Hi LawnMM,
thank you for the reply. I am not sure, though, what you disagree with. Is it that the statute does not apply, or that the person taking the survey is not a government agent, or that the case is inapplicable?
All three. It only applies if the person being lied to is a federal agent, so the person at the door has to be a fed, or handing out documents that will land in a feds hands AND that had to be made clear ahead of time. Government can argue that last part isn't necessary all they want but let's be honest if some Karen shows up in a soccer t shirt handing out a survey written in crayon you're going to have a hell of a time making a case I lied to the government
If those conditions aren't met the case isn't applicable.
As best as I can tell based on the last clause in your reply, it is not the first two, but rather the applicability of the case. The case stands for a proposition that the Government does not need to prove that false statements were made with actual knowledge of federal agency jurisdiction, and nothing else, cf. the case opinion, section II. So, you are correct that it arguably does not apply, because presumably everybody will know or be let know that the information is gathered for the use by government. My mistake of citing it.
Don't assume anything, especially in this context they may well obscure the purpose of the questionnaire or verbal interview or whatever.
Again, don't engage weird rando people in conversation.
I (partially) disagree. The statute does not set forth the manner of making the statement. So any, even a verbal statement, can be considered.
Of course a verbal statement can be considered, it's primarily for interviews though I think that will be a logistical hurdle they'll have to manuever around with a form or something if this little scheme were to be undertaken.
Making a false statement to a Karen won't be sufficient, IMO, to trigger the statute even if she's reporting back to the feds because... she's not a fed. I suppose they could deputize them or something but then they'd be identifying themselves as such.
It's not a game of telephone, if you lie to a non fed Karen who reports to a fed that's not lying to a fed.
Regardless of our different interpretation, this is the best advice. Do not let your ego or anger take over, just refuse to get engaged.
Kindest regards,
I agree, as much as you might want to engage these people the best advice is to not engage them at all.
Even telling them to get fucked will likely earn you a check mark in the 'right wing extremist' category or some bullshit.
Better to just not answer the door. I know everyone's instinct is to fight, and I think resistance is good, but be smart about it. Resist when it's going to accomplish something and not when it just draws attention to yourself or gets you taken off the playing field.
Embrace the concept of being the grey man and blending I'm, until it's time to not blend in.