping point and the closer we get, the harder it is to change course. As an example, consider the riots of last summer. If the government had been prepared for protests that would turn violent (and they absolutely should have been) and had squashed the protest the instant it turned violent, there would have been far fewer protests that devolved to violence, looting and burning. Because they were allowed to do their thing without intervention or repercussions , they grew more and more bold to the point where now, reigning them in would require an almost military campaign. The goal should be to stop the decline with the utmost urgency to minimize the damage it will cause.

I also agree that messaging is critically important. With the left and the media in lockstep, any unforced error will become the news cycle for days or weeks and provide cover for all the wonderful things the administration is doing and saying. Every republican on the hill needs to realize this and smarten up.

I live in MA and the only reason I stay is because I live in a conservative town that proudly voted for Trump in both 16 and 20. That and I have a great location for shooting and the local police are gun friendly. That said, I don't think Balkanization would be of much help. In the short term, too much power resides at the federal level to effectively change the landscape. Look at what the feds are doing with illegal immigrants right now, sprinkling them all around the country. In the long term, I think you simply delay the inevitable because it won't change the path of the whole country. The left will still win elections and control the federal government, the red states would continually stand opposed and eventually the next logical step would be secession. Secession on that scale would cause a civil war.

So, a lot of agreement, but a few points of disagreement.

1. I think the riots were encouraged where they were because the civic leaders saw them as useful to the cause. I think they stopped when they did because they were no longer useful to the cause. Likewise, most here KNEW there would be riots after the Floyd verdict. I argued there would not be, because it would be awful strategy. No smart blackmailer would do that if they wanted to blackmail again. Really, I see this as more worrisome because it means that the alliance between anarchy and power is holding for now. We will see if it ever breaks. It might, it might not.

2. I think you are somewhat right about balkanization, but I think it is also a worthwhile strategy in many ways. Winning the argument is the overall goal, but there is something about being able to control local destiny. It isn't perfect, but it is better than nothing. I don't think secession is the inevitable outcome, but pray that benign neglect might be.

Funny story on people getting moved around the country. I had a call with a liberal friend from CA last week. It went something like,

How is Montana?
Oh, it kind of sucks right now, we've had five inches of snow this week.
SNOW!!! In late May, I would die before I could live in that!
I know (smiles.)

My point, and it is a bit of a weak one, being that people are going to choose their locations based on many factors, but we can use that to our advantage somewhat.

That said, I think the bottom line is that in this day and age, most victories come from the mind, and not from charging in like a maniac thinking you are tougher, be that in the physical or intellectual sphere. Technology makes it that way. Widespread communication makes it that way. If you are turning people off from our side by calling them communists or whatever, you are only helping the other side. It is a zero sum game.
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Meanwhile the Chinese are laughing their asses off as they get the foreign stupid monkeys to dance and do back flips on command.

They are using money big greedy USA corporations gave them, (that was sent at the cost of destroying good paying USA jobs), to control what goes on in this country.

Make no mistake about it, the Chinese Communist Party firmly controls the entertainment, sports, news and technology sectors of our country.
You'll notice they all do exactly what China says and never criticize China and will bend over backwards to grovel and show loyalty to the CCP...

"Foreign stupid monkeys" has racist connotations......and that is legitimate.

If our commies dont think they will be second class commies in a CCCP lead USA they are wrong.

They will be looked on as suspect due to the disloyalty to their own as well Communist China has real racial hangups that they act on.

CCCP - "Hey stupid Hollywood Producer....make the black guy in the Star Wars poster smaller, we find his presence offensive."

Woke Hollywood Producer - "Yes Sir, will do!"
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Circa 2020, United States Presidential National Election. They did everything within their powers to try to sway the election. When that didn't work, the Demwits subverted the Constitution. They continue to do this every day we live and breathe.

They bragged about it!

and yet people still say "Nah! Show me proof."
As I just posted....

How do you read that and think anything but the worst?
I think I recently discussed this article and its implications in here.

You do see that the regime reaction to the story about them killing the probe into Wuhan was to create a probe into Wuhan, right?
I love these Hollywood types and their need to be accepted. Give a million, sell your soul. It doesn't matter them them, they just need to stay relevant.

These reason actors are so good at what they do is because they are born vacuous souls.

They lack an internal hardrive.

They run totally on temporary cache.

Clean the cache.....fill it with another temporary operating system.

They have nothing for heart felt internal values or beliefs that would interfere with them becoming something than what they should be.

They are nothing.

They will do whatever they are instructed.
These reason actors are so good at what they do is because they are born vacuous souls.

They lack an internal hardrive.

They run totally on temporary cache.

Clean the cache.....fill it with another temporary operating system.

They have nothing for heart felt internal values or beliefs that would interfere with them becoming something than what they should be.

They are nothing.

They will do whatever they are instructed.

They are heartless. Look how they turn on their spouses and families. I wouldn't want their lives for anything. There's not enough money to make me think that reading words on a page makes me important.
They are heartless. Look how they turn on their spouses and families. I wouldn't want their lives for anything. There's not enough money to make me think that reading words on a page makes me important.

They are citizens from "Brave New World" living amongst us.

They hate themselves than in turn hate "us" for being dumb enough to put them on a pedestal.
The fact that you despise the only Man in the last 30-40 years to be President, that actutally kept his promises is very telling. You want to vote your way out of it, but have little concern that the vote has been corrupted. The Constitution gave us two tools to remain free, the ballot box and the bullet box. The first is a whole lot less ugly than the second. I would prefer to see the first method (ballot) corrected, than to have to experience the second (bullet).

Good men who are Patriots are like a volcano. They will just keep letting the pressure build until one day it can't be contained and then BOOM all hell breaks loose. How about we make sure the vote is valid and relieve all that pressure. Not just deny the fact the volcano is rumbling. You sir are a paradox, You can smell shit, but because you can't see it you refuse to believe there is a turd in the room. I say lets look for the turd, if it's not there no harm no foul in looking. JMHO
I found this post profound...I wish I could have a few people I know read it every morning with their coffee for a month or until it sinks in and they have a moment of clarity. I won't try and join this dialog as my brain cells are struggling to just get back to some normality...but I'll say this...you guys need to have your own news feed...you might be surprised how many people would tune in because what you say resonates quite deeply with them...you guys are like a bunch of Tucker Carlsons 👍

One more thing I got to comment about...the memes you guys come up with/can do is crazy...a few of you have it down like an art form...Bender, theLBC...there's others too and I don't mean to leave you out. I'm an old dude and not totally internet savy so it's impressive. Now I got to figure out how far back I got to go to pick up the meat of this thread.
They are citizens from "Brave New World" living amongst us.

They hate themselves than in turn hate "us" for being dumb enough to put them on a pedestal.

I just think they believe they are better than us. They get coddled from the time they wake up until they go to bed. They have people who tell them how great they are. Their people then have assistants who also tell them how great they are. They have agents who say the same thing.

But when it comes down to it, they are just Town Criers working for the King.
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These reason actors are so good at what they do is because they are born vacuous souls.

They lack an internal hardrive.

They run totally on temporary cache.

Clean the cache.....fill it with another temporary operating system.

They have nothing for heart felt internal values or beliefs that would interfere with them becoming something than what they should be.

They are nothing.

They will do whatever they are instructed.

I agree. They are just empty vessels waiting to be filled with words for their next movie. Now they wait for thier words to be a political hack.