
LOL, Dr. Mann is one of the biggest frauds in the climate scam. Remember he is the one that has been caught red handed faking data for every study he's done including "adjusting" historical temps to try and prove the idiotic hockey stick graph as accurate. His tree ring study is one of the best examples of junk science there is.
I believe it's, Deep State Puppet.
Seriously Correct! Be very sure, not one of the "enlightened global leaders" believe man-made GW is actually occurring or that LGBQTAXYZ is anything more than mental illness or that racism is anything more than a useful tool to keep one race perpetually enslaved. That RINO / jack-a-mole has been given the green light to espouse the truth on these matters for one purpose - keep Trump out of the Oval Office.
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Despicable…anything to get those Federal dollars.
meh, i rationalize all the time to justify buying something i want but don't need. :p

ie: i need that gun in case zombies!
Zombies? I bought one because I had a dream about shooting it. I haven't shot it yet because I fear it won't shoot as well as it did in the dream.
TLDR: You assholes know who you are, and you should feel guilty and others should shame you.

TLDR: You assholes know who you are, and you should feel guilty and others should shame you.

4 ounces of meat or eggs a day huh?
They are pushing their diabetes/ heart attack diet pyramid again.
The food pyramid is the pontificating scheme of the medical industrial complex.
I ate a pound and a half of meat and eggs today. My blood sugar has never been better too.
4 ounces of meat or eggs a day huh?
They are pushing their diabetes/ heart attack diet pyramid again.
The food pyramid is the pontificating scheme of the medical industrial complex.
I ate a pound and a half of meat and eggs today. My blood sugar has never been better too.

Go back to the good old diet, meat, dairy, fats and eggs.
4 ounces of meat or eggs a day huh?
They are pushing their diabetes/ heart attack diet pyramid again.
The food pyramid is the pontificating scheme of the medical industrial complex.
I ate a pound and a half of meat and eggs today. My blood sugar has never been better too.
Not only that, supposedly the FDA has developed a “healthy diet” made up of ultra processed foods.
Not only that, supposedly the FDA has developed a “healthy diet” made up of ultra processed foods.

Evil bastards.
TLDR: You assholes know who you are, and you should feel guilty and others should shame you.

Thanks for making me waste my time reading that retardation….
This is what I learned:
Americans ate 30 billion pounds of beef as a nation in the year 2021, equating to nearly 60 pounds per person.
we should aim to not eat more than 4 ounces of meat, poultry or eggs per day as part of a 2,200-calorie diet

if the average person ate 4 ounces of beef per day, that would equate to 91.25 lbs of beef a year per person, so some of you need to step up your beef intake, we’re obviously not eating enough beef…. And people read this shit and think they’re enlightened, smfh
Thanks for making me waste my time reading that retardation….
This is what I learned:
Americans ate 30 billion pounds of beef as a nation in the year 2021, equating to nearly 60 pounds per person.
we should aim to not eat more than 4 ounces of meat, poultry or eggs per day as part of a 2,200-calorie diet

if the average person ate 4 ounces of beef per day, that would equate to 91.25 lbs of beef a year per person, so some of you need to step up your beef intake, we’re obviously not eating enough beef…. And people read this shit and think they’re enlightened, smfh
If I ate 4 ounces of beef per day I would waste away. It’s the base of my food pyramid. Grains are somewhere I guess, way at the top. When I eat, something has died, as God intended.
If I ate 4 ounces of beef per day I would waste away. It’s the base of my food pyramid. Grains are somewhere I guess, way at the top. When I eat, something has died, as God intended.
What I laugh at is, the vegetarians and vegans that are fat as fuck…. I’m like, yeah, that’s healthy, sign me up… I’ll keep eating all the red meat I can
if the average person ate 4 ounces of beef per day, that would equate to 91.25 lbs of beef a year per person, so some of you need to step up your beef intake, we’re obviously not eating enough beef…. And people read this shit and think they’re enlightened, smfh
As someone who raises beef. I agree

Despicable…anything to get those Federal dollars.

Hell, if it’s federally funded , I’m tempted to sign up for it just to get the money, then use it to say “here’s your taxpayer funded placebo“ and “your tax dollars at work, we appreciate your continued participation in the game” or something to that effect.

$1K buys a lot of primers!

Starting in January 2017 Montana residents can purchase your very own 1776 Foundation Gadsden Flag license plate when you register your vehicle.​

Thanks for making me waste my time reading that retardation….
This is what I learned:
Americans ate 30 billion pounds of beef as a nation in the year 2021, equating to nearly 60 pounds per person.
we should aim to not eat more than 4 ounces of meat, poultry or eggs per day as part of a 2,200-calorie diet

if the average person ate 4 ounces of beef per day, that would equate to 91.25 lbs of beef a year per person, so some of you need to step up your beef intake, we’re obviously not eating enough beef…. And people read this shit and think they’re enlightened, smfh
My family eats minimum 5lbs a week per person. That’s 260lbs a year. We would eat more if the $$$ worked out.