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It’s probably not him but whoever’s running/controlling him. But, still …. fuck that POS.

it really is crazy the shit they do to cats.

DARPA, a division of the Department of Defense, also comes under fire, with Paul’s report exposing nearly $11 million spent on bizarre experiments at the University of Pittsburgh.

One project involved inserting electrodes into cats’ spinal cords to induce erections, followed by severing their spinal cords to paralyze them—all in the name of studying erectile dysfunction.
women fought so hard and for so long, only for the right to become whores again?

/would :p

Many women are willing to be a whore if they think it will get them attention. Even church ladies have a meltdown if they don’t think they look hot and sexy in their Sunday clothes. Logic and accountability have left the chat.
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not hard to guess what sort of people would make this.

Even Kanye had enough of her shit that he divorced her.
Que, the hobbit
Now that they are no longer on death row, will they be put in general population? That is likely a faster path to execution for the child molesters.
not hard to guess what sort of people would make this.

Someday she will answer for her actions! Until then I think she is disgusting.
not hard to guess what sort of people would make this.

The satanists have no doubt about the existence of god and the devil. She and the others involved in this production are showing obedience to their chosen leader.

On the 162nd anniversary of the beginning of the incredibly bloody Battle of Fredericksburg during the War Between The States, a major lawsuit filed to the US Federal Court by Georgia US Armed Forces veterans, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and many others gain astounding momentum to restore Confederate Colonel John S. Mosby's name to the National Ranger Hall of Fame. Hailing from Powhatan County, Virginia, Colonel Mosby would become one of the most distinguished Confederate cavalry commanders in the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War, earning the nickname the "Gray Ghost" for his ability to conduct devastating lightning raids on Union supply columns, encircling entire divisions and cutting them off from supplies and communications, and vanishing back into the countryside. Mosby's regiment of elite riders were also sharpshooters, able to make consistent hits at extended range with revolver and carbine while at full gallop. Mosby's doctrine of light cavalry tactics would be translated directly into modern armored warfare by General George S. Patton during World War II, who accredits Mosby with being one of his chief mentors at the beginning of his own legendary military career.

In 1992, Colonel John Mosby was among the first group of Rangers to be inducted into the National Ranger Hall of Fame. However in 2023, the garrison commander of Fort Moore (formerly Fort Benning), took it upon himself to remove the names of Mosby along with other Confederate commanders from the Memorial. The proceedings are ongoing at this moment.

Click on "Watch on Youtube" to open in new tab.

Take a moment to think about the people in your life who you are willing to risk all to protect. That is why men who wore both blue and gray fought and marched, starved and froze, suffered and endured, and many gave all during the arduous years of 1861-1865. Even more so for the Confederate side because they were legitimately protecting their homes and the places where they and their sweethearts fell in love, from an invasion. The places where they struggled are etched permanently in stone now.

Pea Ridge
The Seven Days
Fair Oaks
Cold Harbor
Yellow Tavern
The Wilderness
Stones River (Murfreesboro)
Manassas (Bull Run)
Sharpsburg (Antietam)
New Hope Church

And many, many more.
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the scum that put him in prison need to be in prison themselves.

I see treason by multiple levels of bureaucracy, and a legitimate cause for response by the Militia, ie., Committee of Vigilance...
Funny meme, but it looks like he’s already started backing off the promise to deport them all. If that’s true, the Dems will get a lock on the future.

I’m going to guess that with his strong performance among Hispanic voters he has tried to find out which groups they hate the most. That will be the ones he goes after. That’s a voting block that needs to be kept.
I’m going to guess that with his strong performance among Hispanic voters he has tried to find out which groups they hate the most. That will be the ones he goes after. That’s a voting block that needs to be kept.
They all need to go. They didn’t come in legally. Period. If he doesn’t do it then he lied on the campaign trail. If you talk a big game you need to follow through, otherwise your word means nothing - no one can trust what you say. That’s basic honor. Especially for a man. For the leader of a country it it signals to adversaries that what it said is not true and that leader doesn’t mean what he says. They see it as weakness because it is. It sounds like the the business lobbyists have gotten to him.
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Funny meme, but it looks like he’s already started backing off the promise to deport them all. If that’s true, the Dems will get a lock on the future.

I’m going to guess that with his strong performance among Hispanic voters he has tried to find out which groups they hate the most. That will be the ones he goes after. That’s a voting block that needs to be kept.

They all need to go. They didn’t come in legally. Period. If he doesn’t do it then he lied on the campaign trail. If you talk a big game you need to follow through, otherwise your word means nothing - no one can trust what you say. That’s basic honor. Especially for a man. For the leader of a country it it signals to adversaries that what it said is not true and that leader doesn’t mean what he says. They see it as weakness because it is. It sounds like the the business lobbyists have gotten to him.

There is a well known story about a woman who was feeding cats in her barn at night. As time went by, more and more cats appeared. Soon there were so many cats that she couldn't count them and walk in her barn without tripping over them.

She asked her friend, a veterinarian, what to do about the unchecked cat population running amok in her barn.

He simply told her to stop feeding them.

The first thing that needs to be done with respect to all illegals is to stop feeding them. Stop all the freebies.

Then they will do one of several things:

1) Go to another country for the freebies. That will be their problem and not ours.
2) Go to work here. If that happens, jail the employers and take their businesses.
3) Go to work in another country. That will be their problem and not ours.
4) They will try to steal what they want here. If that happens, a well armed victim (without fear of prosecution), will solve that problem.
5) They will try to steal what they want in another country. That will be their problem and not ours.

Stop the freebies and the deportation problem gets easier.
There is a well known story about a woman who was feeding cats in her barn at night. As time went by, more and more cats appeared. Soon there were so many cats that she couldn't count them and walk in her barn without tripping over them.

She asked her friend, a veterinarian, what to do about the unchecked cat population running amok in her barn.

He simply told her to stop feeding them.

The first thing that needs to be done with respect to all illegals is to stop feeding them. Stop all the freebies.

Then they will do one of several things:

1) Go to another country for the freebies. That will be their problem and not ours.
2) Go to work here. If that happens, jail the employers and take their businesses.
3) Go to work in another country. That will be their problem and not ours.
4) They will try to steal what they want here. If that happens, a well armed victim (without fear of prosecution), will solve that problem.
5) They will try to steal what they want in another country. That will be their problem and not ours.

Stop the freebies and the deportation problem gets easier.
A lot of them self-deported right after the 2009-2009 market crash due to lack of work here.