
The article says that King Poopy Pants could intervene to stop the strike. However, I don't think he will do that. Kameltoe and Bama won't let him. They want the union vote to win the election.

That could backfire when people start going hungry and can't afford groceries. So never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.

Had this discussion with a neighbor...when the economy tanks in the next 2-4 weeks it's going to be obvious the Commies want this to happen and even the dimwitted so-called "I'm a democrat" people may wake up. Those that are devoit socialists/communists will not.

The unfortunate side effect is that this could lead to all out anarchy as we know from history it only takes a few days of not getting food for the masses to go unhinged. I'll point to Hurricane Wilma in Florida where "low energy Jeb" told people to stock up on non-perishibles when it was over the Yucatan....they didn't and the populace was near panic stage because lack of food and potable water the next day.

Happening in my town as well.. Do Venezuelans eat cats?
What I find interesting (and almost comical) is that the dims and the msm will continue to try and "humiliate" DJT for talking about it during the debate with heels up. They'll double and triple down, even after there is enough evidence to fully prove it's true.

But the funny/not funny part is that a not so insignificant percentage of the US population will continue to believe it, at all costs.

Not gonna lie: I should've gone to an ER twice in the past month, and I haven't been in a hospital since 2016. Between no insurance now, no immune system and the fiascoes I know in those walls I put myself in God's hands.
i have worked in 4 or 5 of them. been a patient in 2 or 3. this is likely the truth. they can easily be overwhelmed. modern hospitals are much like modern grocery stores. they have maybe a week's worth of stock and then done with no resupply. as far as ERs go there is no such thing as military level triage. most times huge resources are thrown at the worst and truly unsalvageable cases. when the end comes med resources will evaporate
with predictable results. like everything else,med and food depend on unhindered transport means.

Not gonna lie: I should've gone to an ER twice in the past month, and I haven't been in a hospital since 2016. Between no insurance now, no immune system and the fiascoes I know in those walls I put myself in God's hands.
If a commie or RINO has touched the system...it's going to be a CLUSTER of mammoth proportion. GOP had an opportunity to repeal obamacare. And didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Nuf said.

Whilst there are a few things I agree upon in the obamacare mandate, some of the other shit wreaked holy hell. When I tried getting health insurance before OC (as an individual), they wouldn't insure me because I have acid reflux and occasionally have to take meds for it. But, enough of a reason to be denied - preexisting condition. WHO THE F doesn't have a pre-existing condition? If one is over 40 and doesn't have a "condition" you've apprently not lived!! Knee surgery, foot, elbow, shoulder....pretty damn common if you are active to have had to go to doctor for a strain or tear.
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My question is if we just had constitutional concealed carry passed, how can this go against that?
Good question....probably the legislatures doing their job...that is forgetting that "i" has a dot and "t" has a cross. Definitely worthy of somebody looking into this - if you can find the right person to do so.