
I was Pet Smart today.... and saw all these rainbow toys... My impulse was to pull the rack over and scream an obscenity laced tirade on how fucking indentity politics is going to be the death of America.

But I abstained.

Virtue signaling with rainbow poop bags. Very appropriate in a way.

View attachment 7643967

Perfect for dealing with little choads!
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you had no choice, and it isn't about that, it is about understanding folks that actually like him and believe in maga.
I understand that people actually like him, and I respect that. I don't dislike him enough not to vote for him, and since really all I have to give is my vote, I don't think reasonably more can be demanded. There are plenty of conservatives who voted against him, or didn't vote at all, but like I often say about voting for other Republicans, if you are a grown up, you make the best choice you can.

I like certain aspects of maga. Dislike others.

But the bottom line is that, eventually, to win elections you (believers) need people like me to go your way and not the other way. The base for any politician can only be so big, and I am not sure the utility of trying to drive away people who have been good allies*. Note, that before the election I tried to convince people on here to vote for him. Now that it is over, my dislikes can't hurt his chances, so they do neither him, nor maga, no harm.

*you actually don't do this, but some do and it is seriously counterproductive IMO.
I understand that people actually like him, and I respect that. I don't dislike him enough not to vote for him, and since really all I have to give is my vote, I don't think reasonably more can be demanded. There are plenty of conservatives who voted against him, or didn't vote at all, but like I often say about voting for other Republicans, if you are a grown up, you make the best choice you can.

I like certain aspects of maga. Dislike others.

But the bottom line is that, eventually, to win elections you (believers) need people like me to go your way and not the other way. The base for any politician can only be so big, and I am not sure the utility of trying to drive away people who have been good allies*. Note, that before the election I tried to convince people on here to vote for him. Now that it is over, my dislikes can't hurt his chances, so they do neither him, nor maga, no harm.

*you actually don't do this, but some do and it is seriously counterproductive IMO.
in my opinion, at the end of the day people vote in their own best interests most of the time, if they vote at all.


Submit or you are the enemy.

This is why Joe Manchin will submit.

I don't think he has the true concern for The Country to break with the Dems.

His concern is Joe Manchin.

Regards that post above concerning insulin and Epi pens....Manchins daughter works for the company that makes Epi Pens.

Cant have the govt messing with their profit and who cares if families of TDI kids or peeps living with it their entire lives are burdened by paying $400-$500 a month for a drug that is absolutely life sustaining.
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But they are a real tree.....not your rail straight pine you just need to strip the bark on.

That must be a pretty solid flag pole if carved from a typical locust.
My parents bought the house in 1965 and it was already there. The house is really old, like 250 years or so. There were lots of locust trees in the area, still are. Looks like someone cut one down, shaved the bark, painted it and put it up. It's about 8" at the base and about 4" at the top, maybe 25' or so long. They put two locust posts in the ground and put the locust flagpole snug between them and then drilled through all three and installed two really hefty carriage bolts to hold up the pole. to paint it, pull the lower bolt and walk it down. It is definitely not as clean as pine would be. It looks like a log, but it works. And it lasts and lasts. Kind of appropriate for a house that old.
I understand that people actually like him, and I respect that. I don't dislike him enough not to vote for him, and since really all I have to give is my vote, I don't think reasonably more can be demanded. There are plenty of conservatives who voted against him, or didn't vote at all, but like I often say about voting for other Republicans, if you are a grown up, you make the best choice you can.

I like certain aspects of maga. Dislike others.

But the bottom line is that, eventually, to win elections you (believers) need people like me to go your way and not the other way. The base for any politician can only be so big, and I am not sure the utility of trying to drive away people who have been good allies*. Note, that before the election I tried to convince people on here to vote for him. Now that it is over, my dislikes can't hurt his chances, so they do neither him, nor maga, no harm.

*you actually don't do this, but some do and it is seriously counterproductive IMO.
On this, you are 100% correct. Elections are decided by maybe 20% of the population, perhaps much less than that as we are so polarized. I've seen estimates that swing voters account for as little as 7%. Each side has their true believers and is trying to sway that 20% to vote in their favor. To win, we need first not to alienate them and then second, to try and win them over with ideas and the truth. I have always said, there are two and only two reasons why anyone gets hired for a job. 1) they are qualified* and 2) the hiring manager likes them. Period. Unfortunately most people put too much weight on liking a candidate when voting and they usually have absolutely no clue if they are in any way qualified.

The 20% both sides are trying to sway are generally less informed and are either voting on self interest or voting ideologically "to make a difference." Our message has to be crafted to appeal to them on those planes. Unfortunately, this is why the message of free stuff and utopia has been effective at swaying the 20%. It ain't easy to convince people they'll actually be better off without free stuff and that utopia is really socialism in disguise, but that's the challenge. That, and preventing election fraud...

Personally, I think Trump successfully convinced a majority of the swing voters that his policies were working better than the left's and the country was better off because of them even if they didn't really like Trump the person all that much. I think the 2020 election was absolutely stolen and I also think there is ample evidence, both physical and circumstantial, to prove it in court. I don't know if that will be allowed to play out so all I can do is try to convince those in my world what I believe happened. If we can each open the eyes of a handful of people, the elite establishment may not get away with it next time. In court you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, in the court of public opinion, all you need do is create reasonable doubt. This is why words matter so much.

*Qualified can include a whole lot of shit including quotas, etc.
In court you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, in the court of public opinion, all you need do is create reasonable doubt. This is why words matter so much.
Incorrect sir. In Criminal Law, beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard. In Civil Law, the standard is a preponderance of the evidence. These election challenges are civil law. The court of public opinion has no standard. JMHO
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This isn't the only place this is starting to emerge….

Palm Beach County urologist seeing false PSA levels in men due to COVID vaccines

Right now they’re calling them false readings. Yeah, ok… and I got some primo beach front property to sell you in FL.

Just you wait. Vaccinated men will suddenly become sterile or get prostate cancer --and guess who is NOT accountable for any of it?

I told you so….

Granted, how many of them are bike riders (few I'm sure).....

I had a false positive once due to doing about 100 miles of riding the previous week with no off time between riding and the test....nobody told me THAT would make PSA skyrocket.
i don't give a shit if he lost his firearm, if any gop votes for this scum, they are traitors.

That puke sac reminds me of the nazi war criminals who were physicians that claimed their experiments and so-called mercy killings were in the interest of science and ending human suffering. They were hung for their "scientific" efforts.

So what's the death toll for Fauci at now?
Yea, could totally see him as another nazi doctor!
He’s got a pretty hefty death toll on his hands for sure.
My parents bought the house in 1965 and it was already there. The house is really old, like 250 years or so. There were lots of locust trees in the area, still are. Looks like someone cut one down, shaved the bark, painted it and put it up. It's about 8" at the base and about 4" at the top, maybe 25' or so long. They put two locust posts in the ground and put the locust flagpole snug between them and then drilled through all three and installed two really hefty carriage bolts to hold up the pole. to paint it, pull the lower bolt and walk it down. It is definitely not as clean as pine would be. It looks like a log, but it works. And it lasts and lasts. Kind of appropriate for a house that old.

I mentioned to you in another post visiting General Sheridans house in Dartmouth.....lots of old houses in your area with neat history. Its an area I am likely not visiting enough and missing out on some cool things. Most of my trips tend to go north.

If you ever decide to paint your flag pole I will keep an eye on your shooting range and make sure no one takes your steel by hitting it with lead while you paint.
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On this, you are 100% correct. Elections are decided by maybe 20% of the population, perhaps much less than that as we are so polarized. I've seen estimates that swing voters account for as little as 7%. Each side has their true believers and is trying to sway that 20% to vote in their favor. To win, we need first not to alienate them and then second, to try and win them over with ideas and the truth. I have always said, there are two and only two reasons why anyone gets hired for a job. 1) they are qualified* and 2) the hiring manager likes them. Period. Unfortunately most people put too much weight on liking a candidate when voting and they usually have absolutely no clue if they are in any way qualified.

The 20% both sides are trying to sway are generally less informed and are either voting on self interest or voting ideologically "to make a difference." Our message has to be crafted to appeal to them on those planes. Unfortunately, this is why the message of free stuff and utopia has been effective at swaying the 20%. It ain't easy to convince people they'll actually be better off without free stuff and that utopia is really socialism in disguise, but that's the challenge. That, and preventing election fraud...

Personally, I think Trump successfully convinced a majority of the swing voters that his policies were working better than the left's and the country was better off because of them even if they didn't really like Trump the person all that much. I think the 2020 election was absolutely stolen and I also think there is ample evidence, both physical and circumstantial, to prove it in court. I don't know if that will be allowed to play out so all I can do is try to convince those in my world what I believe happened. If we can each open the eyes of a handful of people, the elite establishment may not get away with it next time. In court you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, in the court of public opinion, all you need do is create reasonable doubt. This is why words matter so much.

*Qualified can include a whole lot of shit including quotas, etc.

I believe you.
